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Wife's Friend Wants to Meet America Man

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At my wife's request, I am posting this because my wife, Ping, wants her friend to come to America. Ping says she can cook even better than she does, which is difficult for me to imagine because Ping is truly a chef. Ping says she is good looking and young at only age 30. She lives in Dalian and studied reading and writing English in school though has never had any practice speaking though she speaks a little English already. She does not have any children though she has experience in taking care of children, working for Ping before. Ping says she has a very good heart and is very sweet.


If any members here have a friend who would like to be put in contact please send me a PM or an email.


If I knew how to convey to my wife's friend the idea of joining one of those services that list Chinese ladies looking for a husband, which one would I suggest? How much does it cost?'


If anyone would care to help with this possible romance it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Ping can provide the introduction in April when she is going to China.



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I suggest she post a profile on Asia Friend Finder. Thats how I met Bing. I had a profile there. she read it liked what she saw (dont know why) and wrote me an email. Actually I received several emails after posting my profile but Bing's was the only one that seemed truly sincere. We wrote back and forth for several months then started phone calls. After I knew her about a year I decided to take the plunge and go to China to meet her. Best thing I have ever done. BTW she also has a friend she wants me to introduce someone to but I don't know many single guys my age.

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Also, try creating a posting for her on Match.com. That's where I met Youyue. A local dating servicein SZ created the Match.com ad for her. Later when I mentioned Match.com she didn't know what I was talking about. She just knew she was getting letters through the dating service from a guy over the interent. <_<


Match.com has a pretty sizable following and has a large number of Asian singles.

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At my wife's request, I am posting this because my wife, Ping, wants her friend to come to America.


If she wants to help her friend to come to America, she should contact the USA consulate/embassy and see about getting an immigration visa.


Otherwise this sounds about as wrong as hearing one of my friends suggest that I get my wife to hook them up with one of her Chinese friends because they prefer thier women to be docile and obedient.

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I don't know, I kind of admire people who have a goal and take the initiative to make it happen. If this woman were trying to dupe some American dope into marrying her just so that she could come to the US, that would be wrong. But, if she takes the initiative and manages to meet someone with whom she falls in love... more power to her!!


I would also hope that she's not all starry-eyed about what it's like to come to America. Cross-cultural relationships are very challenging. The immigration process is hell. Leaving your family and friends in China is difficult. Coming to a place where things are soooo incredibly different (food, money, transportation, weather, government, politics, etc) is not for the faint of heart. She'll need to find a kind and loving man who's willing to be patient and supportive to just survive the whole process.

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Otherwise this sounds about as wrong as hearing one of my friends suggest that I get my wife to hook them up with one of her Chinese friends because they prefer thier women to be docile and obedient.

Wow, Is your wife actually docile and obedient! Mine aint!


LMAO :lol:



One thing that always irritates me is the notion so many american people have that Chinese women are obedient and docile. This is a trait that would be more closely associated with Japanese women. I can tell you from personal experience though that Japanese women only appear to be so. It's a face they put forth to the public that is mostly illusion. So many americans assume that Chinese and Japanese are the same. Nothing could be further from the truth. Bing is far from obedient and docile. She can rip me a new one in a heartbeat lol. I was teasing her once and told her the only english she needs to know is "I love you" and "yes dear". This was replied to with a very emphatic "no say yes dear!"


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Compared to my ex-wife satan is obedient and docile.


obedient : Dutifully complying with the commands, orders, or instructions of one in authority.



1. Ready and willing to be taught; teachable.

2. Yielding to supervision, direction, or management; tractable.


I think they are better discribed as respectful and gentle.


But I met my MM at asianpromise.com

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I told ShuPing I didn't want a slave, if she just wants to be a servant she could stay in China. Of course I don't want a dominate, overbearing, b**** either, (went there with the ex).


A co-worker and I have this conversation all the time. The majority of American women seem to be into control and manipulation of a relationship. It's the main reason I looked outside the US for a relationship.


Matter of fact, I wasn't looking for anything serious when I found ShuPing. I also met women in Greece, Iran, Thailand and England, ShuPing was the one I hit it off the best with, next thing I knew, I was on my way to China. BTW I put an ad on Date.com and e-mailed her, she responded and we went from there.


Interestingly, my buddies at work are waiting to see how things work out with ShuPing and I, but they are definitely interested in meeting someone. And ShuPing has a friend in mind. :rolleyes:

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