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NVC prompted into action

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After some 90 days at the NVC I requested that the congessmans aid open a inquiry file. She opened it and now 9 days later 12/10/03 our file has officially been shipped to GZ. The aid told me she was sure that the NVC misplaced the file or someone just never put the file in the pile to be shipped to GZ.


Thanks to my congressman's aid !!!



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:o :redblob: :D

...... :greenblob:


So you won the race..... Got your NVC approval before my P3/P4 from Moscow........


Now at 104 days waiting on the P3/P4 from Moscow.


Getting engaged to a young farmer's daughter is so complicated that it takes endless months of "Additional Administrative Processing" (or, was that the Additional Administrative Procrastinating)!!!!!!! :P :P


----- Clifford ------

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Getting engaged to a young farmer's daughter is so complicated that it takes endless months of "Additional Administrative Processing"  (or, was that the Additional Administrative Procrastinating)!!!!!!! :P :P


----- Clifford ------



TY, man that was such a brutal wait I am actualy looking forward to the next one!


Hope you beat me on this next step, really.



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I guess we are pretty low on the interest level of our representitves. I wrote my congressmen three times and never heard a peep out of him.  Needless to say he lost my vote.

I guess congressman and their aids are just like everyone else. Mine gained my vote as your rightfuly lost your vote. Probably follows the old 80/20 rule (80% uneffective, 20% effective). So I got the bad ones at the NVC and the good ones with the congressman. I guess it should all balance out and one day we will be with our sweeties, united as it should be.

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I guess we are pretty low on the interest level of our representitves. I wrote my congressmen three times and never heard a peep out of him.  Needless to say he lost my vote.



Where are you in Portland?


Your congressman will only work with you if you find the one in the right district.


Since I still have my house in Portland, I have written to David Wu, and gotten a response from Holly Null who is his Immigration Liaison. She seemed to be very nice.


Most congressional offices have special forms for immigration issues, and staff members who are dedicated to dealing with the problems.


It seems that at some level, the congressmen know of the issue, but are just unwilling (or unable) to fix the problem. The congressmen may be in a tight spot. Immigration is a tough issue. To many people it is a bad thing. Thus, the congressmen are reluctant to "fix" the problem at risk of pissing off the isolationists in America..... At the same time, they try to work with us to look like they care.


One thing you should do is actually go to your congressman's office. You might not meet him, but you will be able to interact with his staff.




However, Carl,


I was looking at your timeline..... While it is progressing excruciatingly slowly, it is not too far from the "norm" for NSC & NVC. At this stage, contacting your congressman may not help. Natrigon's case had gotten stuck at NVC so it was appropriate for him to contact the congressman in an attempt to get it moving again.


Mine.... at least it seems to be stuck too.

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Although not addressed to me, I'll point you in a direction.


Go to the opening or front page of Candle.


Scrool down to the bottom and see Links and Recources.

On the right see "Finding DHL Numbers" by donahso.


I researched it having recently had the same ?, and donahso kindly made it a permanent fixture in recources.


NVC will naturally not give you DHL info, but will tell you the date it was shipped.


Armed with the date info, then follow the instructions in the Recourse Link.


If DHL asks you if it is your package, the answer is yes - it contains my vital visa documentation.



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