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i am so in love with my liu. but it si very tense trying to get these forms done. we will make it i am sure, but does anyone have any ideas to make it a little smoother???? i bet many relationships have difficulty with all of this paper woek!todd

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First I would like to welcome you to our site.


As far as the paperwork is concerned don't let it intimidate you. Take one at a time and do the very best that you can and if there is something you don't understand ask questions here. You will get answers. We always got extra of each forms and used the first one as a worksheet and then made a final copy with all the corrections. My wife and I case was different than anyone else that I know of here. She came here on a business trip (B2 visa) for 12 months multiple entry. We got married in about 4-5 months and went to our local (then INS) office and they gave us all the forms at one time to fill out as we were already married. We went back to our hotel room and started on the forms. Put all of them in one pile on the table. I would take one and work on it until it was finished then take another one. She did the same thing until they were all gone. Then I took her forms and checked them thoroughly and she did the same thing with the ones that I had filled out. We got finished about 1 O'clock in the morning. The next morning we were at the INS office at 6 O'clock in the morning as it was first come first served then. We were the first ones in the door and was issued a number. When we were called the Interview Officer told us we had better take them home and take more time filling them out that we could not have possibly done them that fast. She was the same officer that we had the day before. My wife assured her that they were done correctly. The Interview Officer took them and stamped a I-551 stamp in her passport as she was planning to return to China shortly. As time passed we/they found that everything was done correctly and never received any correspondence from them except for a biometrics appointment, 10 year green card and finally citizenship.


So have confidence in yourself and never even think of a lawyer for help unless you really want to slow things down or there are some special circumstances.



Edited by amberjack1234 (see edit history)
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Welcome :)


We do need due diligence concerning the filing. The circumstances leading up to the filing and the filing itself are about the only part you can control. For that reason, and the fact of more denials over the last two years, I would strongly recommend that you be aware of certain issues which may cause Guangzhou some issue once the interview comes along.


If your inclined to share some of your story, and we can delete it later if you don't want it online for too long; but can you answer these questions:



1. Her birth city?

2. Her current city of residence?

3. Age of both?

4. Previous marriage or children (of both)?

5. How you meet? (if website, which one)

6. How long did you chat before visiting china (or if meet in china, how long you have known her)?

7. How long after first visit to file for visa (or project if not filed yet)?

8. Number of trips to china by the time of the interview (if in china, total time together)?

9. Her english ability?

10. What are you filing for, fiancee visa or spousal visa?

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my liu and i are in touch ever day for about 2 hours in yahoo camera:-). one of the things we are facing with this first filing is we are getting conflicting information. i already now know, this is the place to go:-)

i think we are doing great with the 129 and 325 forms. i have been to china in septemebr, last month, and have many pictures from this trip,

How many shoiuld we submit? how should we present them? taped two to a page and write underneath each picture?

Same question for the chats. we have saved all of chats andemails. do we submit ALL of chats and emails?


thank you so much for all of your help. this is a fantastic site. hopefully, one day, i will be able to help newbies like my self and my beautiful liu:-)


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First warning: If you have only visited one time and are ready to file realize that has caused others difficulty. That's why I asked the qeustions I asked in the other thread. I hate to give advise on pictures if the overall 'picture' is not maybe solid enough.


Pictures: I would say that 6-12 are more than enough for a single trip. they should be casual (not formally done) and mixed settings and a few with family is good too. Screen them for her smiling and looking natural.


Chats and emails: Show a representation of your ability to communicate. How long have you know each other? You should clearly share the best possible exchanges, meaning an indication of understanding each other. If her english is not sufficient on it's own, then your showing them you don't have a common language yet. That can backfire to a degree. So be more careful about what you submit if that is the case.


The best proof of relationship is what? TIME. If you've known each other a short time, visited once and filing afterwards and maybe don't go again in the next year... this is sometimes not good enough. If you appear to be rushing the relationship, then not even a 100 pictures and 10,000 chats will help. I highly recommend not filing until after the second trip; and then making a minimum of another trip during the process.


Think like this: What distinguishes your relationship from all the other filers? How are you showing the consulate (Guangzhou) that you two are for real? A single visit and quick filing is way too common and they have a difficult task of distinguishing cases, and as a result deny quite a few. It's almost like they are saying: 'Go get married and file again and we'll believe your committed with showing us more time together'.

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i know this sounds hard to believe, but i have known liu for 3 months. i was in shiyan for 10 days in september and we were like two peas in a pod:-) totally free and natural.spent much time with her 13yo daughter as weel. we also chat for about 2 and one half hours daily in yahoocam.i have not been in love like this for more than 2o years! BUT, how do we get this across to the decision makers?will our ages help? I am 57 and she is 45. Will it help i want to bring her daughter yuxian here as well? I am returning for another 10 days in the beginning if january.Should we wait to file after that trip? it is already hard to wait.please advise and thanks for all of the input. i love this site:-)....todd

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Welcome :)


We do need due diligence concerning the filing. The circumstances leading up to the filing and the filing itself are about the only part you can control. For that reason, and the fact of more denials over the last two years, I would strongly recommend that you be aware of certain issues which may cause Guangzhou some issue once the interview comes along.


