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connecting to the internet problems

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hi everyone,

my wife is finally here,life is sweet. I am trying to set her computer up, her computer is in chinese,and for the live of me,i can not figure out why it wont connect to the internet.I have brighthouse,no passwords or anything required,just plug in and go.hers will not go.we have the same computer which was installed wit vista,but she had it changed to chinese,has now the xp installed.I cant even find on her computer"network"where you can go in and set up an internet connection,she has the wireless,which does connect to a wireless connection,but the signal is weak.anyone know what is wrong.

thanks for your help

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That can be a tough one to diagnose without actually working on the computer, there are many causes of misbehavior that can be simple or as tricky as re-installing a device driver.


A few months ago my Mac-Book started giving me problems connecting to wireless networks, I ended up wiping and reinstalling the OS.


I am an A+ computer tech, and also hold an MCSE and have to deal with these issues on a daily basis at my work.

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Not sure if you are using a laptop or desktop computer. I have seen that for some reason in a desktop that the BIOS will Disable the either net jack. You might want to go into the BIOS and make sure it is Enabled. Just a though. Once you hook a cable to an operating jack it should work, especially with VISTA.

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well i finally got it to connect (dont ask me how),but it said restricted,its connected to internet,but wont recieve anything,i checked the firewall ,it is acting as if the firewall wont let anything in,but her firewall is in the middle setting.of course everything in chinese,is making it quit difficult to diagnose.

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You are getting a weak signal so you are connected, but is there a password for connecting to the wireless?


Right click on the wireless network connection and click "Repair."


That usually clears up and problems and with Vista you will at least get a diagnostic telling you what the problem is.


Good luck.

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