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When I read articles like this one, Roger, I wonder why I never noticed this at some level OR why my wife and daughter have not told me of it.


I'm not inclined to believe the story. ...Although I know there is corruption in China and all around the world. Hell, just look at Blago in Chicago - even the top man's fingerprints are all over that case.

Edited by griz326 (see edit history)
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When I read articles like this one, Roger, I wonder why I never noticed this at some level OR why my wife and daughter have not told me of it.


I'm not inclined to believe the story. ...Although I know there is corruption in China and all around the world. Hell, just look at Blago in Chicago - even the top man's fingerprints are all over that case.



Well, the article IS amore than a little bit sensationalized. You COULD always believe what the other guys say

Foshan's propaganda ministry said Mengjun was caught stealing, attacked his teachers and committed suicide.
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I don't question that corruption exists in China at all. I question the validity of this story and the corruption portrayed in the story lede.


In a tit for tat comparison I would expect corruption in China to be more harsh than in the US or most western nations. But don't kid yourself or get all smuggly, people are killed here in the good 'ol USA as the result of some sort of corruption with surprising frequency.


I remember a case in Pittsburgh about 20 years ago where the owner/operators of a garbage pick-up business were machinegunned in their garage. To the best of my knowledge that case was never solved. It had strong overtones of political payoffs to officials to protect drug traffickers.


There is corruption everywhere; it's part of human nature; you cannot prevent it. The only thing that you can do is either avoid it or give into it.


I was targeted for extortion many years ago. A bunch of men beat the crap out of me as a warning. The beating was witnessed and the culprits apprehended. I was lucky.

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I think if we do finally end up somehow living in China later corruption will probably not touch us very much...But for those who have to make aliving there or have a business there it is very much for real...Let me give one very personal example...Laopo has a 19 y/o son in China who just got out of his hitch in the military and looking for something to do in their little village of 1.5 million people...I suggested police work is something many ex-military move into in America...I was informed that a police position WOULD HAVE TO BE PAID FOR... :ph34r: and then there would be no guarantee he would succeed at it...I think I'll take the merit system we use here... :)

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...I suggested police work is something many ex-military move into in America...I was informed that a police position WOULD HAVE TO BE PAID FOR... :ph34r: and then there would be no guarantee he would succeed at it...I think I'll take the merit system we use here... :lol:


...and you don't think that happens here? Think Blago, think Kennedy or maybe consider griz326 getting his first job in government.


My first job in government was paid for with favors on my behalf by my uncle who already had a government job. I leapfrogged an unknown number of applicants and was terminated within 30 days because of nepotism (go figure).


Some people on this board wear rose-colored glasses when looking at and experiencing China; most of the rest wear rose-colored glasses when looking at the western world; there are a few of us who know that people are the same the world over and that the only difference is language and the developmental stage of the society in which they live along with the inherent influences that imposes. And if you add to that 12 years as a beat reporter and another 8 as a publisher, you got my perspective. :)

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I can see what you're saying Larry however it should not be tolerated.


It is against the law both here and in China but I thought that Rogers question was concerning Chine not the west.


Corruption is prevalent here no doubt about that but it is not expected like it is in China as part of your salary. Kind of like in the old days here in American big cities when the gangsters collected protection money and if you didn't pay you would be beaten, killed or your place burned down. Perhaps your family would be in danger as well.


I don't view how things are done in China much different. Money extorted out of you is money extorted out of whether it is by gangsters or government officials.


It took years to break that kind of thing up and so will it in China. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely". Never been anymore truer statement than that. Whatever you can get away with it is just human nature to do so. Hell, if I could get away with putting away 2-3 Million in my pocket a year and with very, very little chance of being held accountable I might even be swayed into corruptions arms who knows.



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As long as we're making specific references to alleged and non-alleged corrupt pols of one particular party in this country should I start a list of corrupt ones from the other? :rolleyes: Cause I guarantee my list will be longer.

You could probably start with your current governor, Dave. You know, that governor who put the guber in gubernatorial? :nonono:

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As long as we're making specific references to alleged and non-alleged corrupt pols of one particular party in this country should I start a list of corrupt ones from the other? :rolleyes: Cause I guarantee my list will be longer.

You could probably start with your current governor, Dave. You know, that governor who put the guber in gubernatorial? :P

Believe me Dennis, our current Gov. is on EVERYONE'S s**t list. B) And the guy he replaced is currently checked into a greybar hotel somewhere in Indiana. :nonono: We're an equal opportunity state when it comes to political parties and corrupt pols. :D


The references to our dumbass Gov don't bother me so much. It's the reference to "the top guy" earlier that's based solely on partisanship, not fact and has no place here IMHO.

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As long as we're making specific references to alleged and non-alleged corrupt pols of one particular party in this country should I start a list of corrupt ones from the other? :rolleyes: Cause I guarantee my list will be longer.



Let's not go there. Everyone knows that ALL politicians are corrupt to some extent, so an argument of the lesser/greater of evils is pointless.

Which is kinda my point. :nonono:

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