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Food Porn...

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A number of my colleagues in China and Taiwan enjoy posting pictures of food on various sites. A few years ago, one of them started calling it, "Food Porn." :blink:


There is such a wonderful variety of foods and ways to cook it in China, I thought I would start a thread to kick it off. Please feel free to share some of your own.









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I was rushing a bit with the original post, and realize I may not have explained the purpose of the post very well. This isn't so much about food that looks like porn, but simply images of food that illustrate the many varieties of food and how it's served in China. I'm just calling it porn as food often summons the same area of the brain as sex.


I thought it would be interesting to start a thread for our members to post images of the various things they've eaten while in China. I try to make a habit these days, of taking a photo of what is served when I go out to restaurants.


The fish for example in the previous images, is not a fish at all. Rather it's tofu fashioned in the shape of a fish and made to look like one. It was served at a Buddhist monastery in Qisan, near Nanjing.


Some of the other items, were served at various restaurants in Taiwan and Nanjing. Next time I post photos, I will add a short description for each as to what it is, and where it was served.




By the way Carl, those peaches, or what look like peaches look like the would fall into the porn category. Haha...

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