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Hey all...me again. I don't know if I posted this in the right place but...here goes.


After looking at many of the other members' timelines, I noticed that a lot of petitioners traveled to China and were present at their SO's interview at the consulate.


This may sound like a stupid question and maybe I should have researched this whole process better before I started it but....IS IT REQUIRED THAT I BE THERE WITH HER AT THE INTERVIEW?


I am a full-time college student and work full-time so it would be difficult for me to take the time off from both to make the trip. Of course, if it is necessary for me to be there....then I WILL MAKE WHATEVER SACRIFICE I HAVE TO. But if my stay there would be more than 5 days, then that would not be good, professionally or academically. I know my petition hasn't even been approved yet and I am probably "jumping the gun" on this, but I figured it would be a good idea to find out the answer in advance so I can plan accordingly.


Once again..thanks in advance. I love this place. :cheering:


Also...congrats to all members who have interviews coming up. GOOD LUCK!

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In a word NO, it is not required that you be present for the interview. There's no concrete evidence that being there increases the chances one way or another. Many feel that being there and having their SO be able to hand the their passport to the VO is a plus. How big a plus is up for constant debate. Success seems to be just as likely whether the USC is there or not.


Having said that, the more trips you can make the better. If you can make it back over before the interview that would be a plus. But there are plenty of cases of folks making one trip, not being there for the interview and still getting pink.


Good luck. :cheering:

Edited by IllinoisDave (see edit history)
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Even though I was there at GUZ at interview time, I agree with what Dave says.


I was fortunate that my career situation and life right now, allowed me to be there. I also understand that many others just cannot pull it together, due to work and or budget considerations, especially given the airfare situation now.


I think our interview result would have been exactly the same, if I could not attend.


I wanted to be there not so much for the interview experience, but more to assist both wife and daughter with the airports, the luggage, and ensure no issues at POE time. I make a very piss-poor 'bystander'; I wanted to have my hand in the entire process.

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What I think you may want to do is to take an overall look at yourself, your future wife, and the facts of your case and then analyze how to optimize you chances of success.


Is the young lady strong, confident, and fluent in English? If so, this may lessen the utility of your presence.


Will you be able to make another trip before interview time? Sure you only need one but in many cases multiple trips help to convince the VO that the relationship is real.


Are there financial factors, family factors, etc that might cause suspicion that you are a "bought" sponsor? If so, many things will need to be done to strengthen your case.


Be objective, think it through ... good luck!

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William, it's NOT mandatory or even a deal maker to be at the interview.


In our case I went to Guangzhou almost two weeks ahead of the interview to help out with medicals, give us a chance to walk through the building together to see exactly what to expect on the big day, and to show my fiancee my support for her.


I wanted to help her be as stress free as possible on that day. A few mornings we walked to the front of the building, where the ladies line up, and watched the whole process, even went in with the group up to the forth floor and saw the procedure, to the point where they go on up to the fifth floor.


We had both prepared so many things, and much evidence, for that day, and her being able to hand in my passport was just another bit of evidence we could show. As a couple it was great to do this together. I was very lucky, being self employed, that I could call my own shots and do this, and she loved my support.


If you can't make it over for that important day, don't beat yourself up. Many can't make it and their lady gets the pink slip.


:cheering: By the way, even with our double kitchen sink worth of evidence, rehearsals for the interview, and my being in Guangzhou...

when my fiancee handed in my passport, along with her's, to the VO, it was handed right back with a disgusted look...UNOPENED. :cheering:


Good luck with your interview, your lady will do just fine.


tsap seui

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I cant add or detract from anything that has been said...no it is not mandatory. Ask your lady what she would like....in our situation, Jie wanted me there, I wanted to be there, and I had the time and the means to go, so I did. Looking back, I wouldnt change a thing.

Turned out it was great moral support for her, plus I relieved her of having to carry papers, think about this, think about that, so she could just focus on the interview with no other worries. If anything, my being there helped her confidence and helped relax her for the interview.


Most important.....for us it was one more time in China with her, and one more time we got to share an experience together.

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To be there in the coffee shop in the Consulate building, seeing her face and sharing the happiness of receiving the "Pink" just moments before was priceless and a moment in my life that I will NEVER forget and relive in my mind again and again forever more!


If it were any other colored paper, I just wouldn't have felt comfortable being so many miles away, not being by her side to help console, reassure and comfort her would disturb me to no end.


Not required to attend, but if any way possible, in my mind...it's a must!



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Guest Rob & Jin

I go with Clayton on this one :lol:



not essential maybe(depends on many factors), but on that day I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else but with her.


JMHO :lol:

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Even though I was there at GUZ at interview time, I agree with what Dave says.


I was fortunate that my career situation and life right now, allowed me to be there. I also understand that many others just cannot pull it together, due to work and or budget considerations, especially given the airfare situation now.


I think our interview result would have been exactly the same, if I could not attend.


I wanted to be there not so much for the interview experience, but more to assist both wife and daughter with the airports, the luggage, and ensure no issues at POE time. I make a very piss-poor 'bystander'; I wanted to have my hand in the entire process.


What Roger said is exactly the same for me.


I am lucky to be in a situation where I could do this. The experience and memories are priceless.


However, that does not at all imply that those who cannot be in Guangzhou should be excluded or even trepidatious that thier circumstances do not allow them to make the trip.


The CFL member 'thewaitiskillingme' could not be here. His fianc¨¦e got PINK. There are many, many similar stories...


Best of luck to you. :ph34r:

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Once again...thanks all! I would love to be able to be there for the interview when it is time. I could probably manage it in terms of getting time off school and work. Sadly, I don't think I could manage it financially. I am not poor, and my SO and I will live comfortably here after we are married....but I don't think I could manage additional trips there. I HOPE THE FACT THAT I ONLY WENT THERE ONCE WILL NOT HURT OUR CHANCES OF GETTING PINK. :clapping:

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Don't worry of this for one moment! One trip is all that is required for the visa process and there are numerous others here on CFL who have obtained the "Pink" with only one trip.


But, start putting a little aside each pay period because I am sure your future wife will have the want and need to return to visit her family from time to time. China is wonderful and cheap. Well worth the sacrifices you'll make now to afford your future travels to China later.


We are soon to travel to Seattle for two weeks and the expense of this trip will cost double what a trip to China costs us. Here the food, gas, rental car, entertainment, hotels...etc., etc., does not make up for the airfare difference between the two destinations!


Good luck in the "Pink" lotto!



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