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Chinese Officials Protest Sinking of Ship by Russians

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Guest ShaQuaNew

Anything that drives a wedge between China and Russia can only be good for us.


China and Russia are strong allies, and also share a common border. What's important to note here is:


On Thursday, the Russian Foreign Ministry said the captain of the Chinese ship was to blame for the sinking, according to the state-run RIA Novosti news agency. The agency reported that the ship had earlier been chased by two Russian Coast Guard vessels, but refused to stop despite being fired upon.


¡°We regret the tragic consequences of this incident,¡± said Andrei Nesterenko, a Foreign Ministry spokesman, according to the news agency. ¡°However, we consider the captain of the New Star, who behaved extremely irresponsibly, is fully to blame for the incident.¡±


This event will have little effect on the China / Russian alliance, and the friendship between these two countries is good for the world.

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