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Ideas to help me highlite my financial story??

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We haven't gotten the P-2's yet, and lord knows when we will. Today, I called my Congressman's office and asked them to send me the release form so he can have his staff make an inquiry to USCIS and hopefully jump start the cases for my wife and son.


I'm not stressed about the wait, but, it has been a little over 5 months, and now time, according to their rules that I can now inquire.


Okay, about my financials, and advice on them.


I've always been a worker bee, but, in 2008 my heart acted up on me and the VA fixed it, darn well I must say, with quad by-pass in December of 2008. Plus, I have a pretty bad case of PTSD.


In late 2008 Social Security awarded me full bene's for SSDI, the reasons being primarily PTSD and my heart. Their award went back to mid 2007.


As well, in 2008, the VA awarded me a service connected disability for PTSD. In 2009 they awarded me more, and finally this year I should get even more, from my heart, through the VA finally recognizing (in April 2010) agent orange as presumptive to Ischemic heart disease (IHD) to boots on the ground Vietnam vets. I'm in the final rating stages for IHD and the letter could come tomorrow, or very soon. They admit fully and it's in their own documents that I have IHD, the award is merely a formality now.


Both SSDI and service connected disability payments from the VA are completely tax free.


Here's my concern, and questions.


If you look on a form 1040, on the first page, under the heading INCOME you will see question 20a the question "Social security benefits". Just to the left of 20a is question 20b "Taxable amount" and the answer you put into the right column is 0.


Question 21 asks "Other income"....this is where I add VA benefits...and again, in the right column goes a 0.


My answers to 20a and 21 total up just under $54,000, yet you put ZEROS in the right column and you come up with a ZERO for question 37 Adjusted Gross Income


Question 1....Anyone have their woman go to the interview with a similar type income, or have knowledge as to how GUZ looks at disability income?


My thought is to highlite those two questions and the income on the tax trans scripts and write a short explanation letter.


Maybe this is stupid of me, but I have been through the ringer with GUZ and MUST ask what others have done, if any of you were on SS or collected disability as your income.


Question 2....Should I say I am RETIRED? Damn, I hate to say I am DISABLED.


What say ye?


I know I will be sending NVC my I-864 for the CR-1 and CR-2 and they will determine if someone needs a co-sponsor or not. On the one hand my income, even though it is coming through two checks from the US TREASURY, is more guaranteed than if I worked a job (in this economy) but I haven't read of anyone, or it was too long ago to remember, what someone went through at the interview. Will GUZ be okay with my income?


I honestly don't know, and it concerns me to a degree. HELP!!!! Gulp!! How can I make GUZ understand? I've never been a non-worker bee, understand they look at line 37, and I fear GUZ.


tsap seui

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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Why gamble Tsap, your luck rating isn't all that high with Guz.

I know it feels like a kick in the ego, but get a co-sponsor. Make this be a non-issue.


It hurts the ego to get a co-sponsor when you know damn well you make plenty of money, but when dealing with Guz, why gamble?





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Getting a cosponsor is not a bad idea.

However, in reading this story, I am very touched. You have served your country in combat field and now receiving disability as a result of the tour of duty .

We owe you soldier ! I hope the interviewing officer honors this country by honoring those who have served this country in harmful situation.

As long as you meet the income requirement , why not ? that's just my opinion.


By the way, have you thought of doing the expedited process ? considering your personal situation with your health,etc....& you are a combat vet.

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Getting a cosponsor is not a bad idea.

However, in reading this story, I am very touched. You have served your country in combat field and now receiving disability as a result of the tour of duty .

We owe you soldier ! I hope the interviewing officer honors this country by honoring those who have served this country in harmful situation.

As long as you meet the income requirement , why not ? that's just my opinion.


By the way, have you thought of doing the expedited process ? considering your personal situation with your health,etc....& you are a combat vet.


I think that SOME of them put themselves above honoring anyone or anything. That is just my opinion.



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Can't answer any of the two questions but I can say this. As long as they don't see any reason why Lil Rabbit and Bubba, Jr would seek government financial assistance then you are good to go. You are far enough above the poverty level where this should not be a concern. And as you said, your income is guaranteed and you can't get fired. Your health is good so that's not a concern as well.


