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China gymnastics gets too much bad rap!

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Guest ShaQuaNew

I'm in China now. I can get the text of the article but the images of the "exhibits" are not coming through. I wonder if they are being censored here. :V:


The entire site is blocked now. I got the entire article using a proxy server though. :P


Yes, lots of censoring going on. When I'm in China the internet works like a dial-up connection. In Taiwan, it's back to high-speed without censoring; however, Taiwan does censor some sites like Tinypic....

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Yes sirrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! They sure can keep it!


Sorry guys, but she gets to keep it....





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I have to say this is thread is a very funny read. It almost reads like the old cold war statements provided by the USSR and NATO in the bad old days.


Let's be clear.


I did not see a single person say that the individual girls "cheated".


China's Gymnastic committee or what ever it is called agreed to certain rules like ALL the other countries competing. This is the same for rowing, boxing, swimming, etc. etc. etc.


If the allegations are proven true, then the girls pay the price which is not fair to them. I am sure that some folks will be punished in the background but unfortunately it is girls that will be the public face.


I do not see how this is the some US plot to just win more medals. That may be the result but other countries are also going to get medals that did not have before.


The IOC is screwed no matter what. If they rule in favor of the girls or against them they are going to get blasted. If they handle this poorly then the Olympics might not be very important in the future and there are way too many folks with high paying jobs running the OIC. They are going to be very careful to ensure their vacations, I mean trips to select sights for the next Olympics are secure.


This is the age of the internet. Anyone and everyone is and can be a reporter. Many younger folks do not get jobs because of stuff they have posted on MySpace or Facebook or some other blog. Many people do not realize that those pictures of yourselves running around Cancun with out clothing on your spring break can bite you in the butt.


If the medals are removed from He, she will have to learn the most important lesson, that of self satisfaction. She will know that she won the event, but that she was placed in a no win situation. If that happens I hope she stays around for the next Olympics and comes back and wins every gold medal possible. Of course knowing the OIC they will ban her and not her government for this issue and this maybe the last we see of a very talented young lady.

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I have to say this is thread is a very funny read. It almost reads like the old cold war statements provided by the USSR and NATO in the bad old days.


Let's be clear.


I did not see a single person say that the individual girls "cheated".


China's Gymnastic committee or what ever it is called agreed to certain rules like ALL the other countries competing. This is the same for rowing, boxing, swimming, etc. etc. etc.


If the allegations are proven true, then the girls pay the price which is not fair to them. I am sure that some folks will be punished in the background but unfortunately it is girls that will be the public face.


I do not see how this is the some US plot to just win more medals. That may be the result but other countries are also going to get medals that did not have before.


The IOC is screwed no matter what. If they rule in favor of the girls or against them they are going to get blasted. If they handle this poorly then the Olympics might not be very important in the future and there are way too many folks with high paying jobs running the OIC. They are going to be very careful to ensure their vacations, I mean trips to select sights for the next Olympics are secure.


This is the age of the internet. Anyone and everyone is and can be a reporter. Many younger folks do not get jobs because of stuff they have posted on MySpace or Facebook or some other blog. Many people do not realize that those pictures of yourselves running around Cancun with out clothing on your spring break can bite you in the butt.


If the medals are removed from He, she will have to learn the most important lesson, that of self satisfaction. She will know that she won the event, but that she was placed in a no win situation. If that happens I hope she stays around for the next Olympics and comes back and wins every gold medal possible. Of course knowing the OIC they will ban her and not her government for this issue and this maybe the last we see of a very talented young lady.

Excellent post!


If I were king and it was proven that cheating occured what I would do is let her keep the medals she won and move up the next three women to receive new gold,silver and bronze.


Normally I would just say that since the medals were earned outside the rules of the given sport, the athlete should have them taken away as many have already had done,including in the recent past.


But I think this situation is unique. While He and the other girls, if there are others, would have known that they were competing under false pretense since they obviously know their own true age, what choice did they really have in the system they're in?


Would they be in the position that most athletes in other countries are in to be able to say to the Chinese Gymnastics Federation or whatever body controls the sport "Wait a minute, I'm not old enough and I'm not going to be a part of any kind of cheating"? I think they probably would have been under enormous pressure to just go along with the plan and keep their mouths shut,especially with the Games are on China's home turf.


I don't know how you punish the officials involved,especially Chinese officials, without punishing the girls themselves. But if I were king, I'd find a way.

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Guest ShaQuaNew


This is pretty sad as it will not only impact a very young girl, but further fuel the media to paint China in a negative light. It will likely overshadow the exceptional performances of the many legitimate atheletes. Those responsible for doing this should be put in jail. There is far too much corruption in China, especially at the government level.

Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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it has come to the point of everyone just trying to find something wrong with China.... let it go already


all the media is saying



i knew it all along!!!


cant trust um....


they have hired hackers to hack into official chinese documents and admited to it. (i guess thats ok in their eyes)


no one would have said anything if she didnt win.


i hate the damn media :ok:

Edited by izus (see edit history)
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it has come to the point of everyone just trying to find something wrong with China.... let it go already


all the media is saying



i knew it all along!!!


cant trust um....


they have hired hackers to hack into official chinese documents and admited to it. (i guess thats ok in their eyes)


no one would have said anything if she didnt win.


i hate the damn media :ok:



Hacking into publicly available documents is a novel concept.


Hating the media is not.

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I just have one question about the Olympics... :huh:



Can't Bob Costas afford a better rug??? :D


I thought it was a rug. Silly bugger. I'm guessing the 'right one' got lost in the security check, and he had to get one in BeiJing.


A Chinese Toupe`. Yum...

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I just have one question about the Olympics... :huh:



Can't Bob Costas afford a better rug??? :D


I thought it was a rug. Silly bugger. I'm guessing the 'right one' got lost in the security check, and he had to get one in BeiJing.


A Chinese Toupe`. Yum...

It's still in quarantine with all the other pets entering the country. B)

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Yes, it's the media's fault that cheating occurred. How dare they uncover something underhanded and dishonest and expose it. If we could censor media here like in China no one would have ever been exposed to the dirt!!! Dang freedom of the press!! The cheaters aren't to blame, it's the ones who tattle!!


Is the appearance of everything being legitamate more important than discovering if it really is (and possibly finding out it isn't)? Is your face more important than your soul? Why does it have to be sour grapes or a conspiracy? If the tables were turned many of you here would have already been judge and jury to the cheating American team and going on and on and on and ON about what a disgrace it was and how we shamed ourselves before China and the world, and how it was typical American win at all costs attitude, the inevitable comparisons to juicing pro athetes etc etc.... but since it's China... "How DARE we claim they cheated even if they did, and bring shame on China... poor little girl..."(I don't blame her, just don't think using the embarassment she will suffer as a reason to not find out the truth is wrong-headed)




I care about knowing the truth. Not for any gold stripping or score altering. I would just like to know the truth and see people who don't respect it learn that isn't acceptible. That goes for any country.

Edited by Jeikun (see edit history)
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Ummmm.. I haven't seen age discrepancy yet, Chinese vs Western, maybe I missed it - where the Child is 1 years old on the day of birth. so even if the passport forces her 'birth date' to make her 15 - she's 16 in China.


Also, is different concept of calender as well- I can't recall specifics, but my doctor friend in ZhanJiang - she confoosed me quite well the one year I was trying to get a set o flowers to her on her birthday. She'd tell me 3 different dates, and all were right. I guess it's a matter of perspective (hers), but she was happy with the flowers. I'll never know if I got her flowers on the right day or not...


I WAS watching the girls gymnastics, thinking... hmmmm -- 8 hair barrettes? face glitter?? that's a 12 year old, maybe...


But my opinion won't matter about it - I only share it here..


Right or Wrong, China is doing what it thinks best... One of the girls is based in Wuhan, so I must show support always...

Edited by Darnell (see edit history)
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