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Visas in Perspective

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Hi Gang...


I've missed ya'll lately. So busy here...but it's been a good busy, with some exceptions. Given the events of the last two days, it makes me think about the year-long wait for the visa.


Got a call yesterday from my sister. My mom (84+ years old) took a bad tumble down the stairs in her home. Two shattered wrists, two cracked vertibrae, huge lacerations on her face, and a nose smeared across her face. Poor thing...she's been taking care of dad in the late stages of Alzheimers. She's so strong and healthy. Now this. Following surgery today on her wrists, she had serious complicaitons and was placed in ICU. Docs are confused about everything...nothing makes sense. She's expected to do fine tonight but the road ahead of her will be rough. Coming from Denmark, she's known in our family as the "Viking." So strong. I think she realizes now that she's the one who will be dependent for quite some time and I think it's a blow to the ego.


It kind of puts things into perspective for me. While I waited for the visa, I only focused on that. The visa was my universe. Now that it's here, I realize there's more to life than that. I guess I just wanted to share this insight with everyone and hope you don't forget the other important things in your lives. I fear I did forget. I should have gotten away from the computer a bit more and spent more time with the family. Who knows what can happen when. Just something for everyone to ponder.


An e-icon you ask? How can I end a posting without one, eh? Well, in the spirit of putting things into perspective, there is one more tidbit I'll share. The visa process was so important for so many reasons. Reasons I don't need to share with you as you already know. Yet, there are a handful of us expecting now...and a new father as well. Since JM is pregnant, it made the visa that much more important to us. Well, we finally got a clean ultrasound picture today. Here's the e-icon for this posting:




Ironically, this news is more meaningful given the events with my parents. As the only boy in my family and knowing we'll have a healthy baby boy, I know my father's name will go on. My parents never put any pressure on me for that...I did it all to myself. Bless her heart, but mom got the news in post-op. Despite the pain and confusion, she managed to ask about me and Jing Mei. She was then told we were expecting a boy -- her new grandson. She weakly said, "A boy?" as she managed a small smile. It's my hope that the news can somehow aid in her recovery. I really hope all will go well so she can hold and enjoy her new grandson.


Sorry if this is too sappy. But, like I said, it has really put things in a totally different perspective for me. I hope the story might help you too while you wait and struggle with all the frustrations.

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Sorry to hear about your mother. It sounds like it will be a tough time for her. But, you can be thankful that it wasn't any worse than it was. She can still get up and walk, and it sounds like her neck came through in one piece. One can always try to think of how the fall could have been prevented, but now that it has happened, she will be learning how to deal with it, and hopefully prevent the same thing from happening again.


It will be difficult for her to be walking around the house for a few months with 2 clubs where she once had hands. But, it sounds like she is very strong willed and will make things work. Just don't let her get back into the routine of life too quickly.


I am happy to hear about your son. Perhaps he will be the little bit of joy that will keep your mother going for the next few months. Make sure you send her a copy of the "First Baby Pictures" :D


----- Clifford -----


P.S. If you are looking for Christmas Gifts.... Get her 2 of those foam fingers that they have at football games. One for each arm!!!!

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Also sorry to hear of your mother's accident Dave and yes, these sorts of things sometimes help us keep things in perspective. Both Li and I wish her a speedy and uneventful recovery.


And congratulations on finding out the gender of your baby. A boy! But of course, you knew that a few weeks ago, what with the big feet and all. :D


Li and I return to the doc on Tuesday. Still may be a little too early to tell the gender. She will just be beginning her fifteenth week at that time.

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