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This site is Dead

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Well I guess this site is really is going to the shits. This site use to be a great source of info and the members use to really help each other out in finnding ways to either to speed up the process or to give advice and info on who to call or numbers to call to try to resolve the problems they have. For the past 2 or 3 months people have more debates and opions on subjects that is not even related to the VISA process. Well I guess that is just human nature everyone will care for themself anyway. But to see theses kind of posted lately is funny in a way.

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Well I guess this site is really is going to the shits. This site use to be a great source of info and the members use to really help each other out in finnding ways to either to speed up the process or to give advice and info on who to call or numbers to call to try to resolve the problems they have. For the past 2 or 3 months people have more debates and opions on subjects that is not even related to the VISA process. Well I guess that is just human nature everyone will care for themself anyway. But to see theses kind of posted lately is funny in a way.

Let me share my ideas about human nature and CFL. Perhaps an example will help:


Many moons ago, I was an EMT at a race track in UT. What's the primary job of an EMT? Emergency first aid. When is it applied? When someone is hurt. What do you do when no one is hurt??? Nothin'! Back then, we'd sit in the ambulance and review emergency procedures, crack jokes, tease each other ruthlessly, etc. But, when the red flag was waved, we stopped what we were doing and went to work. When we finished, we went back to joking, teasing, and studying.


How does that apply here? For most of us, all we have is a big fat nothin' while we wait. We regularly turn to CFL seeking new information and movement in others' timelines. But, during a whole lot of nothin', we aren't seeing anything. People get bored and frustrated and react in different ways. For me, I've tried to introduce some "comic relief" via jokes or my little friends. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/k/llying.gif I know I've been guilty of stirring the pot at times and other times I've just let loose when ticked off. But, I understand all this is out of boredom and frustration. Wouldn't it be great to see daily posts like "Hey! Got P4 Today," or " Visa in Hand"? Ironically, if the process worked that well, CFL would never have been started.


I, for one, value CFL very much. I understand people get far more from it than just information. It's a place for support, distraction, venting, etc. And yes...sometimes that has nothing to do with visas. So, while we wait for nothin' to become somthin', I think it's okay to chat, visit, share, debate, etc. Preferably, I'd see "Visa in Hand" postings everyday. But, since that's not the case, I'm happy to learn about others' thoughts/concerns and help if I'm able. At the same time, I know I have a place where I can express my stuff if needed.


Oh...sorry....this has nothing to do with the visa process....but:


JM had the ultrasound today. Survey says?













Too early to tell....can't get a clear view of things. Doc thinks boy because the kid has big feet. But folks....the baby is healthy! That's all that matters.


So, even though this information has nothing to do with obtaining a K1 Visa, it's nevertheless important to me and I appreciate having people to share it with. That's really what CFL is all about.



PS: Hopefully I haven't opened myself up for genitalia jokes here. I know if I were you, I'd have a field day with this. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/_950/bath.gif

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I couldn't have said it better myself Dave. This site serves many purposes. It provides help, information, and support, especially during dark times of uncertainty and confusion. As for comic relief, that is a blessing as well. I know I have needed that many times over the course of these strange times. If folks engage in debate and controversy, I don't think it distracts much from the issues at hand as long as people remain civil. For the most part, I tend to avoid the politically charged issues....well....most of the time.


I would encourage the member who started this thread to hang in there, keep reading and participating, and be patient. These are tough times for all I am sure. This board has gone through these sorts of things in the past.


As for Dave G.: I wouldn't touch that one about the genitelia with a ten foot pole. (No pun intended).. :lol: :P :D :P B)

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PS: Hopefully I haven't opened myself up for genitalia jokes here.  I know if I were you, I'd have a field day with this. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/_950/bath.gif

Dave, just remember, you opened the door. :lol:


So, a guy from Clemson (my alma mater, of course) goes into the bar. "Drinks for everyone. My wife just had a 13 pound boy."


Someone remarked "Wow, 13 pounds. He'll be a great football player one day."


A few weeks later, the guy goes back into the bar and someone said "How much does you son weigh now? He must be 20 pounds."


"No" said the guy. "He's down to about 10 pounds. We just had him cirmcumcized." :P



p.s. I agree with you that many of us are just treading water while we wait for the lull to pass.

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Yea, Last year a tornado wiped out Clemsons Library. They haven't replaced that book yet!

I'm beginning to think that I opened the Clemson door wider than the genatalia door. :lol:

Thing I remember most about Clemson is the time Woody Hayes tried to tackle one of their players. :lol:

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The info and help is still here. The help you need and the answers and contacts you need are likely in some of the many older posts that are still on this site. Could it be that the many jokes and other off topic posts today are the result of the visa process now proceeding more smoothly? Back in Nov to March, it was at a standstill.

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Could it be that the many jokes and other off topic posts today are the result of the visa process now proceeding more smoothly?  Back in Nov to March, it was at a standstill.

I think this is precisely the case

No, it is the direct result of Mick trying to catch up to Eric, and Eric trying to hold on to his lead! :D ;) :D

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