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Oh God she discovered 001.

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Well today she tells me she dose not liek the Yang's because she read some bad things about them. I ask her where she read it and she said "on the website 001.... Im like Doh!... She found it...:greenblob:


I have already had 2 or 3 of the "I read we need to do this" comments. Lol I liked it better when she only used the QQ K-1 room...:redblob:

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Well today she tells me she dose not liek the Yang's because she read some bad things about them. I ask her where she read it and she said "on the website 001.... Im like Doh!... She found it...:greenblob:


I have already had 2 or 3 of the "I read we need to do this" comments. Lol I liked it better when she only used the QQ K-1 room...:redblob:



Oh god you are going to loose the rest of your hair.............never mind :blink:

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001 is our sister site. They help a lot of women. Yes there is some disinformation posted there once in a while. Same as here.


Ditto that. I think 001 gets a bad wrap (and I include myself in that mix sometimes).


It can be really frustrating when you've done all your homework on this end and then ya get the "... we gotta do this cuz I read it on 001.." and whatever it is ya gotta do could take collecting a bunch more data or involve more homework.


But with that said, at least in my world, I found much of it turned out to be helpful in the end... even if painful in the beginning. Much of it was just looking at something from a different angle.


If I had it to do over again, I'd probably listen even more closely, but still with caution.

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yes, 001 gets a bad rap and at the same time, needs a few flower peppers, maybe as does CFL at times :D


One can't blame a site but the people who use the site will do so at their judgement; Therefore, one shouldn't question the site but the people... and that includes if it's your SO hanging out there :xmastree:


Just putting a perspective on things :D

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yes, 001 gets a bad rap and at the same time, needs a few flower peppers, maybe as does CFL at times :P


One can't blame a site but the people who use the site will do so at their judgement; Therefore, one shouldn't question the site but the people... and that includes if it's your SO hanging out there :cheering:


Just putting a perspective on things :icecream:



I like that "perspective" born ramblin' travelin' man David has.


I first came onto Candle and read all a lot of bad stuff about that went , and continued on about 001, so I never told the lil' rabbit about the site and hoped she never found it....years later she found out about it on her owndamnself. :)


Ya know what, I have been very pleasantly surprised and happy that she did find 001. Now she knows what the visa process is all about. When she first got on the site, yes, there was a flurry of questions for a month or so and as she learned how things work she soon saw what was do-do (yes, some of the info is crap, just like here and on other immigration sites), and she saw what was valuable information by some very intelligent women who understand the process.


I'm a happy camper she found 001, she doesn't participate there but she and I have had some great conversations over what she read.


I'm startin' to think maybe the lil' rabbit isn't Chinese :toot: she has never indicated that the women on 001 are the final judges on how the visa process works. ;) Not a peep of that pap.


tsap seui

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