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Interview in Feb

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GZ for some unexplicable reason seems to like to process the cases just received and work back in order, therefore causing the people who have already waited the longest , wait even longer

The more things change, the more they remain the same. This is exactly how they processed things back in the Black Hole days. :D ;)

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talk about being hard.....i am right there too. i am ready to give up, pack up my things and move on over to China to be with my fiance. he is doing a much better job at being patient than i am. this is so difficult. i feel exactly the same way, like things are moving, then we are stopped for so long. we are SOOO close, i mean, one more step.....and now we are waiting and waiting.

we sent our p3 back on november 24, it arrived november 26 and was entered into the computer december 3. soo since then we are just "waiting to be scheduled for an interview" as so many of you others are as well. at least we have each other while we wait. i mean, it helps so much to read all the posts here and try to be encouraged by others who are going through this same thing.....


for you warpedboard- dont even try to think about where your paperwork is....that is a long step....i mean, an uncertain one because no one can tell you anything. at least while you are waiting for p4 you can be told, yes, he is clear, just waiting for a date.....anyway, i didn't know our had been forwarded until about a month after it was....so that was good, i didn't worry about where it was for a month and then by the time i knew to worry, it was entered. that time will come. just wait. same ole answer, huh??


anyway, im soo frustrated right now. i can't seem to be happy about much lately and can't seem to get over the fact that i am having to spend so much time apart.....so many holidays/birthdays/events......aahhh!!


thanks for listening anyway! i hope we will all be writing soon about those p4's coming our way!! looking forward to hearing and giving good reports soon!!!

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Guest hakkamike

What ever happened to the good ole FIFO? Just for example LIFO is used in business for things that have a expiration date on them, all ways reach in the back and get the fresh brought in milk lol lol.

Later, Michael Perez

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One more girl got p4 yesterday on 001.


Her p3 was sent back to GZ on Dec 1st (not sure the date her p3 put into computer system).P4 delivered to her house Dec 31st.


It's also unbelievable that she got p3 on Oct 30 and didn't send back untill GZ pushed her through Email.


It's just simply unbeliveable.


I called GZ on Wed and got same reply nothing for interview please wait for one or two moths.

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Hang in there, folks. Last month the flood of P4's didn't hit the peak until a week or so after the start of the month. I've gotten those they-mailed-you-so-why-are-you-calling responses as well. I wonder if it's all one person generating them. Anyway, I just tell them that the GZ e-mail is vague and unclear, which is almost always the case. Of course, sometimes the DoS answer is vague as well, but almost always still better than the form response from GZ...



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Hang in there Kim & Jake, & Everyone Else.


Christmas is perhaps one of the hardest holidays, a time when a family is supposed to be together. Of course, Valentine's Day is just around the corner too.


Yet, we all sit her waiting for a piece of paper and a rubber stamp.


Questions fill our minds..... What could I have done differently..... Can I do anything more to push my application along?.... Why was I so unprepared for a 1+ year wait?... What could have possibly caused so much scrutiny in our case?.... If the INS has some questions about our case, why don't they just contact us and ask us (perhaps that would be too simple)?......


----- Clifford -----

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well thanks for the encouragement clifford, i think i will hang in here. i am hoping to see things start moving again soon, like jerry said. i think it is just around the corner, in the next week or two.


you know, i was somewhat prepared for quite a wait, but i think the hard part is when it is finally moving after sitting so long and then it is just sitting again. it is like we can get all excited because things are happening, paperwork is being gathered and such, but then here we are waiting again.


we got our P3 on Nov. 8, same as another couple on here. well they sent theirs back immediately and got p4 one month later and have their inteview in just about two weeks, well i am dying because we had to wait about 2 weeks before we could mail p3 back, and now here we are stuck waiting some more.

it is ok though, the time will come.

next new years we will be holding each other and thinking back about this lonely new years we had apart, like many of y'all who are together this year for the first time.....


anyway, this site is the best! i love keeping updated and encouraged by so many of y'all! i am really glad i found this site, still don't really know how i did, but grateful to have done so (i think it was on that other russian site that i saw this web address....global7network??--that one seems pretty dead these days??? )


anyway, Happy New Year everyone, and I am anxious for all that this new year will hold for my fiance and me, as well as all of y'all!!!



