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  1. If I have a child, I want him or her born in the USA where science has largely supplanted superstition.
  2. it's amazing, there must be 700 million women in China and we speak as though they are all the same?
  3. I filed in late June, but the point is that on dec. 8, CSC reported that they were processing up to June 10. On dec. 12, ther had only been one or 2 June 10 petitions processed. The rfe rate recently has been 49% and processing seems to have come to a halt. any suggestions?
  4. in the last week, CSC has been stuck on June 10 petitions. The backlog is balooning. If you live in California, please call Masha Kaminskaya at Senator Feinstein's office in San Francisco and ask her to look into why processing has not progressed in the last week. Thank you
  5. can anyone help with this? I can't find any address or contact information.
  6. Pakrash khatri is the ombudsman for CIS. he is in charge of problem resolution. any email, phone or street contact info?
  7. 6 months from NOA1 to p3? not much to bitch about, in relative terms.
  8. i just noticed that USCIS just updated the CSC processiong report again today! I hope they continue to do it. Now, if they weren't five months behind in processing those pesky little applications........
  9. udall's sit is almost a month old with regard to CSC. I dont look at it anymore. The USCIS site for CSC was updated late last week and again yesterday!
  10. i sent an email to GZ about this issue and they said one certificate is enough. apparently GZ realizes that the police records are computerized. I would however, check with GZ and save their response as evidence.
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