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Overcome Questions

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Hi Everyone below are the questions and the items checked on the Blue and Pink forms Shuyan received at her Interview. As I am completing all of these requested items some of these things I do not have. I moved to California last August I live w/ my Mother and brother the lease is not in my name or the utility bills. If I explain that in the statements I submit will that be enough? We all three split the Rent of $2700.00 each month + utilities. I can make a copy of the Lease

and utility bills but again they are not in my name. When I moved to California I was planning on working and saving as much money as I can to move into a place once the Visa process was completed and Shuyan was on here way. But we have ran into a delay that is really causing me grief. I have a steady job and make good money around 50K this first year. I have a great credit score and finding a place will be easy I was just waiting until this Immigration was finished before doing so. I have 2 photo ID's w/ my current address, I have bank statements, Credit cards that come to this address, car insurance, and health insurance. I also have NVC letters to this address USCIS letters IRS forms and statements of earnings. If I include a copy of the lease that is in my Mothers name and utilty bills in her name will that be ok? Can I write a letter thats states this and have it notarized? I do have a letter from the owner of the property that states I have resided here from August 2007. I am on my way back to China Monday 18th of August another Visa stamp in my passport perhaps a visit to GZ for the ACH on Monday 25th and a few hundred pictures of us together. So any suggestions/answers will be appreciated I know so many of us are in this process. Im grateful to have found this Website. This past year has been a struggle I moved to California I make more Money here I have been saving cash so I can get a nice place for Shuyan and I. I only had one visit to China

So I decided to go back and get pictures of us and more evidence of our relationship.




1 Statements: Provide detailed statement written by petitioner describing the evolution of your relationship. be sure to at the very least explain how you met, when you started dating , and how, when and why you became engaged.

2 Statement written by petitioner , listing every trip to China to visit you and how you spent your time together. Include dates and locations. Explain who arranged the trip to China, purchased the ticket and who accompanied him/her.


1 Submit the plane tickets your petitioner used to visit you. As applicable submit 1 airline ticket purchase receipts

Travel agency documents. Who paid for the tickets? Show evidence of this Credit card statements. with relevant with drawls made.


1 The consulate has insufficient information about residency for the following people marked with an X. Petitioner.

Provide evidence to Verify Residency for a significant length of time and as close to the current date as possible. Include all pages with names, dates and addresses of the requested parties. Provide all possible evidence such as

Lease / mortgage Utility Bills Bank and Credit Card Statements / Household registry

Describe in detail when and how the petitioner and his/her immediate family members immigrated to the US

Describe how they gained lawful permanent residence status.

2 List all locations and specific dates of Residency where the petitioner has lived for the last 5 years. Provide evidence.

3 List all locations, company names, and specific dates of employment where the petitioner has been working for the last 5 years. Provide evidence


1 Photographs taken of you and your petitioner together since you first met. Describe as much relevant information as possible for each submission, such as all individuals in photos, dates, locations and photographer. Label photo albums with your case Number and name.


Detailed Interview Questions

CO: Have you ever been to ther US before? A: No

CO: Did you apply for a US visa? A: Yes in August 2005, would you like to see old passport CO: NO

CO: Who is your petitioner? A: My Fiance, Jason XXXXXXXXXXX

CO: How did you meet your Fiance? A: On the Internet Yahoo games playing Backgammon

CO: When did you meet your Fiance? A: December 9 2005

CO: When Did you meet your fiance in Person A: February 18th 2007

CO: Where did you learn English A: In China, Education in School

CO: What does your Fiance do for a living? A: He is a full time employee of XXXXXXcial Truck salesperson in California, He is also a 50% owner of a XXXXXXX in Michigan, would you like to see his letter of employment?

CO: NO. (Shakes his head) what I need to see is the form I134 and Tax return A: Would you like to see his bank statements

CO: NO (shakes his head) Has He moved latley? A: Yes

CO: Where is he Now? A: California, he was living in Michigan before he moved.

CO: How many times has he been to China to Visit you? A: One Time

CO: For how long? A: One Week

CO: Can I see the pictures of you together?

CO: OK I still have some questions for your fiance. hands over the pink and blue piece of paper

Edited by jaybird (see edit history)
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Hi jaybird,


Mothers name and utilty bills in her name will that be ok? Can I write a letter thats states this and have it notarized?


About moving and living for such a short time in Cal. is ok, I think I would have your mother write a letter explaining that situation with you sharing the rent and utility bills and have her notarize the letter. Just be on the safe side to explain the Cal. move.

You certainly have enough income but make sure that you get a letter from your employer.

Boy... :blush: Those rents are high in Cal. I am glad I don't live there... :o


Tom and Ling


Anyone have suggestions for me?

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I definitely agree with Chilton on this, but if you explain everything and have your mother and yourself write letters of explanation to the housing arrangement and notarized, this should be OK. The VO can't fault you for moving to Cal. and sharing rent, especially after knowing those rent... :o :blush: :o


Tom and Ling




IMHO I think it is much more than just the one visit causing the suspicion by GZ. The good news is that if you give them exactly what they ask for and are thorough about it then I feel your chances are very good for overcome.


Good luck!!!!

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Thanks so much for your responses. I am going to explain in the letter I submit with the rest of the things requested. This website really put me at ease sometimes..then the nervousness overcomes me again...I can say that everything on the list is covered. I am traveling to Shanghai on Monday I will have another trip to China I may go to the ACH on Monday the 25th of August. I really dont have questions for them and I read on here that they dont want people going just to show they returned? I am mixed on the trip to GZ..I am sure people on here say go to the ACH some say dont bother its a waste of time? I just really really want everything to work..I am willing to fly to China to overcome these items more pictures more passport stamps more evidence of a Bonafide relationship...I understand they are just make sure I am not some scam trying to bring her over....I wonder if they understand the huge responsibility this is for me, I am willing to support her and provide for her. I saved for this for 2 years.

Edited by jaybird (see edit history)
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I have printed a letter that states I live her ein California w/ my Mother she and I had it notarized today. Attached to the Lease and utility Bills. I also have a signed letter from the Landlord of this property, states when I moved in here and how I am still currently residing here. Also a letter from my last landlord in Michigan he is a lawyer so it reads almost perfect...Dates and signatures and Contact #'s included.

thanks to everyone on VJ and CFL all of you have been a huge help in this Process!!!!

I am off to Shanghai China on Monday 18th of August just 2 days...WOOOOO..... WHOOOOO!!!!!!

Edited by jaybird (see edit history)
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I wonder why the VO asked this:


CO: NO (shakes his head) Has He moved latley? A: Yes

Maybe there were dates in the paperwork showing he was recently employed in Michigan and is now in Cali that they weren't sure about? It seems something in there confused them because part of the overcome they requested was a detailed record of residences etc.

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I wonder why the VO asked this:


CO: NO (shakes his head) Has He moved latley? A: Yes


Perhaps because this question was asked before the one you mentioned:


CO: What does your Fiance do for a living? A: He is a full time employee of XXXXXXcial Truck salesperson in California, He is also a 50% owner of a XXXXXXX in Michigan, would you like to see his letter of employment?

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But that is easy to see it is clearly in my 2007 Tax Return it shows California Income and Michigan Income from a Business that is an L.L.C. so I received a form 1065 K1. I will supply all of the last 5 years tax returns and 1065's since 2004. If the VO would have looked at the entire pack I sent with Shuyan, it was all very clearly labeled. I contains almost everything off the blue and Pink Forms. I understand why they are doing this. I just hope it goes quick after I submit everything. Thanks again


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