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K1 maternity health insurance in US

Guest gwang

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My Fiancee is scheduled to be interviewed next month.
She have been actually 6 month pregnant while we are patiently waiting for
this long K1 process. I am trying to buy a maternity health insurance for her here.
But all health insurance companies don't insure the pre-existing condition.
Somebody told me that it will cost around $20K at hospital if not insured.
Do you have any suggestions, which insurance company will insure, what hospital will
charge lower fee, any organization will help?



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Welcom Gwang,


If you get married shortly after your fiancee arrives in the USA, most employer based health insurance policies will pick up the insurance (without pre-existing conditions).


You will have to look at the policy. Does it require a 30 day wait?


My employer also has something for long term commitments for unmarried couples. I considered doing it during the open enrollment period for my fiancee. They required a 1+ year committment which I have had and could likely argue..... But, unfortunately we haven't been "TOGETHER" for the last year (a second requirement). And, of course, there no sense paying lots of money for health insurance until Irina actually arives in the USA.


How far are you along in the visa application process? For many people it takes about a year so this may all be a mute point.


----- CK -----

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I almost thought Keelec worked for same place as me but my employers insurance covers pre-existing conditions they also allow long term unmarried relationships for the first time this year but like keelec we have not lived together and I think she needs a soc sec card also.




Her interview is next month keelec so he could have her here in time I think

Posted on Dec 12 2003, 03:37 PM


My Fiancee is scheduled to be interviewed next month.

She have been actually 6 month pregnant while we are patiently waiting for

this long K1 process.

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Her interview is next month keelec so he could have her here in time I think
Posted on Dec 12 2003, 03:37 PM


My Fiancee is scheduled to be interviewed next month.

She have been actually 6 month pregnant while we are patiently waiting for

this long K1 process.

Missed that one....


Work is a good bet for the insurance. Pehaps Gwang will have to do some of the prenatal visits out of pocket.



I assume there are some low-cost alternatives too.


* If the ultrasound looks good

* And the baby is coming out head first

* And the baby isn't too big.

* And the baby isn't too small

* And the wife/fiancee isn't too small

* Best if it is the second child

* And if it is a second child, there aren't Rh Incompatability issues.

* Having grandparents around too might not hurt.


Then one might consider a mid-wife and home-birth.


A good Midwife will only take the low risk cases and will refer the rest to the hospital.


Good prenatal care should be able to help a lot with risk assessment.


----- Clifford ------

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What state do you live in? A friend who's wife just passed the bar was told the same thing in NJ. When she turned around and showed them the state statues concerning this they included her on his insurance.


She found it was illegal and she did pointed out the simple fact of, a woman who changes jobs during her pregnancy. So you might want to look into this a little more closely or perhaps speak to a lawyer. If this is the case the cost of a letter from them to your insurance company would be money well spent.




good luck :)

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