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P-3 Pit Crew update (11/8)

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This may be way off base but it crossed my mind so I thought I'd run it by people here.


Do you think there is any possibility that other people are making inside connections at the consulate and throwing a little cash around to get their cases processed or at least entered into the system? I'm not accusing anyone here. But maybe some of the 001 people who might have better access and understand the way things are done there...


I don't know. It would certainly explain the randomness of the processing. It certainly happens everywhere else in China. Why not at the US consulate as well?

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I don't know about throwing cash around, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone who 'knew' someone could get some files moved around. That's just how the system in China works and I don't see why the consulate would be different. Guanxi in China is worth a lot more than cash...



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Sorry, I've seen that term used before but I don't know it's meaning.  Guanxi.

I guess the closest word I can think of is 'connections'. Perhaps someone else can think of a better description. But guanxi has some connotations that doesn't quite get captured in just 'connections'.


People just expect that you need guanxi to get things done. There's another word which describes your ability to open doors, so to speak, and one compliment you can pay someone is about their ability to open doors and get things done.



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I don't know about throwing cash around, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone who 'knew' someone could get some files moved around.  That's just how the system in China works and I don't see why the consulate would be different.  Guanxi in China is worth a lot more than cash...



So, then that person who has "guanxi" inside the consulate has a desirable product to sell.


Has anyone ever been approached outside the consulate by people offering such services? I'm not interested in hiring out such services. I'm just curious.

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Sorry, I've seen that term used before but I don't know it's meaning.  Guanxi.

from my experience in china and understanding, Guanxi isn't something that is like for sale or that you can just get, it is more like being "in the know" and having "connections". I don't really think it would be the case that someone would be able to offer it to you, it just like you knowing someone who knows someone who is important or who knows someone who is important, and on and on....it gets stuff done! it isn't something you buy from someone, but it is something that may happen with money involved, if that makes ANY sense! money might be how it actually gets done, but it isn't what makes it happen, the relationship makes it happen!


for instance, when i was living in china, i was teaching, but i was there on a tourist visa for some time, well as we all probably know, those don't last very long, not as long as a teaching term does, so in order to extend my visa, my boss got a friend of his to say i was a student at a certain university, i then had a student visa and could stay up to a year. it happened because of the relationship, guanxi, but it happened through him paying him to do it.......


by the way, kimnjake can be changed to P3 rec'd 11/08!!

Praise the Lord!!


be patient, y'all, they are all coming!!!



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Could you, perhaps add a little additional information to your list. This would help with the stats..... Perhaps we could also add some names from

www.k1k3.com (without confirmations that blank users still being pending).


Date of the 129/130 mailing or reciept, the date the packet left NVC, and the date the packet arrived at the embassy, if the info is known.


This info would help indicate if the processing is FIFO, LIFO, or just plain luck of the draw. :lol:


----- Clifford -----


P3 Confirmations:


1) Frank and Jingwen (P3 sent 11/3)

2) JoeCool (P3 sent 11/3)

3) 215dave (P3 rc'd 11/5)

4) chinese lover (P3 sent 11/5)

5) Bobby (P3 sent 11/6)

6) Bob & Minglian (P3 sent 11/7)

7) JerryL (P3 conf 11/7)

8) kimnjake (P3 sent 11/4)


No P3






keelec ... 129F 01/06/03, Left NVC 8/29/03, approx 2 wks to Moscow


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Its funny, but someone in my fiancee's family suggested slipping someone at the consulate some cash.. I had to explain to them that the consulate, though in china, is not a chinese office..


American government employees (I used to work at a state college and had to deal with this daily) take a twisted kind of pride in their work (or lack of ability to do so). I don't know if its a case of being proud of how much work it took to get the job, or the fact that you can't get fired (where I worked, it took upwards of 6 months to finish the paperwork to fire someone, so the employees -- if they didn't like someone -- would make it so "uncomfortable" that the person they wanted gone would leave)..


I would not doubt for a second, however, that having connections would make this process a whole lot easier. Be it that you can get your congressperson to take a personal interest in your case, or you happen to know a consular employee.


Who knows.. for the rest of us "mundanes" I guess we wait our turn in line and see what happens..

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Connections works anywhere in the whole world just like my fiancee's american lawyer mentioned he has"connections" in VSC so he could get more information than other lawyer.Well he got 1500 dollars for filling a couple of forms for us.


I wouldn't say most of the ppl got p3 got their connections in GZ IV but because all the mismanagement of the ambassy.LIFO make me very disappointed at the government of the country where I will live.


There is another thing someone on 001 mentioned yesterday that GZ IV actually already start part of the name check before they send p3 and do the left part after p3 sent back to them. Maybe they are doing this to us and that's why we are still waiting.


good luck to everybody in the p3 pit crew.

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Its funny, but someone in my fiancee's family suggested slipping someone at the consulate some cash..  I had to explain to them that the consulate, though in china, is not a chinese office..



I wouldn't recommend the cash option (unless it is in a joke not directed to anybody associated with the Embassy). :lol:


You could get lucky.... Or you could have your application immediately and irrevocably rejected. Even if it is not completely rejected, you would have a lot of explaining of cultural differences, would have your application thoroughly scrutinized for any additional illegal or immoral activity, and it would likely significantly delay everything..... It isn't worth the risk.


------ Clifford ------

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This may be way off base but it crossed my mind so I thought I'd run it by people here.


Do you think there is any possibility that other people are making inside connections at the consulate and throwing a little cash around to get their cases processed or at least entered into the system?  I'm not accusing anyone here.  But maybe some of the 001 people who might have better access and understand the way things are done there...


I don't know.  It would certainly explain the randomness of the processing.  It certainly happens everywhere else in China.  Why not at the US consulate as well?


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I don't know about throwing cash around, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone who 'knew' someone could get some files moved around.  That's just how the system in China works and I don't see why the consulate would be different.  Guanxi in China is worth a lot more than cash...



JUST THINK You are right it is China but the Embassy is USA!!!

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I don't know about throwing cash around, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone who 'knew' someone could get some files moved around.  That's just how the system in China works and I don't see why the consulate would be different.  Guanxi in China is worth a lot more than cash...



JUST THINK You are right it is China but the Embassy is USA!!!

I couldn't agree more. Don't even try it.

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