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¡°Let us make man in our image¡± -- Gen 1:6 ; what's this 'us' stuff.. no singular there...




That is Genesis 1:26. The "us" is referring to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The Holy Trinity.

I know that is the conventional interpretation :rolleyes:


It certainly makes sense to me. :(


On another note, I am curious to know what Buddha thinks of polygamy.

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¡°Let us make man in our image¡± -- Gen 1:6 ; what's this 'us' stuff.. no singular there...




That is Genesis 1:26. The "us" is referring to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The Holy Trinity.

I know that is the conventional interpretation :wacko:


It certainly makes sense to me. :lol:


On another note, I am curious to know what Buddha thinks of polygamy.

Of course it makes sense to the following...


Maybe we should be asking, how does Judaism interpret it... since it really comes out of their scripture :ph34r: but that would be off topic...


What did buddha think of polygamy.. although this is also off topic, but since no one wants to bite into the other thread I started on buddhism... I think this is reasonable to comment on since it's quite profound a question, IMO.


Buddha grew up in royalty... in a palace surrounded by dancing girls and.... well... polygamous relations... although married and with a child, he was sheltered from the real life of everyday people and when finally confronted with their reality of worry over hunger and death, he left everything to find some "truth"...


What Buddha endured and discovered and then encouraged others is more than a post... but let's say that any founding thought (Buddha) will differ from the evolution of systematic exposition (Buddhism).


Buddhism adhere's to 'code' if you will... it was well spelled out what one does or doesn't do. But the main goal was the cessation of suffering (since that is what Buddha first recognized as the world's problem); this is really called Dukkha and the best idea I've read is a 'wheel out of kilter'... if it rolls wrong, it just feels wrong... but it's root is in desire and craving; stop that and you essentially stop the Dukkha factor!


So, the need for anything from polygamy to TV can be ultimately be answered by this; a desire or craving. Not labled as right or wrong, just a byproduct of our human existence... and one which Buddha sought to remedy... in a systematic way...


In the end, it's all in our minds... that's what Zen came along and taught us...

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Dennis I am caught without my bible on the road. I would look up a few tings for you. Lets don't forget the house of Israel is polygamist too. You have a whole string of profits with more than one wife.


Leviticus does tell us who's nakedness we may not uncover. This helped me out once. You can marry a cousin for instance, based on that.


I get home I will try to do some looking.


By the way the Mormons believed the first wife must provide, as part of the deal, and part of their modern scripture, however The Book of Mormon itself states a man is to have but one wife and carries on about it quite a bit with one exception and that is if God commands his people otherwise they are to do what he says, ie have one wife. Another place it has to do with raising up righteous seed unto him if they practice it, which made sense at the time when they were exterminated from the USA. I don't recall them practicing this to begin with against any law of th eland and trying to be above the law of the land, but of course later it became the law when Utah entered the states and the US changed. Some of the women went to DC to fight for their belief. There was no red light district in SLC they said. I studied this a bit in depth many years ago in a class of some kind. If the bible and BoM were considered equals to the world, which they are not outside of the church Randy referred to, you would have your answer pretty clear. That is they are to have one wife unless commanded otherwise to raise righteous folks for that time period. I will have to do some digging for it though.



The words in the bible can be tricky and I would need to look at which translation one is using when making references in your thread here. I like old English for this - King James, because how many King James versions are out there now? And we could split hairs on words all night. I could get really abstract about how the word "one" is used since it has a lot to do with the Godhead vs a congregation of people and etc. Oh well, another battle.


I guess I wrote a lot and did not help you one bit. But I do get the impression from the bible that even though considered OK, it was by some allowance on Gods part to a few for a purpose. If most had one wife I would think the reference given makes sense in the NT. Also isn't a Bishop to have one wife in the NT? Wish I had my references, sorry. Don;t forget that there are many different authors of the various books in the bible, so it makes a difference who they are and who their audience is, IMO.

