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blue slip

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Can you get a copy of the pink slip image as well?


I had blown up the blue slip to 200 percent - there's not much info there at all - only the 'additional processing' thing is ticked, and that could mean anything. It's not a denial, so at least the case will stay in GUZ for some time, with the additional processing handled there at the consulate.


Hang in there - it may not be something 'bad' at all.


I do have one 'maybe' to through you - is it 'maybe' possible that some other lettter went out to the address she supplied for mailing the visa? It won't get tracked like EMS - maybe there is something there?

Edited by Darnell (see edit history)
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how do you set up timeline?

-Click on My Controls at the top of this page.

-Scroll down to Personal Profile on the left side of the page

-click on Edit Signature

-scroll down to the white box and type away

-click Update My Signature

and voila!


Good luck with the overcome. :(

Actualy Candle has timelines over on VJ.








The VJ timeliness will give you solid statistics.


I simply provide a link to our VJ timeline see my signature block.

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i never heard of getting blue with out request for more information is this common or could this be something worse

Just how many interviews have you been to previously :(

sorry... bad timing for such a sardonic joke...


If you track interviews, it's not all that rare. AP happens. Usually it turns out good; it's the additional wait which is difficult to deal with.

Yes for the most part they needed a little more time to review the case.


Shortly after we got our interview, someone got a pink, only to get passport returned with a nasty white slip in the mail, so not all pinks guarantee a visa either.





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Can you get a copy of the pink slip image as well?


I had blown up the blue slip to 200 percent - there's not much info there at all - only the 'additional processing' thing is ticked, and that could mean anything. It's not a denial, so at least the case will stay in GUZ for some time, with the additional processing handled there at the consulate.


Hang in there - it may not be something 'bad' at all.


I do have one 'maybe' to through you - is it 'maybe' possible that some other lettter went out to the address she supplied for mailing the visa? It won't get tracked like EMS - maybe there is something there?

the blue slip is all they gave her Darnell

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if you get m on the blue slip its the kiss of death



Oh man, it surely can be. Try and keep your spirits up and let's hope you two are ones of the rare ones that it isn't.


I waited out the 3 months before I e-mailed the first time to GUZ, then sent over 65 e-mails to GUZ in the next 7 months up to and including the day the DOS told me we were denied. All of my e-mails were polite and were an attempt to keep "someone" looking at our case and logging into the computer that we had inquired.


I had 2 congressional liasons inquiring for us, they are less helpful than you doing it yourself...but I'm not saying to not send a letter to your congressman and getting him/her/it onto your case. DO IT.


We went through a period where we were strong and hopeful as I had people on here I got to be friends with who had gone through the same bullshit....the trouble was, they waited from 3 to 5 1/2 months and one got a white slip, the other a pink slip after their waits...so we were okay until after 6 months, then my lady started coming apart. She and our 11 year old son were staying with her mom and dad and sleeping on the floor each night. Soon I started seeing people who had waited 8 and 9 months and then were denied.


For the 3 months preceding the initial 7 months after our interview my lady started falling into a black depression. I talked to her religiously twice a day since her interview and I did my best twice a day to bolster her outlook and spirits. After 7 months I ran out of words, I had already repeated everything a hundred times at that point and it was wearing me down into the ground.


I did every mother f'ing thing I could think of to make this work. I exhausted every means available to me....which ain't much when your goverment takes away all your rights. There were times that I dreaded calling my girlfriend, sometimes I sat down and wrote out positive ideas and hopefull ideas to tell her, because I was completely burned out and empty inside, yet, I knew I needed to show her strength and hope....while I had nothing. At times I just made up hope, where there was none. I had to soldier up so many times, I felt like I was back in Nam. At least in Nam we always had a date that we would go home, everyone knew his DEROS date and knew that if he lived long enough he would leave on that day.


I fought like hell to keep my spirits and outlook positive so that I could give my woman strength. I could not believe my government would do this to my woman. I sometimes sat down and thought of the many times I had flown 15 hour days into combat and carrying dead and wounded kids to hospitals...coming back, my flight suit covered in dried blood and parking my chopper in it's revetment and having to sit in the back on the chopper until the tension in my legs would relax enough so I could walk back to my hootch, and I thought...how could my government do this to me... now? I got shot down 5 times for my government, I was scared to death but went back in time after time after time after bloody time to rescue ground troops and wounded and this is what I get?


We are honest people, she nailed her interview, M never looked at one eighth of the evidence we had...and ...WE COULDN'T SUBMIT anything else. They never asked us for anything for 10 months.


I feel for ya buddy. Just like I felt the pain of all the others who PM'ed me with the same crap. I wish to God I could tell you a formula for success. All you can do is wait.


Some of us just aren't going to get visas, maybe on a second attempt, but not on a first try.


We had less small red flags than a lot of people on Candle who easily got the visa, but, for us, it just was not meant to be. Coming to america at that time was never meant to be for us. Maybe if we hadn't have had the bitch for a VO things would have turned out differently. We have no clue what they "think" is wrong...and probably will never know.


I can only give you the hope that there is life after a brutal ordeal like this. We are closer and our love for each other is stronger than it could have ever been. We are two people who UNDERSTAND each other completely. I have my woman back now. The depression from what the american government put my woman through is GONE. She is the happy lil' rabbit I met on my first trip and the three trips afterwards as we waited and prepared for her interview. I thank God for that!!!


Camaro, gather your inner strength, you will need to be strong for your woman. I hope your wait is short, but the greater chances are it will be long.