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I got an email response from GZ last night:


"Please note your case is now under processing for interview scheduling, once we complete it we will notify you."


I guess the good news is they are not telling me 1-2 months anymore.


I hopes this means an actual interview date soon.


Anyone else get a recent email from GZ?? Please post.

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I sent one out most recently on Jan 1 and got a quick response on Jan 2, it said,


Thanks for your email.

Our interview schedule is already full for January 2004. Mr. Du's interview

will probably occur in the month of February. An Appointment Package will be

sent to him once the date is set.


I thought this was a rather kind response from them, a little more personal.....however, this is only after i wrote them one telling them that they do not answer my questions, but instead continue to send me the same canned response and often even get my fiance's name and gender (as well as mine) incorrect. i asked them to read the email and answer the questions i ask and not to continue to send me the same one over and over.


most of my responses have been written by someone that obviously doesn't speak english as their first language, but after my lengthy request for a real answer all of the english in the last two responses has been so kind and correct!!


anyway, still no date, but at least they gave me a time frame sort of....dont know if it is necessarily good news though, no time frames have been followed or fulfilled thus far, why would they start doing it now!?!?!


anyway, this is my most recent response, and i will probably write them again soon!

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I have this slightly scary conspiracy theory that I'm trying to prove or disprove. Even though we're into the first week of Jan we've seen very few P4's popping out. Certainly not like they were the first week of Dec. Then I'm also looking at a lot of cases that have been "approved" by NVC and sent to GZ and now their P3's are starting to show up.


My theory (hopefully wrong) is this... I think they've switched back to the old system and it's slowing GZ down again. There are several CFL people who have been approved only maybe 4 weeks after receiving their NOA2. This just doesn't sound like the immigration system we all know and love to hate. For everyone else prior to this it's taken 4 weeks for NVC to send their case to GZ even AFTER their security checks have been completed.


On the old system cases would get "approved" by NVC and forwarded to GZ before the security checks started. I remember this is what we were expecting when we filed back in Jan. We only got wind of the new system well after we'd expected to receive our P3.


So, I'm thinking that now GZ is getting bombarded with tons of cases from NVC that have not gone through security checks and it's slowing their process down again.


...Again, this is all unsubstantiated. I hope I'm wrong and everything starts flowing like crazy soon.

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I have this slightly scary conspiracy theory that I'm trying to prove or disprove.  Even though we're into the first week of Jan we've seen very few P4's popping out.  Certainly not like they were the first week of Dec.  Then I'm also looking at a lot of cases that have been "approved" by NVC and sent to GZ and now their P3's are starting to show up.


My theory (hopefully wrong) is this...  I think they've switched back to the old system and it's slowing GZ down again.  There are several CFL people who have been approved only maybe 4 weeks after receiving their NOA2.  This just doesn't sound like the immigration system we all know and love to hate.  For everyone else prior to this it's taken 4 weeks for NVC to send their case to GZ even AFTER their security checks have been completed.


On the old system cases would get "approved" by NVC and forwarded to GZ before the security checks started.  I remember this is what we were expecting when we filed back in Jan.  We only got wind of the new system well after we'd expected to receive our P3.


So, I'm thinking that now GZ is getting bombarded with tons of cases from NVC that have not gone through security checks and it's slowing their process down again. 


...Again, this is all unsubstanciated.  I hope I'm wrong and everything starts flowing like crazy soon.

I was told that cases filed prior to April/May of this year all require a second background check once the Consulate acknowleges receipt from NVC.


This seemed to be the case because those of us who filed after April were told by GZ and DOS that no second background check was required, we just needed to wait until the next round of interview slots to open up.


But I also think the procedure is different for k1 vs k3.


I agree with you Rob it does seem that the cases are coming in from NVC fast and furious, but the P4 interviews seem to be very random and slow.


But because the holidays finally are over and GZ is back to work full time as of yesterday ( at least until Chinese New Year) we may see some movement especially for those of us on the finish line needing only an interview date to cross over on to the winners circle.

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