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USCIS touched my I129-F

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I looked at the USCIS site just a few minutes ago and discovered that USCIS touched my I-129F application.


What does that mean? There is no additional information on the website and I haven't received an email alert.


Does it just mean that someone is now looking at my application?


They can approve, deny or request more information. Correct?

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Griz, it means somebody picked up your application, blew the dust off and looked at it. I think mine got touched 3 times before approval.


Maybe soon they'll approve it :crazy: and you will rocket on to NVC!!!


Good luck out yonder in Montanner,


tsap seui

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Griz, it means somebody picked up your application, blew the dust off and looked at it. I think mine got touched 3 times before approval.


That's true and I always thought that being "touched" was better than gathering dust. :unsure:

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I looked at the USCIS site just a few minutes ago and discovered that USCIS touched my I-129F application.


What does that mean? There is no additional information on the website and I haven't received an email alert.


Does it just mean that someone is now looking at my application?


They can approve, deny or request more information. Correct?


Yes Griz it means admin action at least!! :ph34r:


It is at least in the working bucket!! :D


Only think approve now, not that other stuff!! B)

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I looked at the USCIS site just a few minutes ago and discovered that USCIS touched my I-129F application.


What does that mean? There is no additional information on the website and I haven't received an email alert.


Does it just mean that someone is now looking at my application?


They can approve, deny or request more information. Correct?


Touches, I remember those days. If you want to see touches, look at VJ.




This is the best information I know that helps to explain touches from a former adjudicator at USCIS.


Adjudicators job performance is based on several factors. 1) how many files (petitions) you process everyday 2) number of applications "kicked back" because you made a mistake and they shouldn't have been approved and 3) attention to details and how many errors you make. Management gets a report on each Adjudicator (we all have a individual ID #) showing the total # of petitions processed, number kicked back and how many errors we made. They can call this up anytime and we were required to keep a daily tally of the work we did. When performance appraisal time came around, you would discuss your individual performance with your supervisor.


That¡¯s one of the reasons why you might see that your application was "touched" several times on a given day but no change in status. The adjudicator began working it (touch), went to lunch (touch), came back from lunch (touch) and finished reviewing it and sent it off to be processed (touch). Its touched when it goes back into the queue and etc...


Keep in mind every time a file changes hands whether its signed out to an Adjudicator or some staff person, its gets "wanded" into the system so they can track who specifically has the file. Each file has a scannable bar code. Sometimes you'd be working a file that has someone else working another component of the file or one of the family members. We would always try to keep family members together and approve them at the same time.


Getting back to the way it works,


If at any time you weren't processing enough petitions you would usually be talked to by your supervisor. Generally, this was only if there appeared to be a "trend" in your productivity. Everyone has days when they could process a lot vs. other "slower" days. A lot depends on the complexity of the petition you were working and some other "bean counting" tricks you could use to keep your #'s up. Everyone is trained on certain petitions first and progresses to the more complicated ones. This way they have the more experienced Adjudicators working the more difficult petitions like the 485's etc

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