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If it's not one agency it's another!

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Just about the time we think it is over....wham....the government sticks it’s big head into our business one more time. After ten months of waiting Amy finally received her P4 on 8/21. This gave us less than two weeks to prepare for her 9/3 interview. Although, I had taken over many of the most important documents ( including: tax return, affidavit of support with all accompanying documentation, and significant evidence regarding our relationship) on my July trip to China there were still a few items I needed to send her. So on Monday I sent her a FedEx containing copies of my passport, her email history to me, recent phone logs, and a notarized letter concerning her prior visit to the US.


In September of 2000 Amy was here on a K-1 visa. It did not work out between her and her fiancee. Last Saturday she read at her website about one girl who also had been here once before. During the interview she was told that she had to secure a notarized letter from her fiancee to the effect that he was aware of her prior visit to the US. So just in case, I also included a notarized letter in my FedEx.


I sent all the documents out on Monday 9/25. They ended up in Anchorage and now are being held there. They have been there since 9 a.m. Tuesday morning. Almost three and half days now! Upon rattling the cages at FedEx, come to find out that it is customs that is doing the holding. Apparently they routinely take parcels that are visa oriented and hold them for up to five days. Checking them for what, I have no clue. Of course, the holdup will be just enough time to virtually ensure that Amy will not get the package before she must leave for the embassy. This, of course, begs the question. Can the government do anymore to interfere in the visa process than they already have? Let me see here, that makes the INS, US Embassy, DOS, FBI, IRS, US Customs, and probably a few agencies I have left out that get their hands into our business. Whew....when will it ever it end? And an even bigger question. How will this all washout at the interview?

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I thought I had heard of everything, but this indeed is a new wrinkle. I find it somewhat disturbing that Customs routinely holds up visa related items. Furthermore, I wonder how they would know they are visa related unless they opened up the envelope to begin with. Is this the Patriot Act at work again? <_< ;)

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Hi sacman24,


13 days is not a very long time. Was the p4 delivered on time or was is late? Just curious because I understand that GZ it going to cut down the time between p4 and interview from 6-8 weeks to 3-4 weeks. Is this the case?.........thanks


Oh, you missed listing an agency.......MIB......... <_<


%%-good luck

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I am not sure if it was “on time” or not. How do you tell. What I can tell you is that I visited the Embassy on 8/5 and was informed that Amy had cleared her security check and was now on a waiting list for her interview date. Then on 8/6 I received the following reply to an email I had sent on 8/1.


Thank you for your inquiry. The subject mentioned case is about to be scheduled for a visa interview. Once we schedule the case, we will mail an appointment packet to the applicant. Sincerely, Immigrant visa unit


Then, without any further notice the EMS containing the P4 showed up on 8/21.

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This is a disturbing trend. First they drag their feet until youre ready to go insane then they move so fast you don't have time to prepare. I could get the documents ready far enough in advance to not have to worry about that part but I am concerned about having enough time to get a visa and plane ticket in time to make the interview. Any suggestions?


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Print out the Fed Ex confirmation page showing that the package is being held up and where. Fax all the documents and FedEx confirmation sheet to the Embassy and your fiance. On the documents put this statement at bottom:


"I certify that this is a true and accourate copy of the original document that was sent by Federal Express, Shipping Number #######, which was sent on (date)."


Then sign and date.


This should suffice for approval.

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They ended up in Anchorage and now are being held there.  They have been there since 9 a.m. Tuesday morning.  Almost  three and half days now!  Upon rattling the cages at FedEx, come to find out that it is customs that is doing the holding.  Apparently they routinely take parcels that are visa oriented and hold them for up to five days.  

First, I don't understand anyone but could or should have known the contents. How did you list the contents on the waybill?


Second, I don't understand how Customs can hold up routine commerce. If they did this to all outbound mail, FedEx would go belly up is short order. Something in Anchorage doesn't smell right.


Third, how comfortable are you with the explanation? When I was experimenting with carriers, I tried FedEx. Tracking was routine until the on-line message "Clearing Customs" kept coming up. After about 2 days of this, I called FedEx, and after a fair amount of shouting, they finally informed me that they did not service my fiancee's home town, so the package could not be delivered. Again, copious amounts of shouting ensued. They finally agreed to use local EMS to finish the delivery. Just curious, where does you fiancee live?

