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Chinese dairy knew milk fault weeks before recall

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But enough frivolity... :)



What you eat and drink in China can make you sick... :lol: You know all those perfect and beautiful fruits and vegetables you see in the markets... :D


Do you suppose that after several thousand years of intensive agriculture that all the pests and diseases just gave up and went home??? :lol:


Or is it more likely that things look that way because of the farmers walking around night and day with those backpack sprayers...pshhh...pssshhhhh... :D And are all those herbicides and pesticides approved and controlled and used in only the proper manner??? :)


We met a man in the market in Lijiang who was obviously a sharp guy as we were both buying goat milk cheese... B) He said that was the ONLY thing he buys in markets... ;) Everything else he ate he grew himself because of the...pssshhhhh... ;)


So does anyone else worry about what they may be ingesting in China no matter where they get it from or should we all just say...eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die... :beer:

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Melamine is used to add nitrogen. The reason is that nitrogen % in milk is the test to see if it has been diluted with water. By adding a little Melamine they can add a lot of water without being caught. Dilution of products in such manor is common in the food industry in the U.S. also. We are just more careful of the chemicals we use keeping to ones that have not been declared harmful even though the industry knows they are. Read the ingredients sometimes although many laws allow some chemicals without labelling them.

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Melamine is used to add nitrogen. The reason is that nitrogen % in milk is the test to see if it has been diluted with water. By adding a little Melamine they can add a lot of water without being caught. Dilution of products in such manor is common in the food industry in the U.S. also. We are just more careful of the chemicals we use keeping to ones that have not been declared harmful even though the industry knows they are. Read the ingredients sometimes although many laws allow some chemicals without labelling them.


We had heard on Chinese TV that melamine raised the protein level of the milk???

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Is Melamine kinda expensive? do you think the farmer in china knows how to add the protortion and made the element just right? or another evil thoughts. Is it possible that they do not use Melamine to add up the nitrogan % but use UREA which is cheaper instead??Urea can be made into melamine. well, don't want to think worse :angry:

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The government steps in...




10% of milk and yogurt products from THREE MAJOR dairies contained melamine...countries everywhere are pulling all Chinese dairy products from their shelves... :(




uNcA Cuzin' roGgie, will you be buyin' a space suit when you go to live in Chinatucky. With all this here readin' I'm thinkin' maybe I better take me a US GRADE A FDA inspector with me to inspect what I eat and drink, and to sample it before it touches my lips....hopefully he won't be drunk or stoned on the job, or asleep, or easily bribed (by anyone but me). :o


tsap seui

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The government steps in...




10% of milk and yogurt products from THREE MAJOR dairies contained melamine...countries everywhere are pulling all Chinese dairy products from their shelves... :(




uNcA Cuzin' roGgie, will you be buyin' a space suit when you go to live in Chinatucky. With all this here readin' I'm thinkin' maybe I better take me a US GRADE A FDA inspector with me to inspect what I eat and drink, and to sample it before it touches my lips....hopefully he won't be drunk or stoned on the job, or asleep, or easily bribed (by anyone but me). :(


tsap seui


I will simply be taking all of my lab equipment with me and analyzing everything before it touches my lips... :o

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The government steps in...




10% of milk and yogurt products from THREE MAJOR dairies contained melamine...countries everywhere are pulling all Chinese dairy products from their shelves... :o




uNcA Cuzin' roGgie, will you be buyin' a space suit when you go to live in Chinatucky. With all this here readin' I'm thinkin' maybe I better take me a US GRADE A FDA inspector with me to inspect what I eat and drink, and to sample it before it touches my lips....hopefully he won't be drunk or stoned on the job, or asleep, or easily bribed (by anyone but me). :huh:


tsap seui


I will simply be taking all of my lab equipment with me and analyzing everything before it touches my lips... :blink:

Please explain which piece of lab equipment you will use to examine your wife's lips every time she wants to kiss you? ;)

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I can just see you when the lil' missus calls you to din-din...with yore white lab coat on, magnified eyepiece in yore breast pocket, and you bent over yer spectrum analizer, culture dishes, and electron microscope as you prepare to eat. I hope that thar din-din doesn't get cold before you eat it.


A word of caution, don't trust them big tooth picks the Chinese eat with to be clean either....ALWAYS run them puppies through an autoclave before use!!!


tsap seui


Jest funnin' with ya roGgIe, not tryin' to make Miller lite of the subject. It sickens me to hear of the many that die in america from tainted food, also.

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The government steps in...




10% of milk and yogurt products from THREE MAJOR dairies contained melamine...countries everywhere are pulling all Chinese dairy products from their shelves... :o




uNcA Cuzin' roGgie, will you be buyin' a space suit when you go to live in Chinatucky. With all this here readin' I'm thinkin' maybe I better take me a US GRADE A FDA inspector with me to inspect what I eat and drink, and to sample it before it touches my lips....hopefully he won't be drunk or stoned on the job, or asleep, or easily bribed (by anyone but me). :huh:


tsap seui


I will simply be taking all of my lab equipment with me and analyzing everything before it touches my lips... :blink:

Please explain which piece of lab equipment you will use to examine your wife's lips every time she wants to kiss you? ;)


Shucks, me n' the lil' rabbit wear them there body corndumbs when we kiss and such. Just like Frank, and Elvis's wife did on the Naked Gun.


A feller jest kain't be safe 'nuff sometimes, especially in this here day n' age. ;)


tsap seui

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In the US the tainted milk scandal would mean millions of dollars for...



lawyers... :huh:


In China it is being handled as a political issue, not a legal one. Parents of the affected infants are being given free medical care for their children...not a windfall to punish the companies responsible. Who's system is best??? :blink:





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In the US the tainted milk scandal would mean millions of dollars for...



lawyers... :huh:


In China it is being handled as a political issue, not a legal one. Parents of the affected infants are being given free medical care for their children...not a windfall to punish the companies responsible. Who's system is best??? :unsure:





As the article points out, the free medical care is a matter of relativity. Some don't seem to be getting the same level of care as others. And how long will it last? Only as long as it's getting publicity? What about long-term effects on the kids? Will the public/gov't remember in five years if/when these kids start having delayed health problems related to this stuff?


Where's the deterrent for the next company to not cut corners by using toxic materials in food products? Our overly-litigious system might not be perfect, but at least it may make corporations/ceos/inspectors think twice about trying to cut that corner.

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