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Why visit the ACH?

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I just realized that I should be in GUZ during the time of ACH (Its now on Fridays, right?).

So I am wondering if there are any real benefits to attend this? What are some of the things you have discussed during the meeting? It appears some here have attended and some have not.


I actually do have questions but...well...I don't want to give any impression that some paperwork is incorrectly filled out...


We have already been required to submit a change of address and added a short term work history. I wouldn't want to create any more problems.


This trip in October will be my 10th since I first met her so I hope proof of a relationship will not be a problem.


Also, I have seen some references to have my US passport, or copies of, to be notarized. Have others done this?


Sorry if this is an old topic....

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Guest Rob & Jin

just looked at their website, cant see anything about ACH being moved to fridays, maybe you can post the link to that.


yes I got my passport and loe notarized by them, intersesting at interview they didn't ask for either.


good luck :unsure:

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Not fridays, it is Mondays.

U.S. citizen petitioner hour moving to Monday (Issued 7/5/07)


I needed additional P4 forms so visited during ACH to get them.

From GUZSPEAKS: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=28307


No reason to have a passport notarized, but if you use photo copies it is recommended to notarize the copies to indicate accurate copies. I was in Guangzhou for interview so my wife just took my passport with her to the interview.

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regarding notarizing passport.... I had a different nortarize. I went to the US Citizen Service side in GUZ and handed them my passport for notarize. An VO took it and came bk just copied my front page and my photo page and stamp (raise kind) it. It was only two pages, but I thouhgt everyone else they copied every pages?! Anyways, the officer siad this is enough. For their writing, they put that the certifiy that it is a true copy.


I don't know it is usual or unusual, but it case you want them to copy it all, you might to tell them to do that, otherwise you get what i got. My hus went to interview with my real passport, so copy was never asked for.

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I attended the ACH on Monday prior to my fiancee's (now my wife) interview. I really had no questions to ask them. I certainly was not going to point out anything of suspicion and even if there was an issue, it was too late to do anything about it.


So I simply went there to let them know that I was in GUZ to support my fiancee.


When my number was called, I went to the window and spoke with a young, tall, white male. Asked him where I could some documents notarized and if he could "sneak-a-peak" at file and let me know if all was OK.


He told where I could get my documents notarized and told me from what he saw on his computer monitor; there was nothing to be concerned about.


I spent the next five minutes asking why he decided to become a FAO and what he did before that.


I had my passport and my Evolution of Relationship Letter notarized.


I believe the same FAO interviewed my fiancee.

The Letter was not asked for, but the FAO did ask for proof of my trips to China and my passport was used as the evidence.


The interview lasted about 6 minutes and was as benign as it could get.


So in this game of uncertainty where the rules seem to change as fast as the second sweeps across the face of a clock, anything one can do to get an advantage is worth it.

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1 more note about ach. it gives you a chance to scope out the actual interview room where your so will be interviewed. in addition to asking some questions i also brought the kitchen sink with me in my laptop case and i discovered the vo window shelf is large enough to easily accomadate the case, open it and have all papers readily available. i also made sure our photo albums would fit thru the window. i did this after reading that some members struggled to locate documents during the interview. its very important to quickly locate documents during the interview. good luck!

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When my number was called, I went to the window and spoke with a young, tall, white male. Asked him where I could some documents notarized and if he could "sneak-a-peak" at file and let me know if all was OK.


He told where I could get my documents notarized and told me from what he saw on his computer monitor; there was nothing to be concerned about.





Careful here.............this is a generic answer in bold. If there were problems with the file then they would never tell you.

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When my number was called, I went to the window and spoke with a young, tall, white male. Asked him where I could some documents notarized and if he could "sneak-a-peak" at file and let me know if all was OK.


He told where I could get my documents notarized and told me from what he saw on his computer monitor; there was nothing to be concerned about.





Careful here.............this is a generic answer in bold. If there were problems with the file then they would never tell you.


good point charles. i don't recommend asking that question.

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ach used to be on friday, but is now held on monday at 2:30. you should arrive around 1:30 or 1:45. they stop admitting people at 2 or 2:15. if you have questions then you should go. if not, then don't go. if you go it wil be noted for the interview that you went to ach. maybe a couple of brownie points.


Whoops...for some reason I thought it was on Friday. I guess I won't have the chance to visit anyway (unless i scramble with some last minute travel changes). I can't arrive until the middle of the week before the interview and then her interview is the next Monday.

Thanks for the update!

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The consulate requested in GZ speaks that unless you have a legitimate concern don't go. People who go just to get it noted on their file that they were there are wasting VO's time that could be spent processing applications.

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