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This is a matter than runs into deep debate between many Christians. To simplify, from a Christian perspective, there is Old Testament Law, which is referred to in Theology as legalism. Many of these laws are based in the Ten Commandments, but of course there were many other laws that the people of the Old Testament were to obey.


Then comes the New Testament, a new sacrament. Christians are expected to obey the laws of their land, and also submit to their leaders. All laws in the US forbid a man or woman from having more than one spouse. Christians are admonished in the book of Hebrews, Chapter 13, verse 17, to be obedient to their leaders.


Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.


I love the story you mentioned about Laban, so much so that my daughter's middle name is "Rachel."



hmmm...now we're getting somewhere...I think :D


So, what you are saying is that, although there may not be scripture that directly gives a commandment against mutiple wives, because it is the law one must simply obey?


If that's the best there is, I'll give that a shot at an explanation to the class next week.


Anyone else? Anyone... anyone...



Well Dennis, yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you. There is absolutely nowhere in the New Testament of the Bible that specifically states that a man should only have one wife. It was a long time ago that I studied Theology in college, and we discussed this issue at length. I remember then that it always brought a lot of input and discussion. There were lots of opinions on the topic, and people will take a variety of scriptures and try to manufacture their own view. But still, you will not find that specific writing anywhere in scripture.

I agree. There is "God's law" and Human law. Christians are expected to obey both, unless of course there is a conflict. Then, some will say they should simply obey God's law, others will say they should work to change Human law to bring it into harmony with God's law. In this case, as has already been pointed out, there is no conflict because there is nothing in the Bible that prohibits polygamy. Hence, a "Good Christian" must obey the laws of the land regarding this issue. I hope I have not offended anyone here. This is simply my opinion based on my reading of scripture. By the way, I am not a Christian, I am closer to being a Buddhist, but I studied many different religions in college, earning an interesting but largely useless degree. ;)

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¡°Let us make man in our image¡± -- Gen 1:6 ; what's this 'us' stuff.. no singular there...




That is Genesis 1:26. The "us" is referring to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The Holy Trinity.

I know that is the conventional interpretation :D

you should google everything is spiritual rob bell on youtube David.

its quite interesting

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¡°Let us make man in our image¡± -- Gen 1:6 ; what's this 'us' stuff.. no singular there...




That is Genesis 1:26. The "us" is referring to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The Holy Trinity.

I know that is the conventional interpretation ;)

you should google everything is spiritual rob bell on youtube David.

its quite interesting

I found it quite interesting.. When I was in the midst of it, I came to many of the same conclusions he did... and I see a number of youtube attacks on his positions :bangin: His desire for the rabbinical point of view was also one I took... and I was really into reading about the Jews for Jesus movement...

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OK - so where im the world is it legal to have multiple concurrent wives without the Muslim requirement?


Panama ? Costa Rica ? Ecuador?

Croatia? Boznia ?




Perhaps thats really what the OP was looking for, so's he can plan a move there... (or not).


A positive biblical reference helps you to back up 'what position' and 'what opinion' thus leading to a new 'domicile living' .


What's really going on ?


If Mary Li is espousing polygamy - I think she is wonderful !!!

Edited by Darnell (see edit history)
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What's really going on ?


If Mary Li is espousing polygamy - I think she is wonderful !!!

:Dah: You know, not having any advance knowledge of what the evening's Bible lesson was going to be, I wondered the same after giving it to the class. And I wanted to know what was Mary thinking, as both Mary and I and the class all sat silently dumbfounded wondering what to make of this 'lesson'... :blink:


You see, there's this guy who goes to stay with his uncle for a month and starts to get the hots for one of his uncle's daughters which probably means she's his cousin. Anyway, the uncle says sure you can have her, but you've got to work for me for seven years. In the end the uncle gives him both daughters to marry and they all live happily togther under the uncles roof. Amen. :lol:

Edited by Dennis143 (see edit history)
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Perhaps Mary Li wishes to re-introduce it . I wish her well - I think is useful for preservation of capital and raising children. OTOH, I would never do it, I am old curmudgeon fella, way past my prime.

