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White denial

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Hi guys, Qingyun had her interview this morning. She was nervous, but felt everything was OK. As the interview progressed the VO asked to see our emails. She said his demeanor changed and pointed at the bottom of the pages where the date when I copied it is located. He told her the emails were not legitimate, gave her a white denial slip and sent her on her way. There is no explanation written, just the standard nonbonafide relationship form letter. As you can imagine, Qingyun is an emotional mess. Now I have another reason to hate Guangzhou! Jeff <_<


Wow !!! sorry to hear the bad news,i know the feeling i been there,wife was denied in October 08,my wife and i are getting ready for our second interview,we have 2 years of emails,what do you mean about the date on the emails? i mean,,it has the header on it with the date.that is usually on the top,what date is on the bottom?

again man,sorry to hear the bad news,comfort your girl.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

I am more confused than ever.


All of our emails I printed are from yahoo mail. Although they all have index information on the top of the page and then a footer with the date and exact time you pulled up the email from their server....


You should be able to see it in the bottom right hand corner of the print out....


I had been waiting for good word from you, since things had been looking so much better lately at GUZ. Was waiting to hear your news to bring out the right color marker for my calendar entry.....


Have you scheduled an appointment with ACS? Try anything IMO..


They would have a hard time removing my body, I think from the building!


This TRULY blows....


It's really hard to make a determination on this without seeing a copy of the emails to which the VO raised the issue. I have seen some email systems that allow you to print an email so that the true header is omitted, and cannot be seen.


Most email systems will allow you to print:


1. Full header: where all the IP addresses appear, showing the origination, final destination, and all stops in between. Additionally, you can see the time of day, date, from, to, and so on.


2. Partial header: where the IP addresses cannot be seen, but you can see the actual email address (rather than name only) of both the sender and recipient. Additionally the subject, time of day, and date appear.


3. No header. No information regarding the sender's actual email address, the recipient's email address, time of day, subject, and date do not appear.

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I might be off-base, but why wait for ACH? This sounds like a perfect reason to question why the VO didn't accept the evidence. Can't an appointment be made outside of ACH?


will they give him a chance to vent? a chance to re examine the evidence? question the VO's decission? i will be in Guangzhou next week.I am trying to be positive ,but i will be there,and i would like to know,what do you do in a situation like this........in most events that turn bad in life,especially in America,you are given a chance to protest(peacefully of course),see the Boss,talk to the manager......someone in charge......it doesn't seem to be the case when in Guangzhou.

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I think that for any blue or white, the chinese national should refuse to leave until they talk to someone who will explaiin in more detail the slip and the evidenced referenced as a problem (or lack of evidenced mentioned, particuarly if they have it on hand). THis may not be the VO, but simply ask for someone to clarify.


The USC may have a difficult time getting through to anyone outside of ACH, but I think there are cases of some raising enough of a stink by visiting that someone talked to them.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

I might be off-base, but why wait for ACH? This sounds like a perfect reason to question why the VO didn't accept the evidence. Can't an appointment be made outside of ACH?


will they give him a chance to vent? a chance to re examine the evidence? question the VO's decission? i will be in Guangzhou next week.I am trying to be positive ,but i will be there,and i would like to know,what do you do in a situation like this........in most events that turn bad in life,especially in America,you are given a chance to protest(peacefully of course),see the Boss,talk to the manager......someone in charge......it doesn't seem to be the case when in Guangzhou.



It's important to remain focused on the reason the VO gave the white slip in the first place. That is, he/she did not believe the emails presented, were authentic.


This is very curios indeed, as email is considered acceptable in a court of law for both the prosecution and the defense. The reason, is that the information contained in the HEADER of ANY email is completely traceable to not only a human, but to a single computer. That information cannot be refuted. It appears that the header information was not in an acceptable or verifiable format!



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I am more confused than ever.


All of our emails I printed are from yahoo mail. Although they all have index information on the top of the page and then a footer with the date and exact time you pulled up the email from their server....


You should be able to see it in the bottom right hand corner of the print out....


I had been waiting for good word from you, since things had been looking so much better lately at GUZ. Was waiting to hear your news to bring out the right color marker for my calendar entry.....


Have you scheduled an appointment with ACS? Try anything IMO..


They would have a hard time removing my body, I think from the building!


This TRULY blows....


It's really hard to make a determination on this without seeing a copy of the emails to which the VO raised the issue. I have seen some email systems that allow you to print an email so that the true header is omitted, and cannot be seen.


Most email systems will allow you to print:


1. Full header: where all the IP addresses appear, showing the origination, final destination, and all stops in between. Additionally, you can see the time of day, date, from, to, and so on.


2. Partial header: where the IP addresses cannot be seen, but you can see the actual email address (rather than name only) of both the sender and recipient. Additionally the subject, time of day, and date appear.


3. No header. No information regarding the sender's actual email address, the recipient's email address, time of day, subject, and date do not appear.


i just looked at the emails i printed,it just has the email address and the date and time,maybe its a good idea to print emails with the "full header" where it logs where the email bounced to,i.p address etc etc.

let me go out and buy lots of paper and ink cartriges,i know what i will be doing this weekend.



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Guest jin979

why would print date matter ?

its date of correspondence that matters. must show dates over time, screen shots on webcam are the best. in colour both faces, clear dates and language. you just have them on top of evidence file you put on counter VO will see them .

no need to over think things. at interview ask VO i have this that show them folders even they not ask, smile talk nice make relationship, dress well (no jeans) dress or skirt. suite for man. go to both ACH and ACS be clever offer them help.

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this might be off topic...


but would it be wise to let the VO know what kind of evidence you have during ACH? and let them see it to make sure it's acceptable?

you can do that... and it's been done before.


but the VO at ACH is not likely to be the VO at the interview.


can it be requested that they add notes in the computer...

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I am sorry, but here is my 2 cents.......


Jeff first mentioned that something caught the eye of the VO. Then he asked for the emails....


That again is one of the problems that is usually the main problem. Some underlying thing got him going down the path of white and the emails, just put the fork in it....


And I have seen many different ways to print out emails. Get the one that has the IP address and date and time stamps........don't let the VO think.....otherwise, the email looks like a Word document. Anyone can do these.


And I so love the Chinese and their abilities. They can copy and make anything. As Americans, we should know this and the VOs certainly know this. Don't give them a chance to think it is not genuine...a wake...


And the one post that won after a refusal to my recollection went straight to ACS. ACH at this point is a waste and time gone by.....get to an American employee as fast as you can. You may get gunned down and I hope not literally, but waiting for a Monday for ACH from a Thursday.......


Good GOSH man.......make a stand, if at all you possibly can.....


They keep lawyers away at all possible from the 5th floor, but you have a REAL vested interest. You do not probably have the formal training and they also know this, so have a little liberty with it...Do not simply roll over.......


The worst thing they can do is send you packing and if you at least keep your wits about yourself, you can only help your case....


If they told me my case was not bona fide, I would want a piece of something.........literally.......so I know for myself that I would have to be careful...

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Guest jin979

this might be off topic...


but would it be wise to let the VO know what kind of evidence you have during ACH? and let them see it to make sure it's acceptable?


ACS is better (or was) Rob asked many questions there. got many things notarised by them. we have posted this before nothing we got done by them was asked for interview-passports,letter of evolution etc and Rob had big talk asking them anything they need. how can he help. We believe USC going to ACS and CH is important make relationship. they see you see your eyes.

We believe not going is a mistake. especially now in GUZ.

At the time i thought no need him be there. save money. but i changed mind when he was there. to have him there was great help and i cannot imagine if blue/white if he was not.

Really most important days.crazy if not there

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