Looks to me like the totality of the case is in your favor.

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Income is income - the tax return is just one way of showing your income. I always advise having an accounting statement drawn up to SHOW the sources and amounts of your income so that they don't have to read between your lines. Even so, however, we saw one guy report $0 income on both his tax return and his I-864 and still get the visa. Like Charles said, it's supposed to be the TOTALITY of your economic situation and not just the tax return that they look at - just be sure that TOTALITY is right up front where they will see it in the form of your accounting statement.

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Income is income - the tax return is just one way of showing your income. I always advise having an accounting statement drawn up to SHOW the sources and amounts of your income so that they don't have to read between your lines. Even so, however, we saw one guy report $0 income on both his tax return and his I-864 and still get the visa. Like Charles said, it's supposed to be the TOTALITY of your economic situation and not just the tax return that they look at - just be sure that TOTALITY is right up front where they will see it in the form of your accounting statement.



Randy and Chawls, I can't thank you guys enough for the word "TOTALITY".


And to you Randy for shedding more light on to what I must do as to an accounting statement from my accountant.


I was thinking of me writing a letter explaining the zero on line 37 of the Form 1040, but I know that with GUZ, my word is....well....ZERO, also.


I will have my accountant write a statement fully explaining my income, and ask her to have it notorized.


What more can I do? Like you said, income is income. I realize my income comes from the American government in the form of two US Treasury checks. Yes they may fail, but in the meantime my income is much more secure than most folks, given the shaky economic times we all live in...SS and VA benefits will close when our government shuts the door in Washington and runs for the hills for their safety. And that day is not going to be anytime soon.


But, on the other hand I realize full well, I am dealing with GUZ, land of the obsurd.


Thanks again Randy for the simple eye opening logic of what I must do. I admit, I try my damndest to stay focused, and cheerful but there are times when bleakness rises it's ugly head, no matter how hard I try and soldier up, and my weakness at those times makes things cloudy. You snapped me out of it by blowing the clouds away. I owe ya.


Thanks again.


tsap seui

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Getting a cosponsor is not a bad idea.

However, in reading this story, I am very touched. You have served your country in combat field and now receiving disability as a result of the tour of duty .

We owe you soldier ! I hope the interviewing officer honors this country by honoring those who have served this country in harmful situation.

As long as you meet the income requirement , why not ? that's just my opinion.


By the way, have you thought of doing the expedited process ? considering your personal situation with your health,etc....& you are a combat vet.



My friend, your words are beyond nice. To the point of bringing a tear to my eyes. Let me say, my volunteering to join the Army, to going to helicopter flight school, and then volunteering for Vietnam combat duty, and my two times of going ot Vietnam was MY choice. No one made me, nor was I drafted. Those two tours are all on me. My choice to write a check to America that I wouold pay whatever it took, including my own life, to serve.


It was real simple to me, and two fold. 1. Serve my country 2. By being a medivac chopper pilot to use my skills to get as many wounded, and, dead back to safety as I possibly could.


It was MY job, I don't see it as anything more. I don't feel that I should be placed in the front of a line for anything. My volunteered forjob, my burden.


Now, in my many e-mails to GUZ years ago, my letter to then President Bush asking for his help, my various letters to different Congressmen seeking their help, I did state that I had once volunteered my service. I did try that card, It embarrassed me and was humiliating but I was desperate to help my wife....and it amounted to less than nothing with GUZ.


You should see what another Vietnam veteran, who happens to be a very highly thought of immigration attorney on here, had to say about GUZ and extreme hardcore combat veterans. His words are too "hot" to repeat here.


Thank you for your compassion, when I see words like yours, I must admit, I deflect them to the ones who didn't make it home, and to the ones who made it home but are too disabled to fully function in society. I just did my job, if it means severe PTSD handicapping symptoms and agent orange induced heart problems....well, I did volunteer, no body drug me to the shoot out in the jungle.