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Laban tricks Jacob into marrying both daughters


JACOB - (young, naive, enters, looks around, shouts) Uncle

Laban? Uncle Laban, are you here?


LABAN - (oily, enters opposite) Jacob, my boy!


JACOB - You wanted to see me, Uncle Laban?


LABAN - Yes, Jacob. You've lived with us for over a month now.

How do you like it here?


JACOB - I like it just fine, Uncle Laban, especially your

daughter Rachel. Wo! What a babe!


LABAN - So I've noticed.


JACOB - Oh, I've never laid a hand on her, Uncle Laban, I



LABAN - I tell you what, Jacob, if you tend my sheep for 7

years, I'll let you marry... my daughter.


JACOB - Seven years!?


LABAN - Seven years will fly by. You'll see.


JACOB - Yeah, okay.


LABAN - Shake on it? (offers hand)


JACOB - (shakes) Yeah. Seven years will fly by.


LABAN - Well, what are you waiting for? You have some sheep to

attend to. (flicks him away)


JACOB - Okay. (to self, exiting) Seven years. (reenters) Well,

you were right, Uncle Laban, seven years just flew by.


LABAN - It's been seven years already?


JACOB - Well, can I marry your daughter now?


LABAN - Yup, she's in the bedroom. I now pronounce you husband

and wife. Hit the sack. (points to bedroom)


JACOB - Oh, boy! (exits to bedroom, reenters) Uncle Laban,

there's been a mistake. I wanted to marry Rachel. That's not

Rachel in there. That's Leah.


LABAN - Don't be so picky, boy. Leah will bear you many sons.


JACOB - Yeah, but I wanted Rachel.


LABAN - When we shook hands, I promised that you could marry my

daughter. I didn't say which one. So, Leah is the one you get.


JACOB - Yeah, but Rachel is pretty. Leah is... Leah is...


LABAN - I know she's sort of plain, Jacob, but...


JACOB - I was going to say she ugly.


LABAN - Well, if you think she's ugly now, you should have seen

her when she was born. The doctor slapped the wrong end. And we

never knew the difference until she grew teeth. But, Leah is my

older daughter and you can't marry my younger daughter until my

older daughter is married off. And it might as well be you who

marries them both.


JACOB - Oh, man! Not only is she ugly, but she almost as blind

as a bat.


LABAN - No problem. I was thinking of marrying off both my

daughters to the farmer down the road. Let's see, what was his

name again?


JACOB - Alright, I'll marry them both. Where is Rachel?


LABAN - You can worry about her when you get back from your

honeymoon with Leah.


JACOB - Oh, man!


LABAN - Let's see, what was the name of that farmer down the



JACOB - (exiting) Alright. I'm on my honeymoon with Leah.

(reenters) Alright, we're back. Can I marry Rachel now?


LABAN - Sure. She's in the other bedroom. (points)


JACOB - Alright! (moves toward exit)


LABAN - Not so fast, there, Jacob.


JACOB - (stops, turns) Huh?


LABAN - We haven't negotiated the deal for Rachel.


JACOB - Deal? What deal? I just worked seven years....


LABAN - That was for Leah. I figure seven more years ought to be

about the right price for Rachel. What do you think?


JACOB - Oh, man!


LABAN - (shouts) Rachel, go fetch that farmer from down the



JACOB - Alright. I'll do it. But can I marry her now?


LABAN - Sure, I'm a pushover. Have a nice...


JACOB - ...(yelps, runs to exit)


LABAN - ...honeymoon.


JACOB - (reenters, carrying a baby in a blanket) Hey, that was



LABAN - You have a baby already?


JACOB - Well, this is Leah's baby. His name is Reuben. (exiting)

But Rachel and I will try again. (shouts) Rachel, baby, here I

come! (reenters, carrying baby) Hi, Uncle Laban.


