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Please help me, who is correct my wife or I

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I am confused somewhat here. Can someone help me out please? Every day my wife reads the mostly Chinese websites and I read mostly the English websites. I do read some Chinese and she reads English much better than I do. The problem is that you would think that we are in fact reading news from two different planets. I am not going to get into a pssing contest with some of our members here about this matter. I am just wondering if the rest of you and your SO¡¯s go through this difference in opposing views on what is happening in the world as my wife and I.


When my wife and I get through reading the internet news for the day, usually about 3 hours each. We will compare notes at dinner time. You would think that I am on Mercury and she is on Pluto.


She tells me that she reads that everything is wonderful in China economic wise and no one has lost their jobs except for a very few poor souls that worked for some weak companies down south. Attributed to poor management by the companies owners. She has never read anything about the big taxi strike down south and the government giving them fuel cost allowances to keep them operating to end the city wide siege etc etc.


She does however read how terrible thing are here in America and how many people have lost their jobs, homes and pensions. HER PARENTS HAVE EVEN OFFERED TO SEND US MONEY. How sorry that she and her parents are that America is in such terrible shape.


According to the Chinese news things are great in China with no problems and only America is suffering.


I on the other hand read how bad thing are here as well as how bad thing are in China as well as the rest of the world. It is so bad that millions of migrant workers have moved back to the farms and how the hog, tea and other farming industries have suffered.


I remember one of Tony¡¯s post telling how bad it had become financially in China. I kind of thought that this was first hand information coming from him and how well he was doing at one time. Then there is our own Wendy that lost her job and moved back home.


So I am wondering which media types are not being exactly forthcoming with the truth. What does your SO say about her family and friends back in China. Everything hunky dory or are things not so good?


My wife and I debate on these issues everyday day so I am wondering how it goes with the rest of you? My wife has a tendency to not believe anything about China unless it is written in Chinese and on a Chinese web site. But, I sometimes get the impression that the Chinese are not telling their citizens the truth. Could there be any possibility of that happening? If they are not it will eventually become evident to the Chinese populace.



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My wife and I debate on these issues everyday day so I am wondering how it goes with the rest of you? My wife has a tendency to not believe anything about China unless it is written in Chinese and on a Chinese web site. But, I sometimes get the impression that the Chinese are not telling their citizens the truth. Could there be any possibility of that happening? If they are not it will eventually become evident to the Chinese populace.



My wife reads a little of both. She's always had a fairly balanced take on what's happening in China. She's aware that what the gov't controlled media says is true and what is actually true are sometimes very different things.


And yes, it's not only possible but certain that, on occasion, the gov't does not tell it's citizens the truth. :eyebrow:

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... I read mostly the English websites... I am just wondering if the rest of you and your SO¡¯s go through this difference in opposing views on what is happening in the world as my wife and I... She tells me that she reads that everything is wonderful in China economic wise and no one has lost their jobs... America is in such terrible shape... I am wondering which media types are not being exactly forthcoming with the truth... not telling their citizens the truth...
I read Chinese news every day, five different sites including Boxun. I have quit reading USA news sites because it seems generally everything on China comes through their USA/anti-commie/threatened filter (especially Fox). My SO and I are pretty moderate and know that both of our countrys and the world are spiraling downward now. We see pretty eye to eye. Neither of us think other countries are bad, we must share the planet. America is in terrible shape, China too. The truth is right there, in black and white reported daily by somebody. But China cannot be compared to America yet, we are a developed country and they are still getting there.


If she thinks China is not hurting now then have her go to:



"China reports 111 bln yuan in fiscal deficit in 2008"



"2009 to be 'the toughest' year since 2000"



"China vows rural support to fight slowdown"


boxun.us (though not so much on finance news)


I also have google and yahoo alerts for China news.

Edited by oscar (see edit history)
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Oscar she nor I are saying anything bad about America or China just the news reporting. She usually starts off at SOHU and of course branches off from there. I don't think that she likes China Daily but I will tell her about the other ones.


I almost forgot Oscar. I read a little Chinese and I read the Chinese website in Chinese and them read the english version of each site and they are different.


Edited by amberjack1234 (see edit history)
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Oscar she nor I are saying anything bad about America or China just the news reporting. She usually starts off at SOHU and of course branches off from there. I don't think that she likes China Daily but I will tell her about the other ones.


I almost forgot Oscar. I read a little Chinese and I read the Chinese website in Chinese and them read the english version of each site and they are different.


For those not knowing, SOHU = Sohu.com Inc.


"Major Internet portals like Sohu.com Inc. and Sina Corp. employ their own censors to make sure nothing runs afoul of government restrictions." http://lateline.muzi.net/news/ll/english/10052013.shtml


All governments censor though, our's is no exception.


I have found the Chinese and English versions are not very different.

Edited by oscar (see edit history)
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All governments censor though, our's is no exception.



Well this is very interesting Osacr...Could you please point me toward some information about how the US government censors the news we view and read here... :blink:


I thought we enjoyed Freedom of the Press but its always good to learn the actual truth... :lol:

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my wife never believe to much as to what the chinese news release,

she know the chinese tell people what they want them to believe, and the news can only report what they allow them to tell people,so for me i have little trust in news reports in general, so Chinese or American we are all treated like mushrooms :blink:

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The difference is in the US it isn't the government that censors the news. The media feeds us what sells newspapers and advertising. Sensationalism sells. Write a story about some local person who by volunteering their time to make a difference in people's lives and you get a big yawn. Write a story about how China is trying to poison us and it sells.

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The difference is in the US it isn't the government that censors the news. The media feeds us what sells newspapers and advertising. Sensationalism sells. Write a story about some local person who by volunteering their time to make a difference in people's lives and you get a big yawn. Write a story about how China is trying to poison us and it sells.

but the government follows the same tight lip service as the military... you only know if you have a "need to know"... most citizens are therefore feed what they need to know... all based on 'security concerns'... Even if it gets out on some level, access to such information is also prevented. EVERY COUNTRY does this.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

My wife and I debate on these issues everyday day so I am wondering how it goes with the rest of you? My wife has a tendency to not believe anything about China unless it is written in Chinese and on a Chinese web site. But, I sometimes get the impression that the Chinese are not telling their citizens the truth. Could there be any possibility of that happening? If they are not it will eventually become evident to the Chinese populace.




I try to watch the Chinese news every morning, just to get an idea what they're talking about. One thing for sure, is you can get a better idea what's happening in the world from Chinese news, as they cover much more than their own country and what's happening there. For example, almost daily you will see Chinese news reports from:










...and so on...


The news varies from human interest, to bus crashes in the US containing Chinese citizens. US news sells using shock factors. I don't see the same coming out of China.


My wife is pretty much the same as yours when it comes to the news. She likes her Chinese Web sites, and television news stations. She doesn't read or watch Western news unless I'm watching or reading it. Also, she doesn't much trust or believe what she hears out of the West. How's that for a twist? I respect her position, and far be it from me to try and change her perception.

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i like the usa news it tells me every day how many new murders and back robbers in new mexico every day, which mayor got arrested today for corruption , the weather and how the latest on how our pention is being lost by good business.

As for world news we watch BBC and CCTV9

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