Take care bullmastiff, and good luck with your case.


tsap seui

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I think that SOME of them put themselves above honoring anyone or anything. That is just my opinion.





AH so venerable Larry-san, very insightful thinking. A well known immigration attorney would fully agree with your assessment.


tsap seui

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Why gamble Tsap, your luck rating isn't all that high with Guz.

I know it feels like a kick in the ego, but get a co-sponsor. Make this be a non-issue.


It hurts the ego to get a co-sponsor when you know damn well you make plenty of money, but when dealing with Guz, why gamble?



My friend, why gamble indeed?


THe male ego is something I am highly aware of and I have spent considerable thought in eliminating that awful cross we men must bear from my actions and thoughts.


Before I even got my last award from the VA I asked my brother, in August of, last year, as we were working together on cleaning up brush and vines around our dad's home, if he would co-sponsor my wife and son. His answer was yes, "I will".


He and I have always had a very good relationship. His line 37 starts with the number 3 and has 5 more numbers following it. I explained all the details and how with my income and money in the bank this would never affect him in any way....that he was a back up plan only, the primary importance, for the eyes of GUZ.


We discussed it a few times during our father's one month stay beginning in late August until his death in late September. After our dad's death we all met to clean out his house, etc. A sad event, but one we, and my sister made a pleasant experience with our drawing even closer together.


In November my brother started to become a little withdrawn, in my sister and my eyes. nothing disparaging had ever been said, we had no clue what was going on. I talked to him a few times that month, everyting was okay....he was just a little distant, somehow.


I felt, and still do that it was just part of his mourning my dad, even explained that to my sister.


Three days before Christmas I recieved a letter from my brother. Two pages, the last sentence said, "I know I am going back on my word to you, I love you as my brother....I am not going to co-sponsor your wife."


No hint of an explanation, or any reason as to why, what has changed, what has happened, just the words "I know I am going back on my word to you, I love you as my brother....I am not going to co-sponsor your wife."


In the other two pages of the letter he thanked me profusely for my taking the last month of our dad's life to stay constantly by his side so my brother and sister could continue their work with the knowledge that I was with our dad when they couldn't be. He thanked me for everything I had done, told me how much it meant to him, told me over and over he loved me....then there was his last sentence.


When I got through reading my brothers last sentence, I walked into my bathroom and puked my guts out. My responce was that strong....I went back and re-read the whole letter desperately looking to find an answer. There is NONE. Just the finality of his words in the last sentence.


It took me a few hours to recover but I sat down and typed up an e-mail to him. I KEPT the whole message on how I respected him, I loved him, how I NEVER want anything to EVER become between he and I, and I would abide by his decision.


Not one word did I type that addressed the total upheaval and distroughtness that this caused me. I kept it all on my respect and caring for him. What else could I say at this last date decision, a P-2 imminent any day, and the importance to secure our case? I have yet to tell lil' rabbit....I don't have the words, or the heart.


My brother sent me another letter dated Christmas day, saying he had read my response, he thanked me for my "kind words", wishing me a Merry Christmas, and stating how his decision did not have to become "a relationship breaker" between us.


WHEW....no my dear brother it's not going to do that. I refuse to lose my brother and I refuse to lose my wife's dream to live in America with me. If not this attempt, then we will try a DCF from China, I will not lose my wife and son.


In the past I once recieved a letter from one of my brothers dental staff. She thanked me for my service, and she told me that on each and every Veterans Day my brother would gather his entire dental staff around him and explain what I had done as a chopper pilot in combat, and how he hoped that each one of them would take a few minutes to think about what veterans had done. He asked them to personally see it in themselves to honor America's veterans.


My brother is a good man. I feel that something inside of him has snapped with his mourning our dad. I never saw this coming, but I know the mind does some weird things when people mourn. I have no clue as to why this has come about and I choose to blame it on mourning. I have asked my sister to "forgive him", as I have already done.


I don't know what to say to my brother. Phone calls are out, apparently, as he never responded to two of my phone calls and messages wishing he and his family Merry Christmas, before I recieved his letter, and while I hold no malice whatsoever towards my brother, I don't know what to say to him on a phone call. So, I have only kept it simple, caring, and on the high road to him in my two e-mails.


