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Chinese Passort Renewal Here in U.S. ....

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Here is an update for our Chinese Passport experience , which was initiated by this Post by Clayton.


LIly and I travelled to Memphis TN from Knoxville on Saturday morning Feb.5, 2011. We arrived at the Engineering

Auditorium at the University of Memphis at about 2PM, where we met Clayton and his wife who had arrived earlier and

already picked up their number. There were a couple of hundred Chinese in the Auditorium by this time and it appeared to be mass confusion.


Apparently there was only one rep. from the Embassy there, and she was overwhelmed. We finally found out where to get our number (It was in a different line than where Clayton's wife got hers)

and proceeded to wait. After we had waited a couple of hours, I decided to go check into a hotel in the area, that I had scouted on the internet. (When we left Knoxville I had thought that we might be able to travel

back the same day, If all went quickly).......but I could see that wasn't going to happen.


About 6pm, Lily made it to the front of the line, and the Embassy Lady looked at her application and stamped it.........That's it.


We were instructed to send the stamped application and Lily's passport to the Embassy within 2 weeks, along with a self addressed pre-paid Fedex or USPS envelope and $60 cashiers check.

The following week, I did just that, but fearing that this wasn't going to go smooth.


Yesterday, Lo and behold, my self addressed Fedex Envelope arrived and in it was Lily's new Passport

plus her cancelled old one.


So the trip to Memphis, instead of DC turned out to be a successful one.........just didn't expect the huge crowd in Memphis.


Clayton: Feel free to add to this.




Glad to here it went well.


"Mass confusion" can also equate to a "Chinese Fire Drill" . Pun intended!

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