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arrest for misdemeanors

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The I-751 application is due.

The wife was just arrested in Houston (mostly because the police were conducting a sting and she doesn't speak English)


The charges should ultimately be dropped, but one of them is an immigration issue.

I need to report the arrest on the application, but how much do I say?

The case is a couple months from being settled.


any help on this one?



I debated whether or not to touch this issue. I'm not known for a long sense of patience and immediately will call a spade, a spade. Kindness ain;t my forte'


However, in your situation I'm intimately familiar with it and it also happened in Houston per chance. However, this had to do with a Korean woman/women. This was approximately 12 years back or so. I was a Platoon Sergeant in Fort Hood TX, 75 miles north of Austin. One of my soldiers married a Korean woman, brought her back to the US. She didn't speak English very well. I spoke Korean semi-fluently and attempted to help her find gainful employment. Korean women are no different than Chinese women. They gather in small groups and aid/comfort each other.


Needless to say, Yong fell into the same trap as your wife did. Promises of job tips, millions of dollars to be made, easy hours, no language needed, no proof of education needed, etc, etc. She went to Houston. Same Houston PD, made the same identical sting you spoke of. All were swept into the net, for prostitution, solicitation of prostitution, resisting arrest, possession of drugs, etc, etc. IMHO, Houston PD had many of them dead to rights! Some were innocent, many were not! Texas doesn't have a new set of Draconian laws differing from the rest of the majority of the US. As a side note, I enjoyed Texas laws, since my ex-wife could protect herself better in Texas than anywhere else in the US. However, I digress.


As a side thought. are you absolutely sure that you are not turning a blind eye to what may be on-going? I don't want to impinge on your lady's honor. Just intellectual fodder for you to ponder.


Albeit, there is little doubt that prostitution was going on. Many others pointed and suspected this and you find them at your leisure. They simply are being polite. However, in this type of operation; all are guilty until proven innocent! Was it all of them? I don't know. Was your wife involved? Only you!: can answer this question! Only a husband or a lover knows his wife best. And at times this can be tenuous at best! My wife and I are still learning each others secrets, after 4 years of marriage. No! Not past lovers! The items that truly mundane household items make a Chinese woman and our marriage tick!


Dave and Yong had a soldier's monthly funds incoming and even less in savings. Being in their financial state, they opted for a Public Defender. Upon his (PD's) advice and David's acquiesce, she pled no contest to the charges and was given a short term of unsupervised probation, time served and was released immediately.


2 years later, this crime of moral turpitude had a huge impact. It came up immediately. She and her husband divorced later, but she still lives under the net. Please remember this was pre-9/11 and approx 10 years ago.


These days, post-9/11, advances in computer networking, etc make this a short-lived daydream to escape forever. Someday, someone will come knocking. It is not a matter of if! It is a matter of when!


My suggestions:


1) Get every piece of legal paperwork there is. Doesn't matter if it was jail-house inventory. Keep all of it it in a separate folder.

2) You probably have already a competent attorney. Good! No plea deals. If she pleas no contest, both of your proverbial boat's are sunk. Fight like Hell, if you wish to remain with her!

3) Under no circumstances, should she be associated with her former associates. Both of you will be under a microscope, why would one want to complicate things if further checks are conducted?

4) Start getting your letter of explanation together, today! You know they will ask for it! Why wait and have a hastily typed explanation for them at the last minute?

5) You and your wife need to get a game-plan together and I mean right now. The Texas area as far as I remember is a fast track site. Your appointment will be with you very, very soon. I did a post a while back on this. Check my postings. My wife Yin did her biometrics, she was later given an appointment. On her appointment, they (USCIS) reviewed her paperwork and she was interviewed the same day. You better have items 1 - 4 answered in your hand. I assure you that USCIS in your area is far more efficient in the US than GUZ. They have already been computer networking.


My final piece of advice and the most sensitive. I went back and read your past postings. Are you sure you wish to pursue this issue? You can only answer this yourself. If her child and her are worth it...then go for it. Back her up all they way.


However, there is always the other hand. If the losses you sustain are beyond what they worth, then I suggest you cut and run!