LABAN - Another baby?


JACOB - Yeah, but this one's Leah's too. His name is Levi, you

know, like the blue jeans? (exiting) Well, Rachel and I are

gonna keep on trying. (reenters, carrying baby, less

enthusiastic) Hi, Uncle Laban.


LABAN - Leah's had ANOTHER baby?


JACOB - Naw, Rachel made me sleep with her maidservant. This

baby's name is Dan. (exiting) But Rachel and I will try again.

(reenters looking a little tired, carrying baby) Hi, Uncle



LABAN - This baby looks like Rachel's maid too.


JACOB - It is. His name is Naphtali. (turns back to exit) But

Rachel wants to keep trying. (reenters more tired, with baby)

Hello, Uncle Laban.


LABAN - Well, this baby doesn't look like Rachel's maid. But

then it doesn't look like Rachel either.


JACOB - Leah's maidservant. His name is Gad. E gad. (exits) I

guess we have to keep trying. (reenters, with baby, tired) I'm



LABAN - Leah's maid again?


JACOB - Uh huh. His name is Asher.


LABAN - Well, what are you waiting for? Rachel doesn't have a

baby yet.


JACOB - I'm tired.


LABAN - Get going.


JACOB - (exits) I'm going, I'm going. (reenters, with baby) You

wanted a baby, here's a baby.


LABAN - Well, at least this baby looks like one of the family.


JACOB - (tired) This one from Leah. His name is Issachar. (sigh)

Can I please stay here.


LABAN - Out!


JACOB - Alright. (exits, reenters with baby) Another baby. Big



LABAN - Leah's again?


JACOB - His name is Zebulan. (cries) Please don't make me go.


LABAN - Hey, you were the one who wanted the good looking one.

Get going.


JACOB - (exits, crying) I don't wanna go. (reenters exhausted,

carrying baby) Well, it's a girl, anyway.


LABAN - Well, at least it's something different.


JACOB - Uh huh. Her name is Dinah.


LABAN - Back at it, boy.


JACOB - Uncle Laban, would it be so bad if...


LABAN - Out.


JACOB - (exiting) Alright, I'm going. (reenters, cheery) Hello,

Uncle Laban!


LABAN - Well, it looks like God finally smiled down on you.


JACOB - Yes, indeed. Rachel had a baby. His name is Joseph.

(hands baby to Laban, turns to other exit) Bye.


LABAN - Where are you going? (turns to exit, looks back) Aren't

you going to stay and celebrate? (exits)


JACOB - (exiting) No, I'm going to get some sleep.



Edited by Dennis143 (see edit history)
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I just was gonna add my two cents that i can not stand polygamy. Then again i was raised in a super strict household. My parents are divorced (Just couldn't make it work) and ended up with new spouses that had affairs on them both. I have a deep hatred for anything outside of monogamy because i saw it practically destroy the hearts of both my parents (My dad the worst, 3 wives, all had affairs). My husband attempted to say that if my parents had been open to polygamy or polyamory(sp?) that they wouldn't have suffered heartbreak. I feel entirely different and am changing his mind as well. I'm sorry but this is one thing i will not budge on. My parents did not deserve to be hurt for "not being open". When they said thier wedding vows they pledged themselves to that one person and that one person alone. What is the point of getting married if you intend on having multiple partners? Security? Family?


I don't get it and I never will. If both (or more) people in the relationship agree then i guess whatever floats your boat. But personally for me i could never do it and nothing will ever change my mind.



Sorry to go on a bit of a tangent. Just arrived back in America, about to start K3 process... my nerves are on edge.

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Lauren - I understand your POV.. Personally, for me, it doesn't work either. But I think it could work for millions of people all over the world, and I also think it should NOT be outlawed. I see it as a way to grow stronger families and conserve capital (which mostly is used for the raising of children anyway).


Pardon me, though, examples of polygamist sects with child abuse and slavery in em - no, thats NOT the model I would attempt to use as a 'working model'.

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