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Hello all recent interviewees, please, while the info is still fresh write your reviews for those coming after us. I know you are celebrating, but please help, the reviews can sometimes point out a small detail or question that can be of great help to those coming right after us.

CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! ! and Thanks for helping, Mike & Yizhen

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hi mike,


i hope the following helps with the interview and good luck, think PINK PINK PINK!!!


9am- swearing in the office

chinese asst VO: may i have your interview letter and medical documents?

wife: handed documents.

chinese asst VO: did you ever leave china before?

wife: no.

chinese asst VO: did you ever visit, hong kong, taiwan?

wife: hong kong only.

chinese asst VO: how many times and how long for each trip?

wife: 3 times and each trip is .........

chinese asst VO: ok, go take fingerprints and here is your ticket number.

wife: thanks.


10:45- VO was a white middle aged man

wife:good morning, how are you?

VO: good morning, do you speak english?

wife: little bit...can we speak chinese?

VO: yes (VO speaks mandarin from then on).

VO: who petitions you?

wife: my husband, george lee.

VO: how many times were you married?

wife: 1 time only and to my husband george lee.

VO: do you have any children?

wife: no but we hope to have children very soon.

VO: (laughed) are you working?

wife: no, i'm in english school.

VO: when was your husband's first trip to china?

wife: march 2007

VO: how long was the trip?

wife: 3 weeks.

VO: when was the last trip he made?

wife: january 2009.

VO: how long was the trip?

wife: 3 weeks.

VO: how many trips did he made total?

wife: 4 trips, do you want to see flight records?

VO: ok.

wife: handed flight records to VO.

VO: looks at flight records and type to computer.

VO: handed back flight records and asked how did you meet your husband.

wife: we were introduced by my father's long time friend. she is residing in ny. she met george's mother in the casino where both are working as housekeepers.

VO: are you a communist?

wife: no.

VO: do you have any pictures?

wife: yes and handed our wedding banquet pictures

VO: looked at pictures and typed to computer.

VO: congratulation with a smile and handed her a PINK!!! go to window and paid the EMS.

wife: thank you very much and do you want my giv-24?

VO: no but hold on to it in case we ask for it, any questions?

wife: no, thank you for the time.

VO: you welcome with smile, bye.

wife: bye thank again.


the interview took about 5 minutes. the VO did not ask for any other documents, only my flight records and wedding banquet pictures. my income tax, employment letter, western union, webcam logs, telephone logs, chat logs, emails, evolution letter, my mother letter, the letter from the person who introduced us, were not ask about.


notes: i didn't front loaded my I-130, visited ACH or ASH and no lawyer.

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Hi Lan is home in Nanning with passport and visa. Had long talk with her about the interview. they asked these questions.

would like interview in Chinese or English(Chinese)

how many trip I made to China (4)

were she worked (retired)

if she was member communist party( not were member)

to see photos of us(looked at few)

asked why not apply for daughter( daughter is 26 surprised did not think

Lan was that old)

If I speak Chinese( in my letter say I take Chinese class at University I



VO was Young female from Guangzhou


there I hope this helps some



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