If your inclined to share some of your story, and we can delete it later if you don't want it online for too long; but can you answer these questions:



1. Her birth city?dont know


2. Her current city of residence?shiyan



3. Age of both?i am 57 she 45


4. Previous marriage or children (of both)?yes for her, has 13yo daughter


5. How you meet? (if website, which one)on chineselovelinks



6. How long did you chat before visiting china (or if meet in china, how long you have known her)?about 2 months


7. How long after first visit to file for visa (or project if not filed yet)? 5 weeks right now, probably 2 weeks aqay from filing


8. Number of trips to china by the time of the interview (if in china, total time together)?at least one more, maybe 2


9. Her english ability? ok /conversational


10. What are you filing for, fiancee visa or spousal visa?fiance visa=k1


thanks for the nhelp. i am thinkikng maybe file after my next visit in january 2011?pleasse advise:-)...todd

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i am so in love with my liu. but it si very tense trying to get these forms done. we will make it i am sure, but does anyone have any ideas to make it a little smoother???? i bet many relationships have difficulty with all of this paper woek!todd



I have several ideas...none of which you want to hear.


1st: Drink a beer and relax, then read every entry on this website.

2nd: The tense feelings between her and you, over paperwork or any other life's activities, will only increase as time goes on.

3rd: Don't do anything with filing a petition, immigration, or permanent change - until you get to know this woman - regardless of the country she is from. You will do her and you a disservice by acting "quickly".

4th: Slow down......my goodness you've only known her a few days and spent only a few days with her...you don't even know where she was "born"....last thing...SLOW DOWN!


Best of luck.....don't listen to a thing I say.....it's just the ramblings of an old man.....

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I merged your topics since they run along the same thread of conversation, keep asking questions in this thread.


I will add, many call the first trip to a Honey-Moon trip, not enough time to really establish a relationship.


In my case my wife and I carried out a 9+ month online relationship before I made my first trip over to see her for the first time, and even with this length of relationship, the first trip over was a Honey-Moon trip.


A very short relationship IS A RED FLAG, to the consulate.

Edited by dnoblett (see edit history)
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Mike gave you some great advice.


My advice, and it's blunt, is.....


Don't file now

Don't file after your second trip in January

Maybe file after your third trip.


David_dawei gave you some great advice in another one of your threads.


Here it is......





"The best proof of relationship is what? TIME. If you've known each other a short time, visited once and filing afterwards and maybe don't go again in the next year... this is sometimes not good enough. If you appear to be rushing the relationship, then not even a 100 pictures and 10,000 chats will help. I highly recommend not filing until after the second trip; and then making a minimum of another trip during the process.


Think like this: What distinguishes your relationship from all the other filers? How are you showing the consulate (Guangzhou) that you two are for real? A single visit and quick filing is way too common and they have a difficult task of distinguishing cases, and as a result deny quite a few. It's almost like they are saying: 'Go get married and file again and we'll believe your committed with showing us more time together'."


The bottom line of what Mike, David, and I are saying is summed up in one word.....TIME.


You can file now and hope luck is on your side. If you aren't lucky you will find out that the Department of State is giving you lots of time in the form of the absolute wait from hell.


Oh yeah, many folks have made one trip and either married or gotten engaged in China, came home and filed.....and they got the visa....because they were extremely lucky.


Well, partner, do you feel lucky? :lol:


If you want to be more safe and secure, take some time on this. :) You don't want to see what the "real" waiting is all about. Waiting on the DOS and USCIS after a failed interview.


Good luck to you both.


tsap seui

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OP: After reading your answers to David's questions, I think you ought to take the advice Mike and Tsap are giving you.


The forms do seem daunting at first, just take your time. As you work through the forms, it won't seem as bad.


Once the time for you to file comes, you should front-load it as much as possible.

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thank you all for the advise. i am 57 and never married, so it is hard for me to wait:-)

i think i agree withyou to just file afterr i visit in january. we can actually work on the forms togehter then. we are almsot done anyway.

once again, thank you:-)....todd

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Todd, with all due respect.....are you familiar with the term "wearing rose colored glasses?" You hardly know this woman and now you are ready to commit to her and you know nothing of her culture. :unsure:


Sure when one falls in love they are certain to put on the rose colored glasses but more often than not, they come off and there is another picture all together.


All we are saying is give this more time. If you jump the gun then either the USCIS or GUZ could stop you and make you wait or you could have a huge surprise waiting for you.


You are 57 years old so you old enough to be wise enough. Chinese women can be very difficult to live with. :blink:


Good luck to you in whatever you choose. :)

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I agree with giving it time but how much can you really know someone with online chats and a few short visits to China? I knew my wife for two years before she finally got here and we were married. Did I know her well? Yes and no. Some things about her I got to know fairly well, Most things I didn't. I am a lucky one. The things I didn't know so well turned out OK. If I had it to do over again and knew what I know now I'd marry her again in a heart beat. We got engaged on my first trip to China. I filed the I-129 F as soon as I got home. We had already been talking to each other for a year and at that time visas were taking a year. I didn't want to wait any longer than I had to. Looking back I wouldn't do anything differently. In short my advice is follow your heart and keep your eyes open.

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