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Christianity in China...

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The best way to convey a message, is to live your life, and resist the urge to thump your bible about.


Absolutely Jesse!! :) If a person is curious as to one's demeanor then they will ask. No need to Bible thump. This happened to me in China at a church service. Let's just say, this experience is forever etched in my mind. :ph34r:

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There needs to be established a sense of rightness. This does not necessarily relate to religion. Confucianism does not make it because it promote following in line, keeping to your position and not questioning. It is the best philosophy a totalitarian government could ask for.


How to over come the notion that no matter what you did to get rich you are blessed because riches came to you, is certainly a problem today and one Chinese are aware of. Buddhism and Taoism teach this but it has not been able to over come this belief that mere success is proof that how you got there was ok.


Perhaps as China develops and people are not simply trying to survive, they will discover it.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

Here's something I found on Frontline:




Yes, it's certainly a commonly held view amongst evangelical Christians, that China needs reforming, and they are the ones to do it. PBS has long been supportive of such activity. There will always be some that are interested in religion, whether it be Christianity, or something of another flavor. China will always keep an eye on groups, whose purpose it is to recruit and change. As far as it "sweeping across China," it might be true if you were to picture someone with a tiny paint brush trying to push the sand about in the Sahara.

Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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I guess no better place to ask than here o_O


My family in america is very christian (not in the crazy way, in the pray before each meal kinda way). My husband does not want to avoid it because once he is in america this will become part of his life. He may not convert to christianity and i will never ask him to. But he wants to learn so that he can understand why some thigns bother me, why i'm suprised at some things, etc that are morals and ethics related.


Does anyone know where are some websites that can explain christianity and it's basic principles in Chinese? There is a Chinese Christian church in my hometown, but i think taking him to service blindy would confuse him greatly.


I'm not trying to impose anything on him, but he always comments about how polite I am, how good of a person i am etc etc. I told him it's how i was raised and the mroals i was taught. He now wants to learn about those morals.


I'm not look for any "Yay christianity!" kinda sites, just something with basic info, maybe like a wiki.




also to add to the convo, yeh we can say that China's been around way longer than the US, what they have works for them. However i think in the case of a spouse moving to the US where we're all at least instilled with basic christian thoughts and principles of what is right and what is wrong, some learning should at least take place.


I don't think any spouse should convert to any religion because of thier husband or wife. But if you're moving to a country where it's so influential, at least do some research and understand.


Hope i didn't offend or say anything weird. Seems hubby and i are boht sick so we're a bit hopped up on medicine and very tired.

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Here's something I found on Frontline:




fantastic video


thanks for sharing :blink:


i dont understand why these guys dont wanna worship in the regular churches

i think that one reason why the party is after these guys is because they are trying to hide from them.

the one guy seems to have the right idea just do it out in the open.

Edited by izus (see edit history)
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Here's something I found on Frontline:




fantastic video


thanks for sharing :o


i dont understand why these guys dont wanna worship in the regular churches

i think that one reason why the party is after these guys is because they are trying to hide from them.

the one guy seems to have the right idea just do it out in the open.


Agreed and thanks for the video Pete. :crutch: I think the reason for the underground churches is so they can have their freedom to worship as they please.

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Here's something I found on Frontline:




fantastic video


thanks for sharing :lol:


i dont understand why these guys dont wanna worship in the regular churches

i think that one reason why the party is after these guys is because they are trying to hide from them.

the one guy seems to have the right idea just do it out in the open.


There are restrictions in China on ANY gathering above a certain number of people...It was in the orginal article...I think it was 25... :harhar1:

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Here's something I found on Frontline:




fantastic video


thanks for sharing :)


i dont understand why these guys dont wanna worship in the regular churches

i think that one reason why the party is after these guys is because they are trying to hide from them.

the one guy seems to have the right idea just do it out in the open.


There are restrictions in China on ANY gathering above a certain number of people...It was in the orginal article...I think it was 25... :D

obviously you didnt listen to the video, the protastant church in beijing under communist house rule holds 4000 members a week.

6 services....

or possibly they (the communist) want to be sure there is not any radicals.


Edited by izus (see edit history)
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Here's something I found on Frontline:




fantastic video


thanks for sharing :)


i dont understand why these guys dont wanna worship in the regular churches

i think that one reason why the party is after these guys is because they are trying to hide from them.

the one guy seems to have the right idea just do it out in the open.


There are restrictions in China on ANY gathering above a certain number of people...It was in the orginal article...I think it was 25... :huh:

obviously you didnt listen to the video, the protastant church in beijing under communist house rule holds 4000 members a week.

6 services....

or possibly they (the communist) want to be sure there is not any radicals.



obviously you didn't read my post... :o "there are restrictions" doesn't mean all groups are covered by it...They held the Olympics didn't they... :) Evidently small churches NOT approved by the authorities ARE... :D

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Here's something I found on Frontline:




fantastic video


thanks for sharing :)


i dont understand why these guys dont wanna worship in the regular churches

i think that one reason why the party is after these guys is because they are trying to hide from them.

the one guy seems to have the right idea just do it out in the open.


There are restrictions in China on ANY gathering above a certain number of people...It was in the orginal article...I think it was 25... :D


That is the way that I understand it. Groups of 25 or less can worship in their homes or place of worship without any restrictions. Any gathering of more than 25 has to get approval from the government to do so.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

Here's something I found on Frontline:




fantastic video


thanks for sharing :)


i dont understand why these guys dont wanna worship in the regular churches

i think that one reason why the party is after these guys is because they are trying to hide from them.

the one guy seems to have the right idea just do it out in the open.


There are restrictions in China on ANY gathering above a certain number of people...It was in the orginal article...I think it was 25... :D


That is the way that I understand it. Groups of 25 or less can worship in their homes or place of worship without any restrictions. Any gathering of more than 25 has to get approval from the government to do so.


Sounds fair to me. I never much cared for large groups.

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obviously you didnt listen to the video,


Just for the record... :) I NEVER, EVER watch the video... :D If I watched all the cute videos, read all the links, and read every post in every forum...well...I guess that would make me a n00b... :( Otherwise I would have to give up either my wife, sleep, or work... :lol:

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