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Interview 12-8-03!!!

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I just want to thank everyone for their help. We got packet IV a couple weeks ago and I had to rush to get airline tickets etc as I want to be there with her (my fiancé is Qiaoji) for the trip to Guangzhou for medical and the Interview that she is so worried about failing. Also to see her lovely face as I miss her so very much, true "forever" as she calls it has blossomed and grown so much that I am totally sure that I have found the one perfect (well almost, I'm not too perfect either :lol: ) woman to marry. Chinese women are sure wonderful and mine is exceptional. Anyway she is pretty worried about her limited English and pretty "nervous" about the interview; and would feel it's her fault if things don't work out - if the interviewer had a bad day and just "flunked" her just to be mean. We have ton's of e-mail letters, lots of phone call records (thanks Big Zoo and Don B of Red Bluff for the hint!), and all the current Affidavit of Support, last 6 paycheck stubs, Employer Letter, Bank Letter and everything else I can think to bring. Different deal than last time which was to just go and visit; now it's very important to do well in the interview and just to show her I have faith in her and getting through the interview successfully I bought a return ticket for her. Yes I know it's advised against to do it, but I feel strongly that this good, honest woman will be passed. You know there are many rumors about many things on the Chinese ladies side over there; one of which is not to be too pretty - dress too fancy as the interviewer is thought to not pass such lovelies. Maybe there is a little something to that, but she'll be dressing nicely, if conservatively for the interview at my suggestion. I will take my laptop over so I can keep up with the goings on here on Candle. Thanks again and am I nervous, my heart is beating triple speed sometimes. I will calm down on the airplane trip I hope. Thanks again and good luck to all of you. Your friend and a happy guy, Jim & yes a very happy Chinese lady too!!! :V: :D :D :D :D :D

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