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The Ongoing Olympics...

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China will not soon forget the 2008 Bejing Games. Gold medal winners are being featured all over Chinese TV and now Olympic's volunteers are being given preferential treatment for jobs. Since these folks were already selected as the best of the best and worked very hard to make the Olympics the success that they were it's nice to see them get paid back by China's companies... <_<




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In the "post lympics bad news column" cars returned to the streets in full force on Sunday and polluting industries that had been shut down for two months were cranking out the smog as well to make up for lost production... :blink:




I guess it was inevitable that things would return to "normal" after the Olympics. :( I think the best we can hope for is that both the citizenry and the gov't got enough of a taste of clean air that they have the fortitude to do what it takes to get more of it. I think the continued march of progress will still make it a fairly slow proposition. But I guess there's always the hope that they've at least made a start.

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China will not soon forget the 2008 Bejing Games. Gold medal winners are being featured all over Chinese TV and now Olympic's volunteers are being given preferential treatment for jobs. Since these folks were already selected as the best of the best and worked very hard to make the Olympics the success that they were it's nice to see them get paid back by China's companies... :blink:




Yeah, it would be nice if some of those volunteers were able to catch on with decent jobs. Especially if they happened to come from the countryside and all they had to return to was a low-paying, menial job. I'm sure that's not the case for all. But for some it may be a step up.

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