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Chinese dairy knew milk fault weeks before recall

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It's melamine...Saw pics of the factory tonight...looked super clean and high-tech but something went terribly wrong... <_<

Ill tell you whats wrong.

The truck spends days zig-zagging all over the place on some roundabout journey,then goes and picks up a load of something intended for industrial or farm use,then they take it instead to the sleek high tech food factory and dump it in your baby formula.

And why?

So sombody can pocket $7 profit.

It is sickening.

This is also how energy is wasted in China,burn LOTS of fuel

to turn a profit of one or two cents.

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China makes first arrests in tainted milk probe


Chinese police arrested two brothers suspected of adding a dangerous chemical to milk they sold to a company that produced infant formula that killed two babies and sickened more than 1,200 others, officials and state media reported Monday.


The two brothers, surnamed Geng, run a milk collection center in Hebei province and are accused of adding melamine, a chemical used in plastics, to the milk to make it appear higher in protein, the official Xinhua News Agency said. They sold about three tons of contaminated milk a day, the report said, citing Hebei police spokesman Shi Guizhong.

Hmmmm...Just two guys/three tons a day? Sounds kinda scapegoaty to me. <_<


(You know,the "scape goat" used to be the one they let go,but now thats changed.The scape goat is the one who GETS IT :eatyum: .)

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When my wife read about this on the internet her first reaction was "kill them". I explained to her that was not a good punishment and they should let them live a long and painful life.


After some thought, all of 3 seconds, she agreed.


I have a "death is too good for them" policy.

Could I interest you in a slightly used

Makita Cordless Electric Varible Speed Reversable Drill

and a box of rusty corkscrews?

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These people should be punished. But if the action stops at the people who put the melamine in the milk being punished, than the government has failed to address the problem.


The lack of proper licensing, education, and health standards at these farms and facilities creates an environment ripe for such problems to develop.


Uneducated farmers who want to sell more milk perhaps added the chemical knowing and not caring that it was dangerous... some also probably did it not understanding the implications of what they were doing. Either way, it was too easily aquired, too easily added, and too easily passed undetected for far too long.


Just as when the same chemical caused many pets and pigs to die in the US and Canada, many here were quick to point out that part of the problem was that the importing country and companies were culpable in part by not testing their raw materials better - I put forward that the company that bottled this milk which was tainted from multiple sources is partially culpable. The government as well, for failing to have proper and enforcable standards in place.


If this lesson is learned and action is taken to ensure this does not happen again, and the quality of products for a countries most precious resource (children) becomes more sound, and able to be trusted again... then it was dealt with properly. If all that happens is it is presented as these evil farmers who are all to blame, the government puts bullets in their heads, and gives the public time to boo and hiss at them, and then changes nothing and business as usual... then nothing will have changed. It will happen again.

Exactly! Which is why I alluded to scapegoating. It'd be real easy for the gov't officials to round up a few poor farmers and have a quick trial (or not) and put either them in a cell or a bullet in their skull and pronounce the problem solved.

Business as usual.

Probably been that way for 5,000 years.

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A third baby has died after drinking tainted formula and more than 6,000 children have been made ill, Chinese officials said Wednesday.

I remember a couple of years ago,a soup stall owner was angry at his competition across the road,so he dumped rat poison in the morning soup,I remember it was about 30 killed.

They were ladeling out the soup while people were lying on the floor dying.


Remember those people poisoned recently in the DongBei Hospital by a bucket containing rat poison used to prepare food?


The development of highways in China will make crime a lot easier in the future.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

China makes first arrests in tainted milk probe


Chinese police arrested two brothers suspected of adding a dangerous chemical to milk they sold to a company that produced infant formula that killed two babies and sickened more than 1,200 others, officials and state media reported Monday.


The two brothers, surnamed Geng, run a milk collection center in Hebei province and are accused of adding melamine, a chemical used in plastics, to the milk to make it appear higher in protein, the official Xinhua News Agency said. They sold about three tons of contaminated milk a day, the report said, citing Hebei police spokesman Shi Guizhong.


China is well on the road to ensuring the safety of its food and drugs, but indeed has a ways to go. While prosecuting these two brothers will send a message, it would be better to look at the system that allowed them insert the additive in the first place.

