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Plz advise on lawyer in Southern Cal area; what questions to ask

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Guest WenDylan

I quickly realized that hiring a lawyer to "guide" me through this maze of smoke and mirrors, gubmint' style! is like paying someone to look at MY watch and tell ME what time it is!


You have to dig up all the info, get the documents ie: divorce, marriage, birth, identification, pictures, receipts, etc. and then hand them to the lawyer that will then type up a form, attach what you just gave them, and throw it in the mail for you. This to me is a secretary, not a lawyer, but nonetheless, the secretary charges as if they are a lawyer!


Yep!.......sounds expensive, and who does all of the work?

Me? :sweating_buckets:

Edited by WenDylan (see edit history)
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All of these anti-specialist arguments are accurate and right-on.


Nonetheless, there are GOOD professionals out there. Not all are 'lawyers'. The OP asked for one. Just because some, maybe many, of you did it on your own or had bad experiences with pros does not mean there are not competent visa pros available. :sweating_buckets:


Argument 1: If you have a grade school education and are dedicated to your SO, you best can be assured that it is done correctly by doing it yourself.


Argument 2: So it is just mine, but there are good, competent immigration professional in the world who do take a personal interest in your case (sure not as personal as yours) and will do their utmost and work their hardest to be assured that the correct forms are filed and filed on time.


Of course, those professionals are not much different than a good secretary who transcribes the information handed to them. So what?

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All of these anti-specialist arguments are accurate and right-on.


Nonetheless, there are GOOD professionals out there. Not all are 'lawyers'. The OP asked for one. Just because some, maybe many, of you did it on your own or had bad experiences with pros does not mean there are not competent visa pros available. :lol:


Argument 1: If you have a grade school education and are dedicated to your SO, you best can be assured that it is done correctly by doing it yourself.


Argument 2: So it is just mine, but there are good, competent immigration professional in the world who do take a personal interest in your case (sure not as personal as yours) and will do their utmost and work their hardest to be assured that the correct forms are filed and filed on time.


Of course, those professionals are not much different than a good secretary who transcribes the information handed to them. So what?


True, but it is "luck of the draw".....and you can't be certen, I am a "hands on" dude......but to each their own.

I just don't trust anyone else to deal with this matter. :) IMO :)

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If you do use a lawyer don't trust them to do it error free. Lawyers can and often do make mistakes on paperwork. Dennis made some good points but..... if you have to take the time to double check the lawyer's work why not just do it yourself? Most people who use a lawyer do so to buy themselves some peace of mind. This can also cost you some serious time if your complacency allows some serious mistakes.

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It always baffles me why people look towards a lawyer to help them fill out these forms. Some state it is for peace of mind, but consider this..


Where does the laywer get the information to fill out each box on the form? From you, which is usually from another form.


Where does the lawyer get the documents to put with the forms. You spend the time to gather them and send them to the lawyer.


So you have paid the lawyer $2000 or more to do what? Transfer information from one form to another and bind documents together. Yet, can you be absolutely sure he transfered correctly. No. So you must go over the forms with a fine tooth comb.


Takes you more time to follow up someone and check their work than to do it yourself. So you are actually costing yourself valuable time.


If you can fill out the lawyers forms, you can fill out the government forms. All you need to do is learn to use acco fastners.


These forms are no more difficult than filling out the forms at the DMV. Maybe a little longer, but the level is the same. Do you hire a lawyer to make sure your DMV forms are filled out correctly?

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It's always the same argument....


...when someone comes on and asks for a good immigration 'professional' (lawyer); instead of just offering one, they get inundated with reasons why they shouldn't use one and how (in essence) stupid they must be to do so. :sosad:


And, once again, I will tell them that there are good services available that CAN do it for them...sigh

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It's always the same argument....


...when someone comes on and asks for a good immigration 'professional' (lawyer); instead of just offering one, they get inundated with reasons why they shouldn't use one and how (in essence) stupid they must be to do so. :D


And, once again, I will tell them that there are good services available that CAN do it for them...sigh


Not stupid just uninformed.


Yes we can shut our mouths and offer just a name of a service.


Except this site is founded on the principle of helping each other. What help have you given your friend when they decide to spend money, you know of a way for them to save money and you just shut your mouth?


It is still up to them which way to go. You haven't taken away the option for them to get a lawyer. You have just tried to assure them how easy it is for them to do it themselves.

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It all boils down to comfort level IMHO. I for wouldn't dream of doing my own taxes, I've got a CPA that I pay to do it for me. His name is on the forms also and he takes care of everything. Bad comparison, I know but some folks feel better having a "pro" do things. By the way, I filed everything [with CFL assist] myself.

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Hey, you guys are awesome! Thank you very much for your candid inputs, I will definitely take them into account.


Xie xie ni men!



There are many competent immigration services available that charge a nominal fee. I highly recommend Atlas Services. :unsure:


Good Luck

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I just talked with my fiancee Lifeng a week ago about a friend of hers in Qingdao who was going to have to go back to GUZ for another interview because her fiancees lawyer stateside did not include all of the necessary documents. They are upset that after paying $3,000.00 they have to go back for another interview. Save your money, read the site here and you will be much better off. Good luck.

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