Alrighty now. Visa attempts ain't easy sometimes. We'll see what the NVC says about my income when I send them the I-1864, and then what GUZ has to say. I have worn out the "Serenity Prayer" and as the message in the 3rd step off AA says....ya do what you can, then you let go, and let God.


Time for me to get back to doing all I can, with my letter to my Congressman about the long time with our P-2, and gearing up to see my accountant.


Ya may kick me down, but you can't kick the goofy grin offa my face, and until I am dead, ya can't kick me out.


Lil' rabbitand I will one day live together in the beautuiful and awesome mountans of this place called Pennsertucky. Or, we'll live in bliss with two US Treasury checks affording us a very nice life in Chinertucky. Either way, we's gonna be laughing, and finally free from the Department of State.


tsap seui

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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I still maintain my position saying that your financials will be fine and Lil Rabbit and Bubba Jr will get the 3 question interview. Shucks, if'n I can do it then you shorely can!



I agree cuzin' bubba. It is what it is, the tax free income is still income even if it produces a zero for line 37 on Form 1040. I'll just pay the accountant to highlite that fact with a notorized statement of fact.


There are no other options for my financials. I can't take back the past, start a new business, give back the VA and SSDI payments and put big numbers on line 37 once again. That time is too late now, and it is past.


As far as the three question interview, Lord knows we paid our dues for it.


I'll finish up Mr. Congressman's letter and start on an example letter for the accountant. Letters letters letters!!


Oppps, While I was typing this the mailman came. I called the Congressman yesterday and asked for the release form, I got it today from his office....it, and the info he needs to inquire with USCIS will be mailed tonight.


tsap seui

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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tsap, from everything you have said, I agree with the notion that your financials should be ok, particularly with the letter of explanation from your accountant. As for GUZ giving preferential treatment to combat vets, - well, har de har har har - we all know how they are with that. Hell, I wouldn't be at all surprised that if you are a Viet Nam vet, it might count against you. At least it seems that way with the mindset those folks have over there at GUZ.


I am dumbstruck that you are still waiting on P2. For cryin' out loud, how long can it take? Also, sorry to hear about your brother. Hard to understand - at least from my perspective. Perhaps you're right in connecting his refusal to help with his grief over your father. Best wishes my friend, this too will pass.....

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tsap, from everything you have said, I agree with the notion that your financials should be ok, particularly with the letter of explanation from your accountant. As for GUZ giving preferential treatment to combat vets, - well, har de har har har - we all know how they are with that. Hell, I wouldn't be at all surprised that if you are a Viet Nam vet, it might count against you. At least it seems that way with the mindset those folks have over there at GUZ.


I am dumbstruck that you are still waiting on P2. For cryin' out loud, how long can it take? Also, sorry to hear about your brother. Hard to understand - at least from my perspective. Perhaps you're right in connecting his refusal to help with his grief over your father. Best wishes my friend, this too will pass.....



Hey buddy, I appreciate your words and feelings.


My application went in to the USCIS was recieved according to their I-797 notice of action on July 18, 2010. Given a priority date of July 18, 2010. In early November 2010 the California service center sent the cases to the Texas service center "in order to speed up processing" whatever that could mean to a government worker????


I just mailed in a letter to my congressman asking him to make an inquiry. I gave them their 5 months they say to await before contacting them...and a couple of more weeks.


I got the package in the mail to Mr. Congressman at 3:17pm, they say their last pickup os 3:30 on Saturdays.


I understand the ...ah...confusion about what my brother is doing. It would be easy for me to be pissed at him and start a family arguement. I can't do it, I just don't have it in me. I can't dig any deeper than to write it off as his grieving and being flipped out at this time. We've always had a great relationship, I have no clue what has happened to him. It would be nothing for him to do what he said he would. I can only forgive the guy.


Well, I can only deal with the cards I have in my hand.


I will do what I have to do to git that thar woman over here.


HOOPS HOOPS, I nee some more HOOPS to jump through, I feel like a trained seal, whose job is to jump through hoops.


tsap seui

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