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tear jerker " Circumstances Under Which we Met"

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Depends on prior history, If there was a divorce for either party, then an evolution of relationship may be needed for interview and may be attached to the visa petition and sent to USCIS to "Front Load" But again it need not be more than a page or so.


In our case our circumstances under which we met fit nocely within the box provided on form I-129F.


Met on an online dating site (Date), emailed each other and chatted on line (Date - Date) Decided to meet (Date) Met and engaged (Date)
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I finished my four page " Circumstances Under Which we Met" and sent it to my two girls to ask for their comments. They said it was a real tear jerker. My question is, should I have Li Hong write about our time together and her feelings for me to help prove our relationship?



My advice would be to leave out the 'tears' and the 'jerks', and make it more readable at less than a page.


'Love' is not a requirement.

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I have decided to keep the "Circumstance Under Which We Met" to a minimum and use my story and attachments for demonstrating an "Ongoing Relationship". I suspect that how we met might have to fit into a box "A" , "B" or "C". I don't want a lot of words getting in the way of which box I should be placed in.


Thanks for everyones input.

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