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How do you communicate with your love?

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It was the same with my qi zi , Carl........

Although her written English is very good, her spoken English is fair but needs improvement. She passed the interview. It is my dire belief that it is all left up to the certain VO one gets that day. Also, it is my belief that they most certain do pre-screening

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It was the same with my qi zi , Carl........

Although her written English is very good, her spoken English is fair but needs improvement. She passed the interview. It is my dire belief that it is all left up to the certain VO one gets that day. Also, it is my belief that they most certain do pre-screening

I have heard before on this site that many believe the decision is made before interview. I would like to know on what they base this decision if that's true. Theories anyone?


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I do not believe the decision is made before the interview. There may be cases where the couple has a higher burden of proof because of prejudicial factors such as a huge age difference. And I think the history and character of the American member of the couple would play a big part in creating a difficult situation. Probably also ladies from a certain province have a more difficult time because of that province's reputation. But I believe the VO remains open to be convinced that it is a real, deserving relationship. Perhaps this is to a large degree a statement of faith rather than one based on evidence. Those cases where the VO does not ask but one or two questions seem to point toward prejudgment, but we don't know for sure.


I also believe that love will find a way, even despite a language barrier. Lately my wife has been demanding that I do a better job of teaching her English, and if she is asking for it she is going to get it, as difficult for her as that may be. English has basic assumptions built into it that Chinese does not have. But they say when you learn another language you get another soul. So if she is asking for it then maybe she is ready to move on beyond Chinglish into really speaking and understanding English the way we think it and talk. We have nearly worn out our bilingual dictionaries and we have not hardly gotten started yet!!! ;) :lol: :D ;) :D

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Yes, the tones are very difficult and I am sure I butcher them.  That's great Li is fluent, do you find her English different than American-English?






Good luck with the cooking!!





Li's English is very fluent but she does speak with a Chinese accent. It is not a heavy accent, but it is there. She has always worked very hard on expanding her vocabulary and has been working with me on writing a book of American slang and idioms. She is translating the work into Chinese. We are about three-quarters of the way through now. This project has helped her pick up on many of the idiomatic and slang words.

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I do not believe the decision is made before the interview.  There may be cases where the couple has a higher burden of proof because of prejudicial factors such as a huge age difference.  And I think the history and character of the American member of the couple would play a big part in creating a difficult situation.  Probably also ladies from a certain province have a more difficult time because of that province's reputation.  But I believe the VO remains open to be convinced that it is a real, deserving relationship.  Perhaps this is to a large degree a statement of faith rather than one based on evidence.  Those cases where the VO does not ask but one or two questions seem to point toward prejudgment, but we don't know for sure. 


I also believe that love will find a way, even despite a language barrier.  Lately my wife has been demanding that I do a better job of teaching her English, and if she is asking for it she is going to get it, as difficult for her as that may be.  English has basic assumptions built into it that Chinese does not have.  But they say when you learn another language you get another soul.  So if she is asking for it then maybe she is ready to move on beyond Chinglish into really speaking and understanding English the way we think it and talk.  We have nearly worn out our bilingual dictionaries and we have not hardly gotten started yet!!!  :D  :D  :o  :P  B)

I don't think the decision is necessarily made prior to the interview, but I am sure the VO reviews the paperwork prior to the interview. In our case, the first question he asked was "Now lets see, you two have been living together in China for almost five years, is that right?". No way he would have known that without reading through our documents beforehand. Other folks have posted similar experiences.

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my fiance speaks english very well. he is a tour guide in Beijing for foreign, english speaking tourists. when he comes up with words and phrases, sometimes i am left dumbfounded as to where he would have gotten that from and how he knows how to use them.


he and i met through some mutual friends. the first summer i lived in china, we were just good friends, and were hanging out often. our mutual friends always told me that he and should date each other, but i never thought he would want to date me, so i just said, "yea,whatever" and went on with life. he and i got closer and closer and then i had to return home to finish college. after getting my degree, i moved back to china for six months. by this time we both knew we really like each other and we decided that we would start dating each other and get to know one another better. then it happened, we truly fell in love. now we can't stand living without one another. i have since come back to the US and am working on my masters degree while we are waiting out this time apart, and trying to save money so he and i can have life together. i have the feeling that he and i are younger than most people on here, so needless to say, i am not established in my career yet, and am still working on it, all the while trusting that God will meet our needs. We feel God allowed us to be brought together, it was by His design and plan, and He will also be faithful in working out the details. i have managed, by God's grace, to be able to go back and visit about once every six months or so for the last year and a half since returning to work on my masters degree.


we are moving along in the process, and hope to be able to begin life one day in the not tooooo distant future.


his english is very good, praise God, and my chinese is struggling. haha i try often though and he encourages me. it is so funny, as many of you have experienced as well, i am sure. he just goes on like i said it right, and just has to figure out on his own what i mean some of the time. we always use english to communicate, and use chinese when it is convenient and more fun, like when around other americans that dont speak chinese and can't understand us.


he also has an accent, but it isn't a necessarily Chinese one...i truly don't know how to describe it! but it is cute anyway! hehe


anyway, thanks to all who share about their experiences and live, i truly enjoy reading about each one! i am glad to have found this website and joined and become a part!!


thanks to all!




INS received petition April 3, 2003

INS to NVC August 6, 2003

NVC to GZ (we were never notified of this by NVC) September 15, 2003

DHL cleared in GZ October 23, 2003

GZ entered in computer October 28, 2003

GZ Mailed P3 November 4, 2003

P3 Recieved November 8. 2003...gathering the details now and mailing it back ASAP!! it is killing me that he is taking this long to do it, but I know God is in control and it will happen!! there was some info he didn't know and is finding out back in his hometown now, should be in the mail back to GZ in about 2 or 3 more days!!!

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It was the same with my qi zi , Carl........

Although her written English is very good, her spoken English is fair but needs improvement. She passed the interview. It is my dire belief that it is all left up to the certain VO one gets that day. Also, it is my belief that they most certain do pre-screening

Its the same here.. CaiYun's spoken english is fair and her written english is very good. Rarely, I will help her with some misunderstanding of the english language (ie, the difference between doing something "for" someone and doing something "to" someone :rolleyes:).. We have both had nightmares about the VO not thinking highly of her spoken english. I'm really hoping they look at the hundreds of e-mail messages we're submitting as well as the record of thousands of minutes on the phone. If we have to submit proof that I speak chinese, we're sunk -- as I only know how to speak basic pleasantries and can only write my name.

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