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China's decade? Don't bet on it.

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There are at least some orphanages that people can visit. A few years ago my wife went to one outside of Beijing and brought notebooks and pencils for the kids. She seems to think that most of their parents were in jail. There weren't any westerners with her but some Korean people she knew went. It's possible that this could be sort of a model orphanage, of course...


Bringing a bucket of KFC seems pretty far fetched though...

edited by warped bored

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There are at least some orphanages that people can visit. A few years ago my wife went to one outside of Beijing and brought notebooks and pencils for the kids. She seems to think that most of their parents were in jail. There weren't any westerners with her but some Korean people she knew went. It's possible that this could be sort of a model orphanage, of course...


Bringing a bucket of KFC seems pretty far fetched though...

edited by warped bored



There are more than a few ... there are many.


I have seen orphanages in Beijing, though I have never done so as a volunteer or as a parent looking to adopt. I know that in the ones I have seen it is relatively easy to enter and there was no control sheet or sign-in roster to enter.


I personally know volunteer teachers in various orphanages in and around Guangzhou and Beijing. One is pretty famous actually and he has brought food in to share with the kids while he teaches them English. Specifically, he has been known to bring M&M's.


Given the dubious claims about how Larry's experience is impossible, I called Wayne today to ask him how he brings in food. He said that the orphanages he volunteers at in the fringes of Guangzhou organize the kids into -- surprise, surprise -- small groups for him to teach thus he doesn't need to supply 200 pounds of M&M's.


I did ask him if it were feasible to bring in KFC and he stated that it would be possible, but he wouldn't do it because it's expensive. The local McDonald's, he says, has been known to donate hamburgers at times.


If anybody is interested in volunteering to teach kids in some of the orphanages around Guangzhou, send me a PM and I can put you in touch with Wayne.

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