In either case, you will be a winner. However, winning in either case does not mean that your heart, mind and soul are not hurt at the same time. Time heals all wounds. However, the solution does not come from you; The eventual solution comes from the both of you, agreed upon by both of you and followed by the both of you.


I hope that I have not tread upon your heart and mind too terribly. I understand the stress that much be in your lives right now. I have attempted to curb my usual sarcasm. My PM is always open and I will not condemn any thoughts you have or assistance that I can give will be non-prejudicial.



Edited by Cerberus (see edit history)
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Frank - isn't there one more thing ?

does it say 1]arrested, 2]charged or 3]convicted for that form?


If only 'convicted', then you have some breathing room, try really hard to have the charges dropped altogether.


Cerebus makes excellent points, right in line with what I might have said. Houston IS a strange place for chinese prostitution and living under the raidar, though...

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Frank - isn't there one more thing ?

does it say 1]arrested, 2]charged or 3]convicted for that form?


If only 'convicted', then you have some breathing room, try really hard to have the charges dropped altogether.


Cerebus makes excellent points, right in line with what I might have said. Houston IS a strange place for chinese prostitution and living under the raidar, though...



Just to echo your thoughts' The Japanese, Chinese, Malaysian, Chinese, Indonesian, Korean and Pinay network is so strong in the Houston area......it would blow you away!


Same as in LA and many, many, many other cities, including San Diego.


Gentlemen! Do you really think that you are the only game/marriage in town? If you believe this; you are sadly delusional! I speak other Oriental languages, enough to understand what they mean. Believe me gentlemen when I say that you better have your act together in love and your marriages and with what you have today! You are high priced goods today! Crap on what you have today?; You definitely will pay tomorrow


That is what I stated in two other posts. After 4 years of inter-cultural marriage, I'm still learning what makes my wife "tick"! I'm no idiot! However, learning a Chinese woman is leaning about what makes her heart strong, learning about yourself at the same time.


Now you know where some of my sarcastic humor comes from.


Frank, this is no diatribe about you or implicating the both of you. I applaud your efforts to stand behind your decisions and your wife. Few men have this type of resolve today. I pray that both of you emerge from this situation intact, somewhat-scarred, but the wiser for the both of you. Life can only be better.


One more small piece of advice is that both of you, is to sit down with each other and quietly discuss what both have to lose and gain. Truly Frank, have you done every effort to obtain a career for your wife in Las Vegas? I personally know, that I have not done as much as I can can to help my own wife. There is no one to blame but myself! I want my wife out of the house, gain her own self-worth, improve herself intellectually, etc, etc.


May I be blunt? Your wife ain't going to be happy or change the world this being a massage therapist or whatever! That is why both of you need to talk. Find out what turns her on, educationally speaking. I assure you of this and is the same with my wife, she will state that she knows no English language, everyone hates the Chinese, they didn't do it this way in China, etc, etc, etc. There isn't a single excuse that I haven't heard. When I resolve all of her excuses and anxieties? She will come up with a new one!


As a illustration point. My own wife turned down training as a pharmacist assistant due too much required research is needed everyday and on-going to stay current. She decided that a Dental Assistant would be better. However, she needed X-Ray specs/quals are needed to get a good career. I sent her to school. Unfortunately, I get to pay too! LOL!


Find out what really turns your wife on! It may be something that you think that is stupid and inane, like painting flowers on a plate or whatever. However, it makes her happy! Not you will happy! She is happy doing what she loves! That is what you need to discover. What she loves. I have seen many soldiers is the same predicament as that that you are in now. Talk and LISTEN to her! The ramblings may be obtuse, however this what you chose to marry. Get used to it and LISTEN to her.


Your wife and yourself have a very, very long way to go my acquaintance. My PM is always open as is probably many others. However, you have many miles to go with your own wife and much to learn from both of you.


I sincerely hope that don't abandon CFL because of my words. We truly want to help. However, there are times when we can advise, but the both of you need to help yourselves. Advice is readily available on this forum.


This being aside, I need advice. What does 5,000 years of Chinese culture vs 270 years of US culture have to do with with me having to make dinner and wash the dishes? I think I'm being suckered. As you might have noticed some of your problems will never go away, Frank! :lol:

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