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My weird experience

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I met this guy online over four years ago. Then the online girlfriend he happended visited lived close to me. Later his relationship with that girl didn't seem to go anywhere, and he regreted to not to see me at that trip. We chat serveral times and email to each other quite a lot, finding out having a lot in common. Then as time goes by, we lost contact with each other for about two years. Then we happened to email each other again lately. Because I am in US, so he decided to meet me after my relationship broke up. One thing weird about him is that he never called me through all the time. It seems that he opens his own business and works very hard right now. I hinted to him about my questions. Then he said that will meet me after taking are several of his business first. during that time, we emailed each other more pics and said missing each other and so on. One mistake I made is that I emailed a pic of me with my sister in law. In that pic, i had a quite a bit belly because my pregnancy. later, he seemed to offended by that I didn't resize it even though I apologized that I didn't intend to.

After one week, he added me in his MSN.Because my school, I haven't had a chance talking to him for several days. in the fourth day, he put up his former girl friend's sexy pic on MSN, and wrote the line along with pic like "my sweetie..." Plus, like life moves us fast in the headline, I guess that tells me something.

I know I am naive enough to write a letter explaining all these happened and asked what on his mind. Then he never replied. What I don't understand is that we used to confide in each other and even thought maybe the one for each other through all those words and years. He even tells me how much he made in the past and confident about his finance in the future. All in all, after all of those, I just can't believe that someone you think is reliable is just a myth. I think I am too innocent and would like to hear what you think of it.

Should i bother to email him again to ask his answer even though we ended up? I just want to know if he hates me or not..

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It sounds like he just wanted a short term relationship with you. After he saw your picture, he was not attracted to you or he is using the picture of his sexy girlfriend to make you jealous.


Either way, this guy seems like a deadbeat. If I was you, move on and find another guy!


Best of luck to you!

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It sounds like he just wanted a short term relationship with you. After he saw your picture, he was not attracted to you or he is using the picture of his sexy girlfriend to make you jealous.


Either way, this guy seems like a deadbeat. If I was you, move on and find another guy!


Best of luck to you!




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Honestly, I am not sure who is more at fault in this scenario...


He is too busy to meet you; and needs a picture resized for what, his ego?


I'll not mention the other side, which is you.. just move on.. quickly.


I will add this: it is not so easy to find a really good guy without his western baggage and ways. And I can feel you are open and sensitive and much more forgiving than he is.. which means you are truly too good for him. And you may be too good for way too many western men... but one good guy would be enough, right, whereever he might be.


I would encourage you to realize he is out there somewhere but is not this guy.

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I have to agree with the others...there is no "there" there. In other words, all of the signs are clear, this is not the one for you. Find a (the) guy who thinks you are the most beautiful girl in the world for many reasons...he is out there somewhere looking for you. Good Luck and listen closely to your heart...it won't mislead you, but sometimes your head can.

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Thank you very much. I feel touched when reading those warm posts. Yes, I know I should move on. He decided to meet me after seeing my current two pics. Then later seems to get offended by the fact I didn't resize some of it. Further seemed to get even madder at the fact I didn't talk him on MSN for four days because my finals. What I feel right now is that all of these make me harder to trust someone you met online. I know there are sure some wonderful people over there,I know moving on is the best, but I don't know why I still care that if he hates me? Hopefully I didn't do something too bad. i know It's stupid to think that way,but..

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Honestly, he is showing you his true colors... The unfortunate thing is that it's more common than not.


I remember when I meet Lulu online about 18 months ago; neither of us posted our pictures at that website and neither of us asked the other for a picture for quite a while. We just chatted openly and playfully. We started off as just friends. I would recommend that you don't look online for a mate but a friend.


Don't care about this guy; he is not worth the time. He'll go on and treat every women he meets this way. Look for someone who cares less about your picture and more about you.

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