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Yes, I am perplexed as well by what FedEx told me. The contents were just listed as “documents” with a value of $1.00. And they were addressed to my fiancee in Shenzhen. I, too, did my fair of shouting. At first they just tried to tell me that they could not get through to their Anchorage location. Something about the fact that it is not setup to deal with customers! It was not until I mentioned the contents of the package that the representative told me that they have had problems clearing documents bound for embassy or regarding visas. Upon further questioning he said that customs randomly (or maybe not so randomly) takes a certain percentage of all parcels sent to China for further investigation. He was not sure why they select certain parcels over others. However, he did say that had this been a t-shirt it would have most likely arrived on schedule.


Do I feel comfortable with the explanation, certainly not. Does something smell fishy, absolutely. Hence, all of my shouting. But, at a certain point it seems that you just have to accept the fact that the package will be delayed. As far as FedEx is concerned, they are sympathetic but say that for the time being it is out of their hands. As our good friends at DOS would say, “It is pending!”


And to all of you that have offered me advice on how to deal with problem I thank you! Your help, as always, is appreciated.

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A customs ticket for a few documents valued at a $1.00? Must be a FedEx thing, certainly not a USPS thing. Thru USPS the only time I need a customs ticket tagged is if the package is large and bulky or if it is a box. Never for any documents. With USPS, I have mailed everything from documents to teddy bears, priorty mail or global express. No problem.


Good luck on your predicament. I hope it is resolved soon.

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Who knows...FedEx....customs? But, here is my tracking info. By the way, FedEx told me to call customs and try and put the heat on them to process the parcel.



Aug 26, 2003


9:18 am Package status ANCHORAGE AK Regulatory Agency Clearance Delay


6:37 am Arrived at Sort Facility ANCHORAGE AK


2:18 am Left FedEx Sort Facility MEMPHIS TN


1:17 am Arrived at Sort Facility MEMPHIS TN


Aug 25, 2003


7:55 pm Left FedEx Ramp SACRAMENTO CA


7:16 pm Left FedEx Origin Location SACRAMENTO CA


6:27 pm Arrived at FedEx Ramp SACRAMENTO CA


6:06 pm Left FedEx Origin Location SACRAMENTO CA


1:12 pm Pickup status SACRAMENTO CA Payment Received

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I truly empathise with your situation. Another post ABOVE yours seems to lend, what would appear to be, a hint of what MAY be going on...it's apples and oranges as to where it's going (consulate vs. personal delivery) but I'm trying to figure the modus here....


"The Consulate General in Guangzhou has not yet received the file on your

fiancée's case. There is a good chance it is still in Chinese customs

awaiting customs clearance. The Chinese government recently stopped

treating courier shipments containing visa cases as diplomatic

correspondence and now requires that they be cleared by customs.


Unfortunately, this has added several weeks to the transit time for these



This is a clip from "whoever" and his predicament. I wonder if there isn't some cooperation on Fedex's part with chinese customs changes. I too would suggest the consulate fax route, then the fax to her route. You can't be too "anal" with these people - it's reassurance your intentions/efforts are acknowledged.


This thing will come together...don't get too worried; My prayers for speedy processing.

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I truly empathise with your situation. Another post ABOVE yours seems to lend, what would appear to be, a hint of what MAY be going on...it's apples and oranges as to where it's going (consulate vs. personal delivery) but I'm trying to figure the modus here....


"The Consulate General in Guangzhou has not yet received the file on your

fiancée's case. There is a good chance it is still in Chinese customs

awaiting customs clearance. The Chinese government recently stopped

treating courier shipments containing visa cases as diplomatic

correspondence and now requires that they be cleared by customs.


Unfortunately, this has added several weeks to the transit time for these



This is a clip from "whoever" and his predicament. I wonder if there isn't some cooperation on Fedex's part with chinese customs changes. I too would suggest the consulate fax route, then the fax to her route. You can't be too "anal" with these people - it's reassurance your intentions/efforts are acknowledged.


This thing will come together...don't get too worried; My prayers for speedy processing.

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Guest linnlp12

Federal Express should have advised you that customs does not allow you to send documents to a private address in China. I dont know if this is US customs or China customs. But they advised me of that. You must send any package labeled as documents to a business address in China. This was probably where the problem was. The customs delay may be the fact that if you sent to her residential place, the package cannot be delivered. When I ask about sending documents on the phone, they have always advised me of this fact. Check with them and see if you get the same answer.

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