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This is right from the GZ FAQ. http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/guangzho.../iv/gzfaqs.html

I remember someone asking just what was in each packet;


What documents will be in the instruction packet and appointment packet?

The Instruction packet in Guangzhou includes:


Instruction packet (Packet 3) letter in English

Instruction packet (Packet 3) letter in Chinese

Instruction packet (Packet 3) supplemental information sheet

Application for immigrant visa and alien registration (DS-230 part I)

Instructions for immigrant visa applicants (OF-169)

Photograph specifications (GIV-1)

Important notice

Evidence which may be presented to meet the public charge provisions of the law (OF-167)

Affidavit of Support (I-864)

The Appointment packet includes:


Appointment letter (packet 4) in English

Appointment letter (packet 4) in Chinese

Appointment letter for immigrant visa applications (OF-171)

Application for immigrant visa and alien registration (DS-230 part II)

Family composition sheet (GIV-24)

Medical examination instructions (GIV-8)

Medical examination for immigrant or refugee applicant (DS-2053)

Chest X-ray and classification worksheet (DS-3024)

Vaccination documentation workseet (DS-3025)

Medical history and physical examination workseet (DS-3026)

Important notice to immigrant visa applicants concerning vaccination requirements


There are answers to a few other questions I have seen lately.. how long are med and other records good for.. says 1 year.



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Yeah, those are actually the list of docs for K1 packets. The only difference between K1 and K3 that I can figure out so far is, the medical forms are in P3 instead of P4 for a K3 visa. (Weird.)


I've been asking around because we sent back our DS-230 and OF-169 without actually receiving our physical P3. Now we're trying to scramble and put together our missing P3 docs.

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ok but I thought we had filed for a K3 visa but in the end i don't think so. What we did was the I-130 and we were married at the time. our wait from feb to july for approval may have been when they did a name check and other checks, which it doesn't seem the NVC is interested in doing right now.


The list here looks like what we have gotten so far. no medical forms as of yet but all the others for packet 3. When we get the DS-230 we will send it in and after NVC verifies that these docs are complete it will ship to GZ and than we will get the packet4 from them.


SO it seems that if you start out unmarried and than get married during the process you end up filling out the same forms. But for those who are now running both routes, it's a tough call as to time frame to jump over tothe I 130 because of that approval wait.. hmmmmm ? would it be shorter for them because they had already gone thru a name check?


It still seems like everyone is getting their medical forms at the end or with packet 4 no matter what route they are taking..



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The FAQ's on the GZ website are pretty clear.  If you are K1(fiance) your medical forms come with P4 and if you are K3 (married) your medical forms come with your P3.


I have no idea why there's a difference.  They're the same forms, apparently.

ok I missed that, just skimmed it quickly. hmmm I guess we are the K9 or dogs coz no med forms at all so far :( :(


It just adds more to the confusion and I don't know what we would be called than other than I-130, but for this we are getting the K1 packet form set it seems.


So barring a few extra forms toward the end of the process everyone fills out the same forms. The time wait or what they process for, name check, background check may be different.


Now it makes me wonder what that 4 month wait for approval in the beginning was all about? a name check, background check, or just in house lottery or as they say in China lucky draw out come??

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Now it makes me wonder what that 4 month wait for approval in the beginning was all about? a name check, background check, or just in house lottery or as they say in China lucky draw out come??

4 month wait at the beginning??????


Wow, yours sped through the system... Irina and I had to wait 6 months for the "initial phase".


I think we will find euphemisms for the work that is being done because there is no real explanation for the tremendous waits that we are experiencing.


I presume that the 4-6 months at BCIS was for data entry into "the system", and 10 minutes for review.


Mine has been in "additional administrative processing" in Moscow for 3 1/2 months now. After being processed in the USA for 8 months, I have absolutely no idea what kind of additional processing that can possibly be done in Moscow prior to the interview….. But, alas, we wait.

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Wow, yours sped through the system... Irina and I had to wait 6 months for the "initial phase"............


That sucks! really no other way to say it.. sorry that it is such a long ordeal.


Ours was really 5 months feb12/2003 to july9/2003 but even that from the looks of things is a short time. You do kind of wonder what really does happen, even if you take in to account the 3 to4 weeks to enter it into the system etc. And as you said no one ever said what it was they were doing during that time, which made me wonder, will we save time in other areas??


It does look like it will be this coming Feb before GZ gets all our paper work and from there it is just the P4 part.


We might get it sent to GZ sooner as the impression I got from calling NVC recently, they just want to see this last form DS-230 and off it all goes so it could be just a week or two from when we return it. If that is the case we might get the whole thing completed in 1 years time. Not bad concidering we started out with a 6 to 9 month idea of the time.


But for our peace of mind we are figuring may to july to complete it.


For you it looks like it is limbo and that admin processing doesn't even give you a clue or anyway to guesstimate it and is beyond being a poor to nonfuncional gov office!


Have you tried the congressman intervention route/ or the emails to the embassy in russia?

Even giving them the benefit of the doubt, their responses are of a nonresponsiveness and for lack of a better word uncaring institutional BS.


In this day and age I'd think we are beyond accepting this type of treatment. I think they can give you a better time frame without reveiling any unwanted info.


Hopefully what ever is stuck up their, you know what, will be unstuck and your process will flow again..



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I'm wondering if the upcoming closing of GZ for the American and Chinese holidays will slow down the process much. Since our peition was sent to GZ from the NVC Dec 5th I was hoping it would be entered into the system before January.

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I'm wondering if the upcoming closing of GZ for the American and Chinese holidays will slow down the process much.  Since our peition was sent to GZ from the NVC Dec 5th I was hoping it would be entered into the system before January.

than you are just ahead of us. How did you find out your info was sent to GZ?


hmm I can Fed Ex to almost anywhere in the USA from here and they have it in 3 business days. Dhl is slower but even so, say 10 days to go from USA to GZ and another week to key in to the system.


AT least this is what I'd expect from a normal business, but seeing it is the party we are speaking of, yeah... I'm thinking some time around march or april.. heheh give or take a monthor two here :(


But here's hoping yours does slip in there before holiday break... :(

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I found out it was sent to GZ by calling the NVC to check the status of our petition. They told me when it was sent to GZ. I haven't yet gotten anything in the mail tellling me it was sent but from what I've read that isn't unusual. As for how long it takes to get entered into the system I have read here on this site that first it has to clear customs and then they take their sweet time going to the warehouse to get it. Like fine wine it has to be aged properly lol.

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I found out it was sent to GZ by calling the NVC to check the status of our petition.  They told me when it was sent to GZ.  I haven't yet gotten anything in the mail tellling me it was sent but from what I've read that isn't unusual.  As for how long it takes to get entered into the system I have read here on this site that first it has to clear customs and then they take their sweet time going to the warehouse to get it.  Like fine wine it has to be aged properly lol.

hehehe.. and with the holiday season upon us.. i'm afraid they will be drinking the wine and than less than nothing will get done :P


Ok so we will follow your lead and give them a call, weekly? after the 3 days it takes to get there. I don't know what the time frame for mail from them is in the states but we have been running 21 days and this last one over 31 days.


at that rate we would end up with a letter for interview from GZ before we even heard NVC sent the paper work..



P.S. and just what is this customs BS..?? when I came over here both times I was a courier and had to clear customs with a cart load of paperwrok.. alot from high profile companies in the states. took me all of 1 to 20 minutes and most of that was waiting for the agent of the company to arrive. A quick look and sign papers than either on to the next leg or deliveried there.


For this paper work it is by commercial carrier and is not a diplomatic pouch which may or may not carry suspect articles.. geeeez!!! it is a bunch of uninteresting, boring paper work!!!

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