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GZ cracking down on English?

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I am wondering if anyone else has heard this?


On Friday night, I was on Yahoo Messenger with my fiancée. She was telling me that there have been some personnel changes at GZ and it is now harder to get the visa if the fiancée has limited English.


I asked to her to have her translator send me an email and he did. He said a woman was recently refused a visa because of her poor English.


This caught me by surprise because I don’t recall seeing anything posted here about this. I am curious if there is any truth to this, or it is something circulating around the Shenzhen rumor mill. Her English is somewhat limited, so I am really wondering if there is any truth to this.

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I am wondering if anyone else has heard this?


On Friday night, I was on Yahoo Messenger with my fiancée. She was telling me that there have been some personnel changes at GZ and it is now harder to get the visa if the fiancée has limited English.


I asked to her to have her translator send me an email and he did. He said a woman was recently refused a visa because of her poor English.


This caught me by surprise because I don’t recall seeing anything posted here about this. I am curious if there is any truth to this, or it is something circulating around the Shenzhen rumor mill. Her English is somewhat limited, so I am really wondering if there is any truth to this.

Yes, I heard the same thing, in fact there has been a noticeable increase in video requests from GZ in the last month or so to prove the petitioner can speak Chinese and even write Chinese.

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Could it be there is an increase in fraud?  JM has been telling me many stories about the "bad girls of China."  They'll do anything to get here.  Anything!



Yeah, and there are some "bad boys of America" who reeeaaaalllly like those "bad girls of China." ;)

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Could it be there is an increase in fraud?  JM has been telling me many stories about the "bad girls of China."  They'll do anything to get here.  Anything!



Yeah, and there are some "bad boys of America" who reeeaaaalllly like those "bad girls of China." ;)

- Is every relationship "Legit"? No, probably not.

- Will every K3 relationship last 3 months to the marriage? No

- Will every relationship last the first year (K1 or K3)? No

- What about 5 years, 10 years, 20 years?

- Will the relationships for even a few of us on the Candle crumble, and we will feel badly burnt? Of course, it has already happened to some members.

- How does a 8,10,12,14 month, or longer wait affect a relationship. Is it possible that some relationships begin as "good", but turn sour over time separated with neither party willing to admit the problems? I have heard stories of partners falling in love with someone else while waiting…. But still enduring the visa application process.


If one evaluates the relationships on paper, there are a number of factors that might predict a long enduring relationship, and a few factors that might predict trouble.


Yet, what the relationship looks like on paper shows only a fraction of the true relationship between a couple. Can you video tape daily life together.... Do you think that would be staged?


Are we paying the interviewers in GZ to be our marriage counselors?




I have certainly never seen a web site advertising…. "Marry an old HAG in China, and earn $10K", nor have I heard of the Chinese Citizens sending money to their US partners. And, I can't imagine that very many K1 or K3 visa applications are filed without a "real" US Partner. Of course, each partner may have a different view of the legitimacy of the relationship.


Yes, marriage fraud exists. But, my impression is that the majority of this is from foreigners who are already in the USA and are trying to extend their visas.

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I can understand GZ trying to prevent fraud, although I did not think it was that big a problem. What I don't get is what does a video prove, and if my wife's English is good enough for us to communicate do I need to be able to speak and read Chinese?



I had a friend (Chinese) tell me he could hook me up with a girl in China who would pay me $35,000 to marry her and bring her to the US. I had to decline, I was already arrainging my trip to marry Weiping.

Is this what you mean by "bad girls of China"?

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I can understand GZ trying to prevent fraud, although I did not think it was that big a problem. What I don't get is what does a video prove, and if my wife's English is good enough for us to communicate do I need to be able to speak and read Chinese?



I had a friend (Chinese) tell me he could hook me up with a girl in China who would pay me $35,000 to marry her and bring her to the US. I had to decline, I was already arrainging my trip to marry Weiping.

Is this what you mean by "bad girls of China"?

That sums it up pretty well. Then there are those cheap ones who'll sucker the GUY out of $$$, get the visa, and vanish. At least, that's JM's story.

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There is an increase in the number of Chinese restaurants. These restaurants can only use Chinese people to work in them (except for the "amigo" washing dishes) because the boss man does not speak English, or very little. Because of this increase in restaurants there is an increased need for young ladies to work in them (for example, the ones here in my part of Alabama are short-handed). Nearly 100% of Chinese restaurants are owned and managed by people from Fujian province. Fujian people are known to have the strongest tendency to immigrate. It is very difficult for a Fujian lady to get a visa because there has been a great deal of fraud by Fujian people. Even the lousy salaries and 86-hour work weeks are better than what an uneducated young lady can make in China. Therefore the call has gone out all over China, by word of mouth, that the Gold Mountain needs more China ladies and so all young ladies are suspects. The DOS uses the question of whether she speaks good English as just another tool to use toward their goal of keeping down the numbers of immigrants. Therefore all couples should be advised that they need to be prepared to present an overwhelming amount of evidence of their sincerity.

