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Im not sure about the different offices but DOS is the Department Of State, NVC is the National Visa Center which technically is under the DOS. since the BCIS is part of the department of homeland security which is part of the DOS

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It's all one big happy bureaucracy. :D


When I called DOS (the same number JerryL noted) they called themselves the "visa division." When I inquired about my case they called NVC to check up on it. NVC doesn't seem to have information on GZ whereas the DOS visa division does.


Still they couldn't tell me anything. :blink:

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Like Rob pointed out, the DOS Visa folks have access to the same computer system as the consulate, whereas the NVC folks do not. So while you're waiting for your file to leave NVC, you call New Hampshire. After that, you call Washington.


I don't think the Department of Homeland Security is a part of DOS. The head of both are cabinet level positions. Colin Powell heads up State while Tom Ridge heads up DHS. BCIS is in the DHS organization while the NVC and the consulates are part of the State Department. So when you get your NOA2, there's that footnote that says BCIS is now finished and will be handing the file off to State...



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I stand corrected. The department of homeland security is a cabinet level posistion which the BCIS is a part of. One thing that has always bothered me is the title "homeland security" . Is it just me or does that sound like something the Nazis would have come up with? Was the old INS a part of the DOS?

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I stand corrected.  The department of homeland security is a cabinet level posistion which the BCIS is a part of.  One thing that has always bothered me is the title "homeland security" . Is it just me or does that sound like something the Nazis would have come up with? Was the old INS a part of the DOS?

The same thought has crossed my mind many times Carl. :rolleyes:

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My record for holding was just little over an hour...



With speakerphone or bruised ear?

Headset. I was doing work while holding so it wasn't so bad, except for the occasional voice which comes on to remind you that you're still holding. You jump when you hear the voice, then realize that it's just the recording...



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