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A third baby has died after drinking tainted formula and more than 6,000 children have been made ill, Chinese officials said Wednesday.

I remember a couple of years ago,a soup stall owner was angry at his competition across the road,so he dumped rat poison in the morning soup,I remember it was about 30 killed.

They were ladeling out the soup while people were lying on the floor dying.


Remember those people poisoned recently in the DongBei Hospital by a bucket containing rat poison used to prepare food?


The development of highways in China will make crime a lot easier in the future.


There is a MAKE MONEY AT ANYONE ELSE'S COST philosophy... :happydance: that is too prevalent in China... :D

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A third baby has died after drinking tainted formula and more than 6,000 children have been made ill, Chinese officials said Wednesday.

I remember a couple of years ago,a soup stall owner was angry at his competition across the road,so he dumped rat poison in the morning soup,I remember it was about 30 killed.

They were ladeling out the soup while people were lying on the floor dying.


Remember those people poisoned recently in the DongBei Hospital by a bucket containing rat poison used to prepare food?


The development of highways in China will make crime a lot easier in the future.


There is a MAKE MONEY AT ANYONE ELSE'S COST philosophy... :cheering: that is too prevalent in China... :happydance:




The latest tally is 4 dead, 6000 sickened and 18 arrested in a case of simple greed... :D

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Well I know it's pretty disappointing to me and I bet to Steve too that we were not able to flush out at least the "usual suspect" to joust with us this morning... :blink: So I can only conclude that everyone agrees that China has a very far-reaching problem with greed and it is one that not only makes life more troublesome and unpleasant for everyone living there but can even cost them their life... :(

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I won't accept any explaination from the company or the country this time. :huh:


It is very hard to conceive of anyone's possible excuse for this... :D



"Live babies aren't Yuan in my pocket"?


China is feeding its babies to the infernal machine of it's own greed.


Will they wake up, or just have a rousing game of "point the finger" and then back to business as usual?

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Note to self:


Before moving to Chinatucky, go to NASA, buy space suit, plenty of packets of Tang, packets of freeze dried food, and packets of sterile water to mix food with.


In Chinatucky, buy "bubble room" home.


Don't get sick.


Don't breathe the air.


Don't eat the poop tainted food.


Don't, Don't, Don't....


tsap seui


Lonely in america...but, I'm sorta safe, maybe...as long as a drunk driver doesn't kill me, lightning doesn't strike me dead, a drive by shooting doesn't kill me, tainted food doesn't kill me, God doesn't decide my number is up, a terrorist doesn't poison my water supply, and the lonliness doesn't kill me. :lol:


Awww, screw it, I'm gonna move over yonder, I'd rather die with the lil' rabbit, than die in the safety of FDA regulated lonliness. :D

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Note to self:


Before moving to Chinatucky, go to NASA, buy space suit, plenty of packets of Tang, packets of freeze dried food, and packets of sterile water to mix food with.


In Chinatucky, buy "bubble room" home.


Don't get sick.


Don't breathe the air.


Don't eat the poop tainted food.


Don't, Don't, Don't....


tsap seui


Lonely in america...but, I'm sorta safe, maybe...as long as a drunk driver doesn't kill me, lightning doesn't strike me dead, a drive by shooting doesn't kill me, tainted food doesn't kill me, God doesn't decide my number is up, a terrorist doesn't poison my water supply, and the lonliness doesn't kill me. :lol:


Awww, screw it, I'm gonna move over yonder, I'd rather die with the lil' rabbit, than die in the safety of FDA regulated lonliness. :D


Son your main problem is an acute case of sperm poisoning... :)


Sniff, sniff....don't I KNOW IT, unca Cuzin' roGgiE!!!!! And there is a rabid rabbit waitin' for me on the other side of the puddle. I sometimes have to restrain myself from climbing a tree and making a spectacle of myself, like a monkey in the zoo, at springtime...know wudda mean, Vern? :lol:


She just spent 13,000rmb on the "proper height" bed for our romper room. :beer: We spent more time figuring out the bed than any other part of the new house, the woman's got her priorties in order, I tells ya.


tsap seui


Somewhere over the rainbow, my true love waits for me

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