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I can understand GZ trying to prevent fraud, although I did not think it was that big a problem. What I don't get is what does a video prove, and if my wife's English is good enough for us to communicate do I need to be able to speak and read Chinese?



I had a friend (Chinese) tell me he could hook me up with a girl in China who would pay me $35,000 to marry her and bring her to the US. I had to decline, I was already arrainging my trip to marry Weiping.

Is this what you mean by "bad girls of China"?

That sums it up pretty well. Then there are those cheap ones who'll sucker the GUY out of $$$, get the visa, and vanish. At least, that's JM's story.


I believe they are refered to as BAR GIRLS but of course I wouldn't know for sure.

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I've definitely heard these stories about how much a Chinese woman will pay for a fake marriage. My Chinese employees told me about this. Funny, though, my employees were always on the look out to protect me from these women. After they saw the first photos of Youyue and me together they said, "We think she is okay for you." :P


Just to clarify for this thread: You only need to be concerned about this if your fiancee has very limited English skills. They will probably want to know that you have some clear form of communication (other than hand waving) which you use together.


Since Youyue's English is limited we will make a video of us speaking Cantonese together. It probably won't even be an issue since we are K3 and have a baby.

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I can understand GZ trying to prevent fraud, although I did not think it was that big a problem. What I don't get is what does a video prove, and if my wife's English is good enough for us to communicate do I need to be able to speak and read Chinese?



I had a friend (Chinese) tell me he could hook me up with a girl in China who would pay me $35,000 to marry her and bring her to the US. I had to decline, I was already arrainging my trip to marry Weiping.

Is this what you mean by "bad girls of China"?

That sums it up pretty well. Then there are those cheap ones who'll sucker the GUY out of $$$, get the visa, and vanish. At least, that's JM's story.


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I can understand GZ trying to prevent fraud, although I did not think it was that big a problem. What I don't get is what does a video prove, and if my wife's English is good enough for us to communicate do I need to be able to speak and read Chinese?



I had a friend (Chinese) tell me he could hook me up with a girl in China who would pay me $35,000 to marry her and bring her to the US. I had to decline, I was already arrainging my trip to marry Weiping.

Is this what you mean by "bad girls of China"?

That sums it up pretty well. Then there are those cheap ones who'll sucker the GUY out of $$$, get the visa, and vanish. At least, that's JM's story.

Wow, 35K..... Was that Dollars, Rubles, or Lira? I am surprised that any Chinese woman could afford to spend that much money for marriage, unless it was tied to an offer of indentured servitude in the USA. How sad that would be.


I guess I met the wrong woman.... She asks me for a little money every month to help out with expenses. Instead, she could be sending me money every month to help with my expenses :P


Yet, I would much rather a relationship based on unconditional love, rather than a contract.


----- Clifford -----

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I have read of situations like this before. As I recall her whole family goes in together and borrows to the hilt to finance the girls trip to the golden mountain. In return she is supposed to send money back home and make them all rich by Chinese standards. In situations where they are smuggled in illegally she is pretty much an indentured servant. The smugglers hold her family's debts and threaten the family if she doesn't comform. Sad business indeed.

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Yes Clifford it was dollars. Very tempting but you have it right. No amount of money can buy love.


I believe I also met the "indentured lady". I was contacted through an email by a lady in California who admited paying $20,000.00, and is now attempting to legitimize her status through the courts. I don't think she has much of a chance.

To stay on topic, her English writing skills are barely readable. I wonder if she can speak any English at all.

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Just to clarify for this thread:  You only need to be concerned about this if your fiancee has very limited English skills.  They will probably want to know that you have some clear form of communication (other than hand waving) which you use together.

My fiancee's English is limited as well. We communicate mostly in Chinese except for a few English words like 'Clinique' or 'Shiseido' (and 'I love you!'). :P I had counted on the VO should be able to figure that since I'm Chinese-American, I can speak Chinese, but now I don't think I'll risk it. A high school friend has videotaped our engagement banquet where I can be seen speaking Chinese between gan-bei's, so I'll probably end up making a short five minute video for the VO's entertainment if he/she so chooses. My buddy is an amateur filmmaker so this should be cool...


So coming back to the video format issue that I started a thread on a few days ago... Has anyone actually done this and know what video format they can accept, or is this Chinese Video thing like the Loch Ness Monster... Everyone has heard of it, but no one has actually seen one... :D



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