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Can't Do Anything Right ...

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With the possible exception of the network fascination with men's beach volleyball (ugh!), the Olympic coverage has been OK in my view.


They sure to save the best events for last ... don't they ...

Ah...at last a voice in the wilderness.


All this media bashing comes across at least as petty and reactionary as the supposed anti-China reporting that so many claim to see. Like a politician's speech, both sides will get out of it whatever they choose to get out of it. Those that want to see China bashing and terrible coverage will find it. Those that want to see China putting on a wonderful Olympics and experience some compelling and historic sporting events will find that.


All these claims about the "Western media" having some kind of conspiratorial axe to grind into China's image is just plain silly. I've watched a lot and read a lot as I'm especially interested in these particular Games and this vast media conspiracy just ain't there.


The media reported on the smog/pollution problem because it was a real concern for all involved, thus newsworthy, not because they were looking to tarnish China's image. They reported on the faked fireworks and the lip-synched song because they happened to be facts, not because they might embarrass the Chinese gov't or people.


I've seen far far more effusive praise for the Opening Ceremony and the job China is doing putting on these Olympics than I've seen reports that could be construed as negative. Some folks here hammer the media, accusing them of singling out one or two incidents and beating them to death in order to give a distorted view of China or the Games. I think they're doing exactly the same with their criticisms of that same media.

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Well all I can say is that I have also told others this is their coming out party Bob. Mexican girl turns 15 has her party and now she can date.


I played volley ball a bit in sports and love it, but not the mens beach ball. I just turned it off yesterday. I keep waiting for the standard track and field events. I guess thier coming. I hope!!! Running, and jumping and pole vaulting. Where is that stuff? Probably need some CFL guys to do the pole vaults for them. ^_^

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With the possible exception of the network fascination with men's beach volleyball (ugh!), the Olympic coverage has been OK in my view.


They sure to save the best events for last ... don't they ...

It is the best coverage yet. And if you use the NBCOlympics.com you can find even more Live events.




Lao po and I have fun mocking the critics and each others' team every night (she reads some really inflammatory stuff from the internet during the day).




Jim? You don't like watching men in thights? :huh: Guess that's only Mikey. B)

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