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OT - E-Mail woes and titles

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For anyone who may have tried to send an e-mail to me and did not get a reply, I was not ignoring you. The recent trend of using real sounding names on the return addresses of spam has forced me to get pretty heavy handed on the filters and on the delete button. Mail forwarded from Candle tends to end up in the Junk mail folder. Best way is to use the PM feature.


BTW since it was mentioned in another thread and since so many people are new to the board since then, the titles on my signature were bestowed by Mick back in the days that I was directly battling with both the Shenyang and Guangzhou Consulates. Humor was a big way of overcoming the stress that many of us were going through.


I remember someone dubbing Eric as the King of Candle back then also.


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For anyone who may have tried to send an e-mail to me and did not get a reply, I was not ignoring you.  The recent trend of using real sounding names on the return addresses of spam has forced me to get pretty heavy handed on the filters and on the delete button.  Mail forwarded from Candle tends to end up in the Junk mail folder.  Best way is to use the PM feature.


BTW since it was mentioned in another thread and since so many people are new to the board since then, the titles on my signature were bestowed by Mick back in the days that I was directly battling with both the Shenyang and Guangzhou Consulates.  Humor was a big way of overcoming the stress that many of us were going through.


I remember someone dubbing Eric as the King of Candle back then also.


Didn't get your recent e-mail Owen but did get your PM. Hope things are ok with your Mom.


Oh how I do remember those days when you were battling the powers that be.....I think the real turning point came on February 10! You deserve the title on your signature now more than ever! :D


As for Eric....well...King????? :lol:


How about "Fresh Prince of Ft. Lauderdale"? :D :P :lol:

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