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Some Statistics for you from BCIS Page

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Here are a few statistics from the BCIS pages:

http://uscis.gov/graphics/shared/aboutus/s...tics/Immigs.htm (Immigrants)

http://uscis.gov/graphics/shared/aboutus/s...ics/Nonimms.htm (Non Immigrants and K1/K3 Visas)



2002 Statistics below:

Here is the overall statistics for Non-Immigrant K1/K3 Visas…. This is us…. I think…. I don't know if they how they categorize the changing visa statuses :(


27,000 Fiancées of US Citizens (K1)

4,257 Children of Fiancées of US Citizens (K2)

4,575 Spouses of US Citizens with petition for Immigrant Visa (K3)

1,158 Children of US Citizens with petition for Immigrant Visa Pending (K4)

18,169 Spouses of Legal Permanent Residents with petitions for immigrant Visa Pending (V1)

19,642 Children of Legal Permanent Residents with petitions for immigrant Visa Pending (V2)

17,294 Dependent children of spouse or children who are accompanying or following to with principal beneficiary (V3)




Looking further

Non-immigrant K1/K3 visas: (including minor children)



K1. . . . . . .K3

2,252 . . . 437. . .from China

1,999 . . . 100. . .from Russia

1,790 . . . 38 . . . from Ukraine

1,058 . . . 86 . . . from England (UK)

1,213 . . . 178. . . from Canada

1,506 . . . 789.. . from Mexico

1,108 . . . 139. . . from Colombia

2,252 . . .34. . . . from Cambodia

1,009 . . . .618. . . from India

3,805 . . . 677. . . from Philippines

3,974 . . . 225. . . from Vietnam




If you see the numbers below, you will realize that the K1/K3 visas are just a drop in the bucket..... Hardly enough to even show up on anybody's radar. However, I do see a significant difference between the numbers reported as K1/K3 and those reported as "family sponsored". I am not sure what accounts for this disparity. Perhaps the "family sponsored" include the K1/K3, as well as students or others that change visa stauses.

The scary thought.... More immigrants are coming in as relatives of perminant residents (V1-V3) than relatives of US Citizens (K1-K4).



1 million immigrants to the USA.

674,000 of above were "Family Sponsored"

295,000 were spouses ………. I don't know how there are 295,000 here, but only 30K with K1/K3 visas?

97,000 were children


Of the million immigrants:

219,000 from Mexico

71,000 from India

61,000 from China #3

51,000 from the Philippines

21,000 from Ukraine #10

21,000 from Korea

20,800 from Russia #12

19,519 from Canada #14

16,181 from England (UK) #17

323,000 from "Other" (not top 20)


Sorry, I didn't see a breakdown of types of immigrants per country.


Russia doesn't even fall in the top 10, unless you add Russia and Ukraine together, and perhaps other of the former Soviet republics.


Note, Canada and England (UK) are also on the top 20 list. Yet, they don't receive the same treatment as immigrants from Russia and China (at least once the application leaves the USA). They can even visit here WITHOUT a visa. I presume for a canadian fiancee, she could submit the K1, K3 application, then come across the boarder with just a drivers license and wait for the rest of the processing.


The US has a "Visa Waiver" program for certain countries including most of Europe, Japan, Singapore, and Argentina. Citizens of these countries do not have the same formal visitor's visa application process. The USA admitted 13 Billion (13,230,001) visitors under this program without the formal visa application process. (I didn't see Canada on this list, perhaps it is treated in another category).



There were 195,000 people admitted under the H-1B temporary workers admitted. The number 1 occupation that they were admitted for was Computer & IT fields (50,000)…. And, I have heard that the High Tech Industries (Computers and etc) are going through a huge slump???? That is one of the things that has stranded me 2000 miles away from home. And, of course, their median pay is higher than mine too????



Here is another stat of non-immigrants admitted.


27,000,000 non-immigrants admitted (overall).

10,000,000 from Europe (overall)

114,000 from Russia.

28,000 from Ukraine

7,000,000 from Asia

705,000 from China

3,651,000 from Japan.


804,000 from Korea (didn't separate N vs S)

12,000 from Iran

2,000 from Iraq

316,000 from Israel

22,000 from Saudi Arabia

21,000 from Lebanon

24,000 from Cuba



If my calculations are right (from the Russian Embassy page), they do approximately 200-250 K1, K2, K3 interviews a month...... This is slightly higher than the 1300 K1/K3 visas given last year, but still on the same order.





----- Clifford -----

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K1. . . . . . .K3   (2002)


2,252 . . . 437. . .from China

1,999 . . . 100. . .from Russia

1,790 . . . 38 . . . from Ukraine

1,058 . . . 86 . . . from England (UK)

1,213 . . . 178. . . from Canada

1,506 . . . 789.. . from Mexico

1,108 . . . 139. . . from Colombia

2,252 . .  .34. . . . from Cambodia

1,009 . . . .618. . . from India

3,805 . . . 677. . . from Philippines

3,974 . . . 225. . . from Vietnam



Assuming the number of K1/K3 visas for 2002 are representative for those in 2003, then in China:


They have 500 K3 visas / year.


Assuming a 6 month backlog, then they would have about 250 pending K3 visas....


If they could schedule 50 interviews a day.....



(P3 & P4 & Interview).


(just some food for thought.... This may not be representative of the reality of the processing occurring in a US Governement Office).


----- Clifford -----

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Fascinating statistics. I wonder how many K4's there are coming from China. That is extremely interesting that there are so few K visas from China, yet GZ acts like they are bogged down with stupendous numbers of cases. Obviously our cases must be delayed by the processing of the other visa types.

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Fascinating statistics.  I wonder how many K4's there are coming from China.  That is extremely interesting that there are so few K visas from China, yet GZ acts like they are bogged down with stupendous numbers of cases.  Obviously our cases must be delayed by the processing of the other visa types.



They seem to lump K1/K2 and K3/K4 for the itemized by country statistics.


2002 Statistics:


For China:


705,596 Non-Immigrant Visas issued including:


218,691 Visitors for Business

334,947 Visitors for "Pleasure"

68,722 Students

6,034 Spouses and children of students

18,544 Temporary Workers

5,945 Spouses of Temporary Workers

2,252 Fiancées of American Citizens and Their Children (K1,K2)

500 * K2 visas included in above (my estimate from global statistics).

437 Spouses and Children of U.S. Citizens, immigrant Visa pending (K3,K4)

100 * K4 visas included in above (my estimate from global statistics).

726 Spouses of Legal Permanent Residents (V1)

258 Children of Legal Permanent Residents (V2)

296 Dependent Children of spouse or accompanying Children (V3)


* For an estimate of K1/K2 visas and K3/K4 visas, globally it is ranking about 4:1. Thus, I would assume the above numbers include about 500 K2 visas and 100 K1 visas.


Yes, I am sure it is a daunting task to deal with the number of visas of all types. However, the K1,K2,K3, & K4 visas combined do not even come close to 1% of all Non-Immigrant visas issued in China. And, if you consider the percentage of K1-K4 visas that are rejected, compared to the number of Tourist Visa Applications that are rejected, I would assume that the number of K1-K4 interviews rank somewhere around 0.1% of total interviews, perhaps even less. They don't even make up a significant fraction of the "temporary workers"….. Anybody hear of a rising unemployment rate and recession in the USA, and still we bring in more "temporary workers" than spouses of US Citizens?



I wonder,

Of the 18,000 temporary workers that are able to bring over 6,000 spouses….. How many of them will actually stay in the USA? Of the ones that don't bring over their spouses, how many are later applying for the V1, V2, and V3 visas?



------ Clifford ------

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Fascinating statistics.  I wonder how many K4's there are coming from China.  That is extremely interesting that there are so few K visas from China, yet GZ acts like they are bogged down with stupendous numbers of cases.  Obviously our cases must be delayed by the processing of the other visa types.

Something's wrong with the China K1 number at 2252

Back in 2000, I read an official report saying there was 4000+ K1 apps for the first 6 months alone.

Unless they cracked down, those stats for 2002 look very suspicious to me.

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Fascinating statistics.  I wonder how many K4's there are coming from China.  That is extremely interesting that there are so few K visas from China, yet GZ acts like they are bogged down with stupendous numbers of cases.  Obviously our cases must be delayed by the processing of the other visa types.



Why do you think they process all K1/K2/K3/K4 visa applications in a single Consulate in China? But they process other applications at ALL of the offices.


Is it because of the stupendous numbers of K1-K4 applications that they only have the capacity at GZ?


No, the answer is that the number of K1-K4 visa applications are so few that it doesn't make any sense to process them in more than one location.


That aside, they likely put in more effort on the K1-K4 visa applications than some of the others, and they likely have a dedicated K1-K4 team that isn't the same team that does visitor's visas. Actually, I would wonder what percentage of the effort is put into processing this 0.1% (or so) of the visa applications?


----- Clifford -----

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Fascinating statistics.  I wonder how many K4's there are coming from China.  That is extremely interesting that there are so few K visas from China, yet GZ acts like they are bogged down with stupendous numbers of cases.  Obviously our cases must be delayed by the processing of the other visa types.

Something's wrong with the China K1 number at 2252

Back in 2000, I read an official report saying there was 4000+ K1 apps for the first 6 months alone.

Unless they cracked down, those stats for 2002 look very suspicious to me.



I am sure it depends on how the statistics are crunched. However, the statistics I reported came directly from the BCIS web page.


For non-immigrant Fiancee visas and their children (K1/K2), from China


2000 - 2.127

2001 - 2,121

2002 - 2,252



There is a possibility of a difference between the number of applications, and the number of applicants that actually ENTER the USA. Perhaps they throw out 2000 applications. Or, perhaps there is a number of people that don't ever enter the USA for one reason or another.


Another possibility is that BCIS is only reporting the number of outstanding visas at the end of the year, and not reporting those that have changed their status from "Non-Immigrant" to "Immigrant".


Based on the November / December interview schedule that Russia has posted, they interview approximately 200 - 250 K1-K4 applications per month (perhaps including other types of visa applications). That would give on the order of 2000 to 3000 interviews / year.


Oops, I misread the Russian Fiancee Visas, it should be (excuse me if I edit that number).


2,155 for 2000

2,385 for 2001

1,999 for 2002


These numbers are in line with the number of interviews that they have scheduled for November / December.


----- Clifford ------

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Unless you know someone that tells you about cfl or your Fiancee finds out from 001 about cfl, where would you know about it. Many people that are petitioning for China visa's feel they are alone in their quest. The people on candle are very lucky to have this support. Just imagine how difficult we have it with the support of candle, think how alone you would be without it, well this is probably how they feel.

The stats that are recorded on this post, well this could be only the numbers that actually get visas and not the number of petitions processed, but either way, I can tell you that no government agency is over worked and GZ is no exception. This new customs delay that GZ is blaming on China's new customs laws. Come on give me a brake. This is American, we went to war without UN approval. does anyone here thiink our petitions from NVC would be held by Chinese customs, if GZ didn't want to delay visas.

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Hell!!! the last time I was out to Guangzhou.. it certainly seemed like the afor mentioned 50, heck more were there with their interview paper work!!..??????? makes you wonder what it is they really are doing.. mah jong tournament??


Geeezzz from my quick glance of the figures, it certainly doesn't seem like much of a case load at all. ;) :)

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I can tell you that no government agency is over worked and GZ is no exception. This new customs delay that GZ is blaming on China's new customs laws. Come on give me a brake. This is American, we went to war without UN approval. does anyone here thiink our petitions from NVC would be held by Chinese customs, if GZ didn't want to delay visas.

I agree with you totally. That's just their a bad excuse!http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_1_106.gif

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Why do they spread this propaganda to us U.S.Citizens? Do they think it makes it better to get our hopes up then let us find out the truth latter. I don't think that is a good pollicy

Yes. The lawyer told my fiance, K1 is the fastest way to enter US. it usually takes 4 to 6 months. But we been waiting for more than 1 year, still can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4_2_3.gif

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