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It's all over but the SWEARING!!!!!!!

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Our appointment was set for 9:30. We left Kerrville between 7:30 and 7:45. According to Mother (my GPS), we had an arrival time of 9:00. Needless to say the traffic into San Antonio was slower than usual due to the rain and also because some lady was driving her Cadillac Escalade down the middle lane of I-10 at 45 miles an hour (speed limit was 65) gabbing on her cell phone. When I was able to pass her I found a gap of at least 30 car lengths between her and the car in front of her. I missed one exit, but thanks to Mother I was able to get back on track.


We got to the INS building about 9:20 and settled in for Ying's turn. Ying's name was finally called about 10:45. The officer was a woman who apologized for the delay because her computer and printer had crashed and she needed IT to fix the problem. In the meantime she was using another office till it was fixed. Ying said the officer was not comfortable in the office, but once she was told her computer was ok, she and Ying went back to her office.


When Ying's name was called, I told her to "Knock 'em dead." The officer asked Ying if that was her husband and after Ying said yes, the officer remarked that I looked more nervous than what she was. Ying said before the interview even started the Officer had her sign her Citizenship Certificate and they made some small talk about how she (the officer) wanted to learn Chinese and about the cost of adoptions in China. She ran through the questions on the N-400 so fast that Ying initially said no when asked if she supported the Constitution but recovered when officer asked with a smile, "You don't?" to which Ying responded "I mean I do."


Ying said she was asked 6 questions.

1. How old do citizens need to be to vote for President? (18)

2. How many Senators are there? (100)

3. Who is your representative in Congress? (Lamar Smith)

4 When was the Constitution written? (1787)

5. What is the Ocean on the east coast of the US? (Atlantic)

6. What was a problem that led to the Civil War? (Slavery)


She had to write out two sentences.

1. California has the most population of the states.

2. New York was the first capital of the United States.


Now all we need to do is wait for the date of her ceremony and then she can apply for her passport and plan our next trip to China. Both won't be soon enough as far as I am concerned.

Edited by Carl (see edit history)
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Can she have dual citizenship?





The US recognizes dual citizenship but China doesn't.


Congratulations Ying!!!! America needs more citizens like you.

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