Don't beat yourselves up and DO NOT sit around and speculate and conjecture about what you think the problem is. GUZ and M have already speculated and conjectured quite enough. There is no need for either one of you to take the blame and feel bad about yourselves.


Here is the only advice I can give you.....


1. Use e-mails and your congressman liasion


2. There are lots of Chinese helpers on the floors below the consulate. On the second or fourth floor is an older Chinese man who has one of these visa help agencys. I don't know his name or how to contact him. He is a little arrogant but he is the only one of any of the "agencys" that does not require cash upfront. You only pay him if he delivers you a visa. Most all of the others want 5,000-10,000rmb upfront. His fee is 15,000rmb for a visa. He won't bullshit you like the others, ask you a lot of questions and speculate and conjecture on what he thinks the problem is.


I highly recommend you to have your lady, quickly, go to Guangzhou and search his agency out. Start on the forth floor and then go to the second floor. His name is not Raymond Lau and he is the only one who won't ask a fee upfront, that's the only way I know to tell you who he is.


My girlfriend, after over 8 months of waiting, rode a train 30 hours to that godawful Guangzhou and interviewed every agency on every floor, met more sham artists than are in the american government, and he is the only one who impressed her. She saw 6 or 7 pink slips on his desk, and a pile of Chinese women's passports with visas in them...LEGIT visas. He knows his stuff. We met him too f'ing late, all because I trusted the american government and the VO I talked to at ACH.


3. Again, I ask you...DO NOT get caught up in the speculation and conjecture game...it is an awful and hideous game that will lead you no where good. Don't let anyone on here tell you what they think the problem is and don't beat yourselves up with "guesses" at the problem.


Good luck man, stay strong.


tsap seui

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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If your girl friend finds that guy on the floor, please post his contact information. Maybe better yet send his contact information to one of the moderators and they can post it in the proper section of the board.


It might come in handy to others down the line.


Really sorry but I think tsup has it dead on. Be very proactive, ring a lot of door bells, get your congressman involved and fight. Fight politely. At least smile when you are :D


If she is your true love it is a battle you have to win or die trying.

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If your girl friend finds that guy on the floor, please post his contact information. Maybe better yet send his contact information to one of the moderators and they can post it in the proper section of the board.


It might come in handy to others down the line.


Really sorry but I think tsup has it dead on. Be very proactive, ring a lot of door bells, get your congressman involved and fight. Fight politely. At least smile when you are :)


If she is your true love it is a battle you have to win or die trying.


I gotta be honest and tell ya, Congress wrote themselves out as far as helping you in cases like this. All your letters and the liasons inquirys do is to show GUZ that you are still trying...nothing more. Congress has NO power with the DOS in these cases.


I sent a letter to the President, all it got done was to be forwarded to the DOS in Washington and some "chief" sent me a letter.


Now, that was one sorry letter let me tell you. But it opened my eyes to reality. The letter was maily horse shit directly from the horse's mouth, so to speak, just like the letters from my Congressmen with their "gallant" attempts to help me. I already knew what they told me in their letters.


In the letter from the DOS "chief" about 3 paragraphs down it was clearly explained that under Congress's "INA ACT" that there will be absolutely NO INTERVENTION to the original VO's ultimate decision...NONE


I would give you guys this Chinese man's name and phone number if I had it. My gal went down to hot sweaty, awful Guangzhou and spent 4 days researching and interviewing. Her eyes got really opened to the whole visa process!!!!!


Yes, those people out in the halls below the consulate are pests as they try and pull you in if they see a blue or white slip, and most of them are looking for that easy 5,000-10,000rmb upfront fee. They ALL, will tell you you need to wait 2-3 months for any results. My gal started telling them, why would I give you money upfront when you may not even lift a finger and just wait the time out and tell me "sorry"?


This guy doesn't ask a lot of questions, hell, he knows what you want, and he knows it's a crap shoot. We waited too long to try this. He may have been able to help us sooner but we were already in "administrative review" by the time we tried.


I'm not going to ask my lil' rabbit about what floor he's on (wish I remembered) because GUZ, america, and applications is not something we talk about anymore and it would only bring up bad memories for her. She got shit on by the american government. I NEVER bring up the subject as she is TOO HAPPY nowadays.


Lawyers in an AP blue slip case? Don't waste your money, do it Chinese style. ;)


I've never seen this topic of using Chinese agency's to help...but I'll guarantee you there are an awful lot of Chinese women who had trouble with visas, and are now with their american husbands tonight... and ol' hubby has no clue. :)




This ol' guy has been in business a long time, he's seen everything, he knows of M's reputation and ways, and he may be able to do nothing for you, but he doesn't bullshit you, and he doesn't ask for anything until he gets you a visa. And he will send your lady's passport and blue slip back to her if he can do no good for her. As well, he isn't looking for any trouble so the visas ARE legit.


You must do this quickly, if you are going to do it, and who knows, you may have gotten a visa anyhow, even though that's not generally the case anymore with the changes in GUZ. Now they just make you wait forever, white slip you, and you have no recourse as they have cut out keeping a case in GUZ, when you had an AP blue slip.


Good luck guys, I hope the best for everyone, and I have been as open and honest as to our experience with the american government as I could be.


I am damn thankful to not have them interfering in our bona fide relationship any longer, and I'm damn sorry to see the american government interfering with your bona fide relationships. :P


tsap seui

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hang in there - GUZ mentions wait up to 3 months, then start requesting status. It's a PITA, but ya gotta wait. It's only been 3 weeks - patience is a virtue, one must be virtuous in this case, in spite of all other emotional stuff going on.


I feel for ya, really I do, but ya never know - they might come through next week with a phone call or letter to her.

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