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Has anyone gotten a P3 in the last two months?

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Been making rounds on different boards talking about the stupid $%^@# delay at Guangzhou, and it occured to me that I haven't seen anyone talk about getting a P3 in the last two months or so...


If you've gotten a P3 in this time period, would you mind posting when you got it and when your case left NVC if known? I'm trying to figure out if they're still working on the mailbags from the spring...


Is there a site where this kind of timeline (NVC to consulate) is kept?


Thanks all. Just got another one of those "we don't have your case and we'll act on it as soon as we receive it" notice today. Definitely moving from the depression stage to the anger stage... :P



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Been making rounds on different boards talking about the stupid $%^@# delay at Guangzhou, and it occured to me that I haven't seen anyone talk about getting a P3 in the last two months or so...


If you've gotten a P3 in this time period, would you mind posting when you got it and when your case left NVC if known?  I'm trying to figure out if they're still working on the mailbags from the spring...


Is there a site where this kind of timeline (NVC to consulate) is kept?


Thanks all.  Just got another one of those "we don't have your case and we'll act on it as soon as we receive it" notice today.  Definitely moving from the depression stage to the anger stage...  :o



So far as I know only one got p3 in late september and his case reached GZ consulate in 911 same day as me which made me hoping my P3 will come soon.


Lately, clearance of background checking are done for some girls on 001 under old method and some already arranged interview in Nov.It seems that GZ IV now is busy with old method people..........and forget p3:(

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Lately, clearance of background checking are done for some girls on 001 under old method and some already arranged interview in Nov.It seems that GZ IV now is busy with old method people..........and forget p3:(



I was reading through 001 and noticed a Francin (no E). Is that you? :o


Their BBS system seems kinda bizarre. I like Candle much better. Connection is also much slower than Candle but I guess there isn't much that can be done...


OMG! I see someone on there posted today that they have a June P2 and still no news? Agh!!! :o



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Lately, clearance of background checking are done for some girls on 001 under old method and some already arranged interview in Nov.It seems that GZ IV now is busy with old method people..........and forget p3:(



I was reading through 001 and noticed a Francin (no E). Is that you? :o


Their BBS system seems kinda bizarre. I like Candle much better. Connection is also much slower than Candle but I guess there isn't much that can be done...


OMG! I see someone on there posted today that they have a June P2 and still no news? Agh!!! :o



hi Jerry, I just got through GZ phone system still no record:(.


Many who got p2 in June waiting for p3 now.This is my timeline:


NOA1 May 20th 2003

NOA2 June 27th 2003

security checking started July 2nd 2003

security clearance August 8th 2003

case reached GZ IV Sep 11th 2003





hope this is helpful.


by the way,I am that francin (no e on 001) and I prefer 001 actually.....

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Well.  This is very true.  Probably I would have waited longer if I had not called my Congresswoman.  She is a powerful woman.  The Consular General in GZ replied to her, and promised her that they will be diligent about my case. :D

Let me guess... Nancy Pelosi? :lol:



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Been making rounds on different boards talking about the stupid $%^@# delay at Guangzhou, and it occured to me that I haven't seen anyone talk about getting a P3 in the last two months or so...


If you've gotten a P3 in this time period, would you mind posting when you got it and when your case left NVC if known?  I'm trying to figure out if they're still working on the mailbags from the spring...


Is there a site where this kind of timeline (NVC to consulate) is kept?


Thanks all.  Just got another one of those "we don't have your case and we'll act on it as soon as we receive it" notice today.  Definitely moving from the depression stage to the anger stage...  :D



Just recieved an E-mail response from GZ IV :



Sorry we have not recieved your petition from NVC yet.

As soon as we receive it we will begin to process it.


Hello GZ .........it was mailed on August 8th..........!!!!!


Sorry, just frustration.....

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I'm starting to stress a little. With the delays in getting the P3's out and the apparent new security checks at GZ, I'm probably looking at 2004 before Jingwen and the kids actually get here. I have said earlier in another thread that I have an "aging out" problem for Jingwen's daughter, KK, who turns 21 in December, 2004. She needs to be adjusted by then. If we could file for AOS in 2003 and request expedited service, we probably could get KK adjusted in time.


But, if I have to wait until sometime in 2004, there is a real risk that KK's AOS might not be approved in time.


Does anyone think this could be used as a prod to get GZ to move on the P3? Jingwen's files have been sitting there since 10/10.

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Yes.  She is the power.

You're fortunate that Nancy Pelosi is willing to help. From some of the stuff I've read here and there, I get the impression that the two California senators (Boxer and Feinstein) just send back polite letters saying that they can't get involved.


I'm in Anna Eshoo's district. Waiting to see if she is as helpful as Pelosi...



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