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Reply from Guangzhou

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I e-mailed the Consulate a few days ago asking for information about our blue card "overturn". I put this in quotes because nothing was checked on the form and no reason was given for their not wanting to issue a visa at that time, so we are basically talking about overturning a non-decision) ~ a logical contradiction. Here is their response.


Is this the usual "Don't call us; we'll call you"? The syntax was not edited by me and this is the exact message the US government sent to me.


Did they say anything here, besides that they got it?



"Dear Mr. ****** (name spelled wrong),


Please be advised that we have received the submission of your overcome documents. Your wife's case is in the line of waiting for being

reviewed. We are unable to predict when it will be finished. But rest

assured that we will contact your wife immediately by mail once her case is ready for continued processing.




Immigrant Visa Unit

U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou"

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Ol' buddy, below is just one of thirty-some replys I have gotten from the visa mobsters and we're closing in on 9 freakin' months of this bullshit, with no end in sight, and tons of brain numbing dumb-assed responces like this.


By the way, if ya waste your time sending a letter or two or three to congressmen :P this is the same lame assed crap of a responce you will get from them, too.


We soon will have had 9 months of our lives STOLEN from us by the goon platoon in GUZ...and her interview the lil' rabbit answered 31 "very detailed" questions, not 2 or 3 simple ones, and she DID show my financials....oh that's right, my financials were one of the things our son had to go pick up when the VO threw them back at my fiancee and they scattered all over the interview room floor. "Fetch, ya little dog."


I sympathise with ya ol' buddy, let's just count our lucky stars that the government doesn't treat our wimmin and their kids like they used to treat the american Indians....have the soldiers round 'em up and slaughter them them by using them for target practice. ;)


It'll work out buddy, hang tough.



tsap seui






Please be advised that this immigrant visa application is still under

review. We will contact the applicant once this case is ready for

continued processing. We apologize for the inconvenience associated


this process.


To respond to this email, use only the web form at

http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/guangzhou/iv/email.html. E-mails sent

via "reply" will not be received.



Immigrant Visa Unit

U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou

1 Shamian South Street

Guangzhou, Guangdong 510133


Fax: 86-20-38844412

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Oh, I knew it was just their way of putting me off with the "we're working on it" thing. I am always hopeful things will work out fine (what have I done wrong?). But I would not like to be caught in a maelstrom of unending "review".


I did feel, however, for my $1,000 and eight months of time they could at least write a letter in regular English, instead of Chinglish. But whatever they write, idiomatic or not, they are still saying nothing. That must be a long queue for a photo and a one page letter to remain unlooked at for 6 weeks.





I sympathise with ya ol' buddy, let's just count our lucky stars that the government doesn't treat our wimmin and their kids like they used to treat the american Indians....have the soldiers round 'em up and slaughter them them by using them for target practice. :P


It'll work out buddy, hang tough.

tsap seui

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Oh, I knew it was just their way of putting me off with the "we're working on it" thing. I am always hopeful things will work out fine (what have I done wrong?). But I would not like to be caught in a maelstrom of unending "review".


I did feel, however, for my $1,000 and eight months of time they could at least write a letter in regular English, instead of Chinglish. But whatever they write, idiomatic or not, they are still saying nothing. That must be a long queue for a photo and a one page letter to remain unlooked at for 6 weeks.





I sympathise with ya ol' buddy, let's just count our lucky stars that the government doesn't treat our wimmin and their kids like they used to treat the american Indians....have the soldiers round 'em up and slaughter them them by using them for target practice. ;)


It'll work out buddy, hang tough.

tsap seui


So many photos and one page letters....so little time. :P


Well, it's only 40 minutes until my daily call to those DOS "specialists" for my daily fix of...."This case is in review" ....they don't make an emoticon of a guy bent over with a government official pokin' them from behind that I could put in here so just visualize it.


I'm just happy the VO didn't take the lil' rabbit and son outside and shoot them on interview day. :)


tsap seui


YEEEEHAAAAAWWW another happy day in the land of the freakin' free ;) :toot: :toot:

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That is certainly the $64 question, benc. You are assuming there is a "procedure". That place is as opaque as a brick wall. For all anyone knows, they might have two piles in the office: one pile is for people whose chains they just wanted to yank, and the other is for people whose case is denied but they want to torture them for a while first.


The first pile people get a quick "overturn" and walk away smiling. The second pile people get to stew in their own juices for months (or years) while the case is "under review". Sort of like "the check is in the mail".


There is no doubt that making THAT particular process transparent would help a great number of people get off of the waiting-in-limbo square and make other plans for their lives.


Perhaps someone out there in candle land knows of a "flow chart" of how blue card reviews go? I don't.


Can some one tell me the procedure the consulte take when your received a so call "Blue Slip"?


What is the exact flow process?

Edited by shyaushu (see edit history)
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That is certainly the $64 question, benc. You are assuming there is a "procedure". That place is as opaque as a brick wall. For all anyone knows, they might have two piles in the office: one pile is for people whose chains they just wanted to yank, and the other is for people whose case is denied but they want to torture them for a while first.


The first pile people get a quick "overturn" and walk away smiling. The second pile people get to stew in their own juices for months (or years) while the case is "under review". Sort of like "the check is in the mail".


There is no doubt that making THAT particular process transparent would help a great number of people get off of the waiting-in-limbo square and make other plans for their lives.


Perhaps someone out there in candle land knows of a "flow chart" of how blue card reviews go? I don't.


Can some one tell me the procedure the consulte take when your received a so call "Blue Slip"?


What is the exact flow process?


Right on the mark shyaushu!!!! This is a very ugly part of the process for some. It seems that some cases get put in a pile for the next person to come along and look at it. They seem to "pass the buck" or so I have heard. In the meantime our lives are put on hold for how long? There is really no way of telling. We can inquire all we want but they will never tell us the truth.

As far as the "exact flow process"???? Only GZ knows for sure and they certainly will not let us know! We have absolutely no rights in this matter!!

Edited by chilton747 (see edit history)
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I e-mailed the Consulate a few days ago asking for information about our blue card "overturn". I put this in quotes because nothing was checked on the form and no reason was given for their not wanting to issue a visa at that time, so we are basically talking about overturning a non-decision) ~ a logical contradiction. Here is their response.


Is this the usual "Don't call us; we'll call you"? The syntax was not edited by me and this is the exact message the US government sent to me.


Did they say anything here, besides that they got it?



"Dear Mr. ****** (name spelled wrong),


Please be advised that we have received the submission of your overcome documents. Your wife's case is in the line of waiting for being

reviewed. We are unable to predict when it will be finished. But rest

assured that we will contact your wife immediately by mail once her case is ready for continued processing.




Immigrant Visa Unit

U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou"



Okay, I think they ALL use the phrase "please be advised" blah blah cause that's what I got twice. And yeah, they always give some kind of crappy half-ass I knew more before I emailed you answer.


The Visa Call Center is even worse. I could barely understand what the person was even saying.


Oh yeah, and they spelled my name wrong too!

Edited by xiaofeizhu (see edit history)
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I don't think anyone understands the inner workings in GUZ, and that includes the people that work there. While I can understand the logic of them saying "we can't let outside pressure dictate the process, you have to let the VO determine the case" what happens if they make a mistake? Do they have a daily quota? Do complaint letters get put into personnel files?

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What is the exact flow process?


Flow process?


To be exact, I can assure you that the flow process will be directed right up your BUTT, as if you were being given an enema by Uncle Sam hisowndamnself. :dunno: :D


Nothin' sarcastic meant towards you Ben.


The procedure the consulate has taken for us with our 9 months of "administrative processing" blue slip has been.....


1) A VO at American Citizen Hour (the day after my fiancee's interview) lied through his yellowed teeth to me) and told me that we would quickly have a letter asking her to bring her passport back to the consulate, in a month, month and a half.


2) Mondays through Thursdays Uncle Sam has consulate workers hold me down and he humps my rear end everytime I call the "FOS" (Full of Shit....aka...DOS) "specialists" and hear that there has been no change in our case, week after long week, month after mind numbin' month.


3) Fridays, after the FOS "specialist" tells me there is STILL "no change, they are working very hard in Guangzhou" I get held down once again and Uncle Sam gives me an enema so that I will be good and fresh on Monday morning, for that weeks humping. :)


I got news for ya Uncle Sam....I've faked EVERY orgasm. Is that the best you had, little man!!!! :D :lol:


Well, you've read what Shyaushu and Chilton747 and George had to say, and now you got my detailed and objectively honest answer...maybe someone that got a pink slip, and never spent a single minute in blue slip waiting, could you a more happy and "biased" answer. :D



Ben, I hope you never get a blue slip, but if you do, just post about it, there are plenty of people that get them, most just don't post about it, but both on Candle, and behind the scenes there are good people who will try and help you.


Only one or two words above were tongue in cheek, the rest was realistic and real life. :)


tsap seui


Not bitter in the least. I just prefer China's form of communism better than america's. China's form is much more honest. ;)

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I still prefer it here when dealing with US gov. That is what the problem is. They try to run GUZ like it's here and it ain't. If the US citizen [us] were there we could camp out and go everyday till they got sick of seeing us and would pink to get rid of us. Calling on the phone? Hah. E-mail, stock BS replies. Buy me dinner and drinks before ya hose me. Sorry, there I go again. You'ld think the bitter taste would go away, not yet for me. Have to stay hot cause I know something will come up on the next round of "How can we stroke them a little more". On the plus side I'm sure that I'll have the ducks lined up and the only thing that they can do is misplace/lose the file, AGAIN.

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I know many readers of the Candle will wonder why all this brouhaha about spelling names. In itself, it doesn't seem very important, and it isn't, really. But we are all in a very vulnerable position (things are being done to us, and we have little, if any power to effect the outcome). So, in a sense, we are a bit (albeit it a tiny bit!) like a condemned man who has written the governor for a reprieve of his death sentence.


Certainly the man's heart would sink into his stomach if the first thing he read in the governor's response was his mis-spelled name! In a way, there would be no reason to read any further. The impression is they really don't even have a very good idea who they are writing to.


This process is degrading and demeaning enough without the additional insult of their giving the impression they don't actually know who you are. This is the Consulate of the United States of America, after all, and they are writing to an American citizen. Some level of respect and deference is called for.

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I don't recall reading any details about your interview and didn't find a post (?)... so not clear about what appears to have transpired.


Did you submit this by appointment or by quick return by their request?


The letter sounds more like "Admin Review" since the typical overcome decision is 2 days.

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