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I filed in late June, but the point is that on dec. 8, CSC reported that they were processing up to June 10.  On dec. 12, ther had only been one or 2 June 10 petitions processed.

The rfe rate recently has been 49% and processing seems to have come to a halt.  

any suggestions?

If you look at my timeline below, you will see we are in the same boat. That is if you are filling K3. From the way it sounds, you might be filling K1. All K3's go to MSC but until you get word about your Visa going on to NVC, NVC won't talk to you and always refer me back to the NCSC (BCIS). :angry:


The same line I always get is "It's in Process" .. or ... "You should have had a decission by now! .. Let me forward your information on to the supervisor!" :wacko: This has only been done 3 times. The jury is still out! :D


Sorry if I'm venting a little, but I just wanted to let you know that it seems to be happening to more couples, both K1 & K3. That is only my observation. :P


Good Luck!



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I filed in late June, but the point is that on dec. 8, CSC reported that they were processing up to June 10.  On dec. 12, ther had only been one or 2 June 10 petitions processed.

The rfe rate recently has been 49% and processing seems to have come to a halt. 

any suggestions?



They return half of the petitions with a "Request for Evidence"...... Somebody must certainly be working hard to get those statistics up so high. :D


Of course, most of the things that they send the RFE back for should have been determined within the first week of processing. And, I would guess that the vast majority shouldn't be generating an RFE.


Perhaps someone should work a little more on making the forms & instructions clearer so that the errors don't occur. For example, putting in a check box:


. . . . Have you been married before? [] Yes [] No

. . . . If Yes, list the names of previous spouses


I guess making the forms clearer would make everything too simple. :P


------ Clifford -------

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The Texas and Nebraska BCIS offices have been averaging about 6 months for their initial phase of processing applications.


The California office shredded a bunch of their applications about 2 years ago which helped them get caught up, but apparently their performance has been sliding ever since then. Of course, most of the "lost applications" were likely resubmitted so they really didn't gain much of a longterm reprieve.


The Vermont Service Center is the only one with a somewhat reasonable turnaround time.


While I believe that 6 months to do their processing is inappropriate, there is not too much sense in complaining to much until you pass that point as it will likely fall on deaf ears. For the most part, everything is done in order.


Unfortunately, what I have found is that the Nebraska BCIS office was just the tip of the iceburg.... My application sped through the NVC in a blinding 1 1/2 months..... Then, it has been gathering dust and growing cobwebs in Moscow ever since (now 3 1/2 months without a P3/P4).


A year ago there was a protest at the Texas Service Center. Not much has improved since then.




I think we need to repeat the protests next Valentine's day, but this time at all of the major visa processing centers in the USA....


TSC, NSC, CSC, MSC, NVC, as well as in Washington DC. Hopefully we can get some national news on our plight.




---- Clifford -----

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The fact that CSC has been stuck for a week can be attributed to either:


1. This is how they normally do things. Their 'normal' process is busted and needs to be fixed.




2. This is NOT how they normally do things. They are deviating from their usual process.


My experience is that congressman's aides can't do much with #1 (i..e fix the system) but can help with #2 (get process back on track).


Having in the process during which CSC has been stuck for over a month and a half with no progress (kind of reminds me of the GZ consulate now that I think about it), and having seen CSC actually go backwards a few weeks ago, I suspect #1 is the more likely explanation. Unlikely one congressman can, or would even bother, fixing the system...



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