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how to see if your application has been "touched"?

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You know that I read a lot about folks calling and writing to check on their case and I sometime wonder if this branch of our government is anything like the Veterans Administration.


When I was in the process of applying for my service connected disability I once went to the regional VA office in my area and here is what they showed me and told me.


The representative took me back into the processing center, which he was not suppose to do but did, and showed me the stacks of applications and said now what we do is put the new application files on the bottom of these stacks and take the oldest ones on the top off and they are processed in that order. At about that time I heard an ole gal in the office quip to the representative "you know that you don't have to talk to this guy". The representative that I was with told her "I know that but he drove a long ways to get some answers and I am going to talk to him". He continued, now when someone comes in and ask a question about their case it might be somewhere in the middle of the stack and we pull it take a look at it and give you the information that you ask for and then when we return it we put it on the bottom of the stack and you are essentially at day one all over again. To me this was a very very poor way of processing applications but he said that was the way they had always done it. He then ask me if he wanted him to pull my file. I told him to please leave it where it was. Seven hour drive one way for that information.


So sometime I wonder if this process is treated in a like manner.



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