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Li's finally here

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Just wanted to share my adventure with all the CFL members.


I am pretty sure you all have guessed right, I couldn't sleep on the night of 09/01. In fact, I was so anxious and nervous that I had to checked the UAL website every 15 minutes just to be sure the flight did leave as scheduled. Li's flight from LAX to BOS was scheduled to take off at 10:10pm CA time, which is 1:10am eastern time. I called the UAL's customer service at about 1:30 to make sure Li did indeed catch the right flight. The lady on the phone was so nice. But, because of the new policy imposed by the government, she could not give me any passenger name on any of the flight. I thanked her but also expressed my frustration. It's now 2:00, the call that I made now came back and bit me in the ass, wondering if Li knows how to find her way to the connection flight. Realizing nobody can help me at this moment, went back to bed and of course tossing and turning for the next 60 minutes. Finally 3:00, I decided to take a cold shower and again turn to my computer and again, my fingers somehow knows what to do and slowly but surely, typing in yet again, UAL.COM. Here I am again, for the 27th times, checking on the flight info from LAX to BOS. Funny that it tells me the same thing over and over again, "depart 10:10 and arrive 6:13am", no more details. 3:30, made a big cup of ice coffee and my parents woke up and we are on our way to the airport at about 3:50. It was rainning so hard that I could barely see the road. But that didn't slow me down. Wanted to be there before Li's arrival, I had one eye on the clock and the other on the road. Thanks to the new tunnel, we arrived at Logan at 5:30. Still about 45 minutes before her flight's arrival. At this time, I was totally exhausted, checking the arrival monitor every 5 minutes and praying that it won't change the flight status to "delay". 6:00 now, only 13 minutes away, and my life will be changed forever. That probably was the longest 13 minutes I had to wait as long as I can remember. It's 6:15, and the flight status on the monitor changed to arrived. Standing in front of gate C11-24, waiting anxiously for Li's appearance out of the gate. 10 minutes passed by, no Li's yet. Ran down to the Baggage claim area, no one around. Ran back up to the gate, still no Li. 6:20, ran back down again to the baggage claim, still no one, again had to ran back up to the gate, still no Li. My mind is completely in disarray, thinking about twenty five thousand different things at the same time. Ran over to the ticket counter and hoping someone can look up Li's name in the database. Too many passengers are waiting to be checked in, no one can help. Ran back to the gate, still no Li. To make matters worse I had to deal with my parents questions such as "is this the right gate, why don't you go over there "to the arrival monitor" to make sure this is the gate?" Sooooooo frustrated, 6:55, again ran back down to the baggage claim. And there she is, holding a cellphone "from some stranger" and calling my house to make sure I did indeed remember to come to the airport to pick her up. At this moment, I was thanking everyone that I see at the airport. Even the airport janitor. 18 months of waiting is finally over.

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What an exciting and, no doubt, embracing moment when the two of you came together at long last. Yes, 18 months is a very long time. Yet now, together forever. I can imagine how the two of you must have felt at that very second in time. As I'm sure everyone on Candle can. I'm very happy for you. Best wishes for a